<Dejà Vu> - A Tribute to Immortality achievers
About Us
We are a Semi-Hardcore Progression Guild with the goal to complete all raiding content. We put emphasis on preparedness and success in our raid environment while having fun. For off-nights you’ll always find our players doing GDKPs, Dungeons, PvP, playing other games, etc. We are currently 19th in progression on Mankrik for Phase3.
Dejà Vu’s raid team consists of 28-29 high level, committed players. If you look to continuously improve and expect the same from your peers, you will find us to be a good fit. Our leadership team will provide you everything you need to succeed. Our roster allows for people to take a week off from time to time and you are expected to maintain at least an 80% attendance rate.
5/5 H
Recruitment Needs:
1 Affliction Lock
Raid Days/Times:
Tuesday 9:00pm-12:00am ST
Wednesday 9:00pm-12:00am ST
Sunday 9:00pm-11:00pm ST (this is an added prog night and has not been used for several weeks. It will return in future phases to speed up progression, and dropped anytime content is cleared by Wednesday night)
Loot System:
We use a loot council system consisting of the Role Lead Officers and Raid Lead. Items are given out with consideration being given to BiS lists, attendance, performance, consumable usage, close alternatives, among other factors.
Feel free to reach out to Elosia directly if you have any questions or would like to apply!
Discord: Neishy

Greetings, adventurers!
Pantheon is a thoughtful, performance-minded, and fun guild that is looking for dedicated players to join our ranks for Wrath of the Lich King Classic. We have been facing attrition in our ranks due to the content being on farm status for kinda long periods and that’s a great opportunity for you!
We are currently recruiting 2-3 DPS that can perform and come prepared to raid:
Death Knight - High
Druid - Medium
Hunter - Medium
Mage - Low
Paladin - Low
Priest - Low
Rogue - Low
Shaman - Medium
Warlock - Low
Warrior - Low
We raid twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8pm to 11pm Eastern. We also run a GDKP group on Mondays at the same time if you’d like to play an alt. Mankrik is a great server with already over 50 Guilds clearing Anub 5/5 and lots of GDKP’s every day.
Discord info: https:// discord.gg/wVz2aXK7 (without the space)

Sat/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
About Us
Last Attempt a weekend raiding classic guild recruiting core roster raiders for 25 man WOTLK content. Last Attempt was originally formed during the original iteration of Wrath of the Lich King and is still going strong as a consistent Cutting Edge retail raiding guild. Members of the community and core raiders are now creating a WOTLK Classic guild to relive the good times!
We have a focus on trying to make the most of the time we raid and having a good time while doing it. Our goal is to clear content, slay internet dragons, and acquire loot in the most efficient manner possible. While we aren’t gunning for realm first or top speed run times, we aim to reduce mandatory 25-man raid days to one raid night.
About You
Must be over age 18, preferably over 21. A sense of humor is required. Guild chat is not family-friendly.
Awareness to remove yourself from fire, frost, poison, shadow, and any other incredibly obvious ground effects, push your buttons close to your classes’ potential, the ability to accept criticism regarding your failures and the ability to learn from them as well, is required.
High Priority
Enhance Shaman
Holy Paladin
Will consider any exceptional applicant.
If interested, please reach out to any of the officers below on discord for more information.
Discord Info
Officers (bnet)

We are a smaller group of likeminded individuals who range in experience from casual to Cutting edge mythic raiders and everything in between. Our goal is to provide a fun and easy going gaming experience within the guild with a hint of competitive aspects to how we play. Being a world first guild or being a competitive speed clearing guild is not something we are interested in but we are expecting to clear all content with relative ease in a timely manner. We are looking for competent players that can both perform and accept feedback if improvements can be made. We also have quite a few members that are avid pvpers and we will be going into a PVP server. 1. Because who doesnt wanna gank the horde I mean come on it’s classic and 2. I mean it’s World of WARcraft not World of Friendships. Here is a list of things to expect if you decide to join us here at Wife Aggro.
We will be logging all of our raids but not for parsing or ranking reasons but to improve the groups experience as a whole and learn from mistakes.
Parses don’t matter here. Come to raid, do the mechanics, get the loot and have a great time doing it. That’s what it’s all about.
Raid Times
- Raid will be on Tuesday and Friday nights 9PM EST
Raid Expectations/Requirements
Consumables, for the initial launch and for some time you will be required to provide your own raid consumes every raid.
World Buffs, Yes we all love and hate them but they will be mandatory. However not in the way you think. We expect you to atleast put effort into attaining majority of the world buffs available. Showing up to raid without them will show that you aren’t willing to put effort into the teams enjoyment of the game (penalties are still under discussion we don’t want to waste your valuable time either).
Level 60 Raiding, When we finally get the level 60 cap unlocked we expect all of our raiders to have their attunements completed and have farmed up atleast 75% of their pre-raid BiS. We understand some items are harder than others and drops will not always be in your favor. We notice effort and as long as the effort is there you will be too.
Loot Rules
- Now for the touchy stuff. We will be running loot council in . Loot council members will be comprised of Officers as well as Core raiders and will rotate each phase going forward. We want a fair experience when it comes to loot and loot council and the balance between officers/raiders within. Favoritism and Funneling is not and will not be tolerated.
Classes/specs needed
- As mentioned above we are a small new guild so all classes/specs are needed currently this will change as we approach the launch for SoD.
If interested please reach out to myself or Deatr via Discord DMs or through Battlenet. I look forward to hearing from you and good luck in your adventures friends.
Discord: https://discord.gg/fX7eKsgQfU
Focal Discord: [20R] Focal#1099
Deatr Discord: Deatr#0604
Focal Battlenet: Focalabyss#1993
Deatr Battlenet: Deatr#1867

Best in Slot on PAGLE-US is looking for like-minded players for efficient progression raiding and raid-achievement capable players. We are “casually hardcore” - we are not going for server first progression kills, but we also do not want to waste time. Many of us have families and other responsibilities, so we want to have fun but also be purposeful with our online time. We currently have three 10m teams that clear 5/5HM with 50 attempts in one night.
Our ideal raiders know their class, the fights, and can take criticism well and also assist other members in a respectful way. Unlike some other guilds, we do not set arbitrary rules on appropriate subject matters that can be discussed amongst our members, on discord or in guild. Many of us love to discuss religion, politics, philosophy, games, etc. while we hang out and play games, so if someone having a different opinion than you could make you upset or angry its likely not a good fit. Instead of banning these types of conversations, we set the expectation that everyone engages with their peers in a respectful manner.
Our Raid Times: 25 man content
Tuesday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST / 5:30pm - 8:30pm PST (Clearing 25 man)
Thursday: 8:30pm - 11:30pm EST / 5:30pm - 8:30pm PST(Clearing our 2x 10 mans)
25m - 54/54 - 5/5 HM with 50 attempts
10m - 54/54 - 5/5 HM with 50 attempts
We do occasionally send a vote to raiders to see if we can extend half an hour if we are close to a kill/clear. 10m content is not regulated or enforced by the guild, but many of our members do run them. We put a raid sign-up for 10mans in the Discord and encourage people to join any groups they’re able to attend.
Core Raider expectations
- Come to raid with proper consumables and preparation for a full night of high performance. This means proper gear sets, flasks and preparation on boss strategies.
- 90% Attendance is required of all raiders, we keep a lean roster to avoid benching. Respect your fellow raiders time and notify us if you are going to miss a week.
Loot Distribution: We use a loot council; loot is awarded based on the following criteria: Performance, Attendance, Raid Preparation, Helpfulness, and Strength of Upgrade.
Current Needs
Death Knight - Unholy/Frost (HIGH)
Rogue - (HIGH)
Warlock - (HIGH)
How to Contact Us
In-game: Please contact Hatchedwolf or Deathbyhot
Discord: Please contact Hatchedwolf at HatchedWolf#9723 or join our guild Discord (discord.gg/SuMuZwNEbc)
BNet: HatchedWolf#1304
We are also happy to consider groups of friends, given they all understand raid spots are performance based, and wont bring in drama. If you think you would be a good fit for our guild feel free to reach out to us!