Work in Progress
0/12 (ICC)
[A] | Pagle - PvE | Work In Progress | Christian Guild Recruiting
Work In Progress (WIP) is a family-friendly Christian-oriented guild on the Pagle server (Alliance).
The guild is profanity-free and all discussion is to be kept PG, so it’s a safe place to play with your whole family. You don’t need to be Christian or religious to join, we don’t preach. No one is expected to be perfect.
We are currently raiding Ulduar 25m 2 nights per week. We accept any and all that want to raid with us. Most raids start at 7:30pm server and we have a hard stop at 10:30pm server (EST). We have some members interested in PVP. Whatever your interests, come try us out! Looking forward to seeing you in-game!

0/12 (ICC)
No longer recruiting