Bane 11/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Sabrecurse
ICC: 11/12
Guild Speed Rank: #533  [US]

[H] | US-Mankrik | Evening Raids | Semi-Hardcore
53/54 Phase 2 Ulduar
4/5 Phase 3 H TOGC

About Us
Bane is a raiding guild formed day one of Classic Vanilla. Originally formed on Pagle-US for classic launch then transferred to Mankrik before AQ40 release, we have been on this server ever since, maintaining a presence within the top 25 for progression, speed and other metrics on server. We were the 87th guild to down Algalon on our server, but were top 25 and top 10 on other bosses last phase. We strive to clear content quickly and efficiently as possible, pushing for continuous improvement both as individual raiders and as a team.

We have set goals and achievements to work towards and we’re looking for like-minded players to add to our growing community.

Please note that the guild profile on warcraft logs is wildly out of date.

We offer a stable environment to those looking for a new home.

Raid Schedule (EST)
Main Raid Nights - Tuesday / Thursday (8:00pm to 11:30pm)
Alternate Raid Night - Monday (8:00pm to 11:30pm)
The alternate night depends on main raid night availability.
10 man content on off-nights via signups/availability sheet or on main raid nights.
Active players always around for heroics.

Our loot system is Loot Council + Player Submitted Wishlists (20 Items) - Loot decisions publicly available well before raid time. (Set drop order, etc.)
We’ve had no loot drama over 4 years, and don’t plan to. Loot centric players need not apply.

What we’re looking for in Wrath Classic
Main Team (Tues/Thurs) - 3+ DPS (Can Immediately Trial)

High Priority: Caster DPS (Warlocks, Mage, etc.)
Medium Priority: Hunter/Feral/Rogue*
Low Priority: Any Other DPS Classes

All Classes and Roles welcome to apply - Flexibility in specs and multiple characters are an asset.

We are always looking for like-minded players who excel at their class.

If you have any questions or want more info, feel free to reach out to myself via Discord: sabrestorm

Or find us in game! Cheers!

Pantheon 11/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Lyg
ICC: 11/12
Guild Speed Rank: #394  [US]

Greetings, adventurers!

Pantheon is a thoughtful, performance-minded, and fun guild that is looking for dedicated players to join our ranks for Wrath of the Lich King Classic. We have been facing attrition in our ranks due to the content being on farm status for kinda long periods and that’s a great opportunity for you!

We are currently recruiting 2-3 DPS that can perform and come prepared to raid:

Death Knight - High
Druid - Medium
Hunter - Medium
Mage - Low
Paladin - Low
Priest - Low
Rogue - Low
Shaman - Medium
Warlock - Low
Warrior - Low

We raid twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8pm to 11pm Eastern. We also run a GDKP group on Mondays at the same time if you’d like to play an alt. Mankrik is a great server with already over 50 Guilds clearing Anub 5/5 and lots of GDKP’s every day.

Discord info: https:// (without the space)

Back to the Basics 9/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Spottemgotem
ICC: 9/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1216  [US]

Back to the Basics [H] - Mankrik

5/5 TOGC(heroic) 25m realm 21st
54/54 25m realm 50th

Looking for people who want to achieve 25 hardmode/ heroic boss clears. The goal here is to complete each tier in a timely manner. Tues and Thurs 7:30pm -1030pm est.

We will be using a loot council that will cross reference the bis list we prepared. Decisions on loot will be based off personal performance, attendance, signing up on time and overall betterment of the guild. (You show up and perform it tends to benefit the guild and you get loot)

Recruiting big pumpers currently. Logs are a must.

Classes/specs in high demand:
-disc priest
-fire mage
-afflic lock

Always Recruiting for bench spots on a fair rotation

Phractured on discord

Beach Mouse 7/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Joerogadin
ICC: 7/12
Guild Speed Rank: #96  [US]

| semi-core | 5/5 ToGC 54/54 Uld

We’re looking for talented and experienced players for Classic Wrath who are dedicated, care about performance. We aim to perform at a high level on a two-day schedule while maintaining a fun, but focused raid environment.

Raid Times:
Friday: 8pm - 11:00pm server time
Saturday: 8pm - 11:00pm server time

Raider Expectations:
Come to raid prepared: full consumables, optimal gear, proper enchants/gems, and understanding all of the fights.

Loot Distribution:
We use a loot council; loot is awarded based on the following criteria: Strength of Upgrade, Performance, Attendance, Raid Preparation, Team Helpfulness and Positive Attitude. ThatsMyBis to distribute loot. Loot prio is transparent, visible to all raiders and subject to change.

Open Positions:
Ret Paladin

Contact info:

Island Boys 5/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Choopx
ICC: 5/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1228  [US]

< Island Boys > is a semi-hardcore guild whose core has been together since Classic Era. 50/50 10m TOC HC and 4/5 HC 25m TOGC (Anub HC 5%). We have a relaxed environment but expect attentive, prepared, and goal oriented players.

We operate with a 28 man core group. We’re currently recruiting for depth and higher performance. We run two 10 man groups each week and our main 25 man. We are a fair loot council group that uses RCLootCouncil and for added transparency.

Gem/Enchant/Flask/Potion as expected. Pre-pots are expected. Links to guides we use are provided in appropriate Discord channels and familiarity is expected.

Be an expert at your position. Research your class and play the best performing spec for the tier and for our comp. Use parses to your advantage and class discords for research. Lean on leadership for advice when needed.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30pm-11pm EST. Must be on for invites at 7pm.

Classes of Interest:
Healer: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin, Resto Druid
DPS: Rogue, Hunter

Direct Message an officer if interested Choop#7564
In game name - Choopx

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