Sat/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
About Us
Last Attempt a weekend raiding classic guild recruiting core roster raiders for 25 man WOTLK content. Last Attempt was originally formed during the original iteration of Wrath of the Lich King and is still going strong as a consistent Cutting Edge retail raiding guild. Members of the community and core raiders are now creating a WOTLK Classic guild to relive the good times!
We have a focus on trying to make the most of the time we raid and having a good time while doing it. Our goal is to clear content, slay internet dragons, and acquire loot in the most efficient manner possible. While we aren’t gunning for realm first or top speed run times, we aim to reduce mandatory 25-man raid days to one raid night.
About You
Must be over age 18, preferably over 21. A sense of humor is required. Guild chat is not family-friendly.
Awareness to remove yourself from fire, frost, poison, shadow, and any other incredibly obvious ground effects, push your buttons close to your classes’ potential, the ability to accept criticism regarding your failures and the ability to learn from them as well, is required.
High Priority
Enhance Shaman
Holy Paladin
Will consider any exceptional applicant.
If interested, please reach out to any of the officers below on discord for more information.
Discord Info
Officers (bnet)

Retaliation is recruiting for 25m progression. Alliance, Atiesh
Phase 1: Immortal, Top 10 Execution server-wide
P2: 9/9 HM (54/54), 1 night, 2 hour yogg-0 clears
P3: 5/5 ToGC
Raid Schedule Tuesday/Wednesday | 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Recruitment Needs:
DPS - Any 1 of:
Shadow Priest
Elemental Shaman
Medium Priority:
Death Knight
Ret Paladin
Feral Druid
Fury Warrior
If you don’t see your class listed, but think we’re a good fit, please apply.
Loot Rules Personal Priority based on the Onslaught system.
About Us In creating Retaliation, we sought to improve upon various raiding experiences we had in other guilds. Our goal is to maintain a raiding environment free from negative attitudes in which people will collaborate to down the hardest content in the game. Concurrently, constructive assessment of performance is important to us. We highly value log analysis, preparing for raids ahead of time, and strategizing in discord. We take progression seriously, and we expect raiders to treat progression bosses seriously. We also know that this type of environment can be a lot of fun and enjoyable to those looking for this type of raid and we’re looking to have a great time in WotLK.
Discord: https://discord.gg/DKfbfZfdeA
Application: https://forms.gle/42di5TSLef2uvQXu8
Edited: 8/5/2023

Grave Diggers is Recruiting!
Grobbulus’ premier morning raiding guild since day one!
50/50 25M TOGC
About us:
We are an early morning raid team comprised mostly of graveyard shift workers, and people from around the world. Our goal is to provide a home for people who need that niche raid schedule and enjoy all content.
Loot list using Thatsmybis Loot distribution is based strictly off performance/attendance and handed out evenly by the raid team as a group.
Weekday Team - Wednesday/Thursday 7AM-11AM
Weekend PuG runs - Saturday/Sunday 7AM-11AM
We also run random pug raids during the week, same start time. Be sure to join our discord if youre interested in other Weekday run times
Recruitment needs:
The Weekday Team is adding a couple of strong driven players for heroic mode progression. We also run exclusive pugs throughout the week and looking for consistent faces for them. Classes listed below.
Being able to make our early raid times is valuable to us, dont hesitate to reach out of your class isnt listed below.
Weekday Team
:paladin~1: Holy Paladin (High Prio)
:deathknight: Unholy/Frost DK (High prio)
:warlock: Warlock (High prio)
:druid: Resto/Boomkin
•Relief players who are looking for 1 day raiding or general filling/casual play
Weekend Team (Soft reserve PuG run)
If youre interested in our Alt friendly soft reserve pug runs on Saturday morning join our discord and sign up weekly.
Discord link code → PNrZgsv
Or message directly on discord Username Drillbit.

50/50 top 20 speed clear on the server
Raid times are tues and thursday 10st to 1st.
We are recruiting warlocks, unholy dk, and prot paladin at this time.

Entropy- Alliance Benediction
We have an extremely experienced and dedicated core and are always open to picking up other exceptional like-minded players. We currently run x2 25-man raids.
Killing content in a timely manner!
Parsing for fun!
Hanging out with a great group of players!
Prot Pally
Blood DK
Feral Druid
Guardian Druid
Loot- Loot Council
Utilized Discord Raid Signups!
Be on time!
Come to raids prepared with full consumable and enchants!
Pull your own weight- meaning do mechanics and playing class to best of ability.
This is the main criteria used for our trial period.
If interested in joining our raid team or inquire about one of the other raid teams feel free to reach out to me directly on discord!