This is Fine 11/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Exíí
ICC: 11/12
Guild Speed Rank: #796  [EU]

This is Fine is now recruiting additional raiders to bolster our ranks for Icecrown Citadel.

Who are we?
We are a self-proclaimed Semi Hardcore Dadguild, with a mixture of all nationalities in Europe. We strive to clear everything on the hardest difficulty and maximise our time and effort to achieve this.

We have cleared ICC 11/12 HC - TOGC with 50/50 attempts left and Full Ulduar 25.

Our raids is a mixture of banter and focus. We expect everyone to respect each others time, but we still find time for banter and social cohesion.

What are we looking for?
Firstly we are looking for mature and respectful raiders.
Raiders who can keep a high attendance
Raiders with high knowledge of their class and role.

Practical info
We raid Wednesday and Sunday 19:30 - 23:00.
We raid 10 man when it suits the guild throughout the week.

Classes we are looking for:
Shaman: Restoration and Elemental
Priest: Disc/Holy
Druid Restoration
Pumpers of any class.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re not one of those classes.

For more information you can write to me on discord or reach out to me ingame on Exíí.

Hidden 9/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Nythena
ICC: 9/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1406  [EU]

[A] Hidden Semi-HC - Is recruiting any decent DPS, ENHANCE shaman, DISC priest for ICC 25 HC Progression

Currently 50/50 in TOGC.
We have been around since Vanilla. We always aim to clear the hard content efficiently and have fun while doing it.
We are a friendly community that can be your home and have some laughs along the way, while still clearing all the hardest content.

Server: Earthshaker/Alliance
Language: English

Main Raid Days
Wed & Thu 19.45-23.00 Server time

Alt Runs and 10mans
We run optional alt runs and 10 man content during the weekends (usually sunday), or on Thursdays when we clear content in 1 day.

We offer

  • Efficient raiding enviroment filled with some jokes and relaxing athmosphere
  • Passionate players, boomer knowledge
  • Always aim to improve.
  • Mature social enviroment, friendly community in and outside of raids. A big family.

Loot System
LC with wishlist (ThatsMyBis)

We expect
Attitude and reliable attendance are key, performance can be learned and coached.
We expect our raiders to come prepared & be respectful of everyone’s time

We are recruiting:
Disc priest
Enhancement shaman
Also considering:
Any good performing DPS
Blood DK with DPS OS

For any questions or if you wish to apply, please contact us on discord, as we are a lot more active there, then we are on forums. I look forward to hearing from you! :wink:

Discord contact
brusnicaghostly - Feel free to DM me
sW57SzFngk - Paste this in Join a Server Discord window to join our channel and introduce yourself/DM any of the officers

Remedy 4/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tilburn
ICC: 4/12
Guild Speed Rank: #586  [EU]

We are WoW veterans with tons of hardcore achievements both in PvP and PvE aspects of the game. We are searching for a crew to join us conquering Icecrown.

Who are we❓

We are around 10 people that have been playing together for more than a decade. We achieved 11th Ragnaros kill worldwide when Classic WoW launched. A lot of us have progressed through various raids in almost every WoW expansion ever. Some of us come with Gladiator title on various PvP seasons and some of us are ex-hardcore PvE players so we are trying to form an environment that we all enjoy in a common ground.

What does “Semi Hardcore” mean for us❓

We value the time of our raiders. So we expect our raiders to have full consumables and maxed professions. We do not force anyone to pick up Engineering, but a character without professions shouldn’t be acceptable in a healthy raiding guild.

Lastly but most importantly, we want all of our raiders to focus on improving themselves and their main characters through the expansion.

Our goal is to lead a guild that is built for killing bosses efficiently without anyone being forced to carry anyone else’s shortcomings.

What does “Semi Hardcore” not mean for us❓

Doing split runs to min-max gearing unnecessarily, doing speed runs to show how “good” we are, making 2 raids to gear main raiders and poach players from the second team, expecting minimum 95 parse from everyone. We do not seek these trends.

Raid Days :scroll:

Sunday - 15:00 ST to 18:00 ST
Monday - 20:00 ST to 23:00 ST (If absolutely necessary for 25 man progress)

Both days are for the 25-man raids. We are forming 10-man raids separately, but attendance won’t be mandatory.

Loot Distribution :trident:

Loot council is our preferred method, however, we temporarily need a few pugs per week therefore we will stick to SR for a while. The moment we have enough raiders, we’ll switch back to LC. We prioritize best performing members to get the most important BiS pieces first while tracking which item is best for which spec. This also doesn’t mean lower-performing members won’t get any loot.

LC will never be unfairly biased towards veteran members and we never faced a loot drama with how we distribute loot in the past guilds we’ve led.

What are we looking for❓

We are looking for respectful, progressive-minded people that value their time like we do while focusing on having fun!

Required Classes:

Deathknight: Medium - Frost/Unholy
Druid: Medium - Balance/Feral
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Medium
Priest: Medium - Shadow
Rogue: Medium
Shaman: Medium - Enhancement/Elemental
Warlock: High

If you are looking for a chill raiding/PvP environment that progresses with a minimum amount of stress, consider joining us.

Discord: D8rSrsjGbj

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New - Old - Guild Progress - Speed
Last Updated: 166 Days 17 Hours 38 Minutes ago