SF 1/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Siinns
ICC: 1/12
Guild Speed Rank: #27  [US]

Mon 6:45 - 10:00 PM PST

Always seeking stellar raiders, and those that are willing to improve.

OG Raid is a one night a week raid group comprised of former speedrunners and friends who have taken a step back but still love the game. We are looking to fill out a few spots and have a small bench so we can handle IRL callouts, and vacations better. We may no longer be able to invest the time necessary to speedrun but still want to play the game at a high level.

We are led by a group of veteran players that include some of the original leadership team as well as a helpful core group that takes a team first approach to our raiding.

We expect raiders to know their class/role, come to raids prepared.

We strive to keep a lighthearted and drama free guild environment, but still make sure we handle our business come raid night.

If you are exceptional at your class, feel free to apply - any class/role.
We have a greater need at this time for:

Holy Paladin
Fire Mage

A lot of us have been playing together for years through multiple private servers and into classic. If this sounds like the right environment for you, reach out to any of us below and have a chat.


Saved 11/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Nizmø
ICC: 11/12
Guild Speed Rank: #128  [US]

Saved is recruiting gamers. We are a single solid raid team that was formed in Classic during phase 1 with aspirations of clearing all current raid content and later developed into speed clearing/semi-hard core guild.

:memo: Recruiting:
:white_small_square:Affliction / Demo (high need)
:white_small_square:OT (any feral/blood/prot war)
:white_small_square:Fury (with tanking OS is a plus)

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Progress:
:white_small_square:P3 WotLK - 5/5 Tier 9 - (heroic cleared release day) 50/50 chest :white_check_mark:
:white_small_square:P2 WotLK - 14/14 Tier 8 - 9/9 HMs + yogg 0 - 1 night clear
:white_small_square:P1 WotLK - 17/17 Tier 7 - (cleared release day)

:date: Raid Times:
:white_small_square:Wednesday 6:30pm - 10:00pm ST
:white_small_square:Thursday 6:30pm - 10:00pm ST

:moneybag: Loot:
Loot Council.

:mailbox_with_mail: Contact:
For more information, contact the following:
Recruiting Officer: Nghtmre#8902 (Disc)
Ingame Name: Nizmø

Late Bloomers 1/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Thiccform
ICC: 1/12
Guild Speed Rank: #791  [US]

Guildmaster: Thiccform / Goosenuckle

Battlenet: Forent#1516
Discord: Evan#3817

Late Bloomers is a casual raiding guild with a priority on clearing all avaible content on the hardest difficulty. Our goal isnt to be the first guild to clear Heroic but it is to have all available content on farm. Our raid team has a relaxed and fun environment with an emphasis on loot fairness and progression.

If you are coming back from a break and are maybe a bit nervous to apply, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re more than happy to help returning players catch up if they look like they’ll be committed in the long run.

Current Progression
4/5 Heroic TOGC 25M: First 4 Bossed on Farm <1 hour. Expecting to Kill Anub this week.
5/5 Heroic TOGC 10M 50/50

Main Raid: Tuesday & Thursday 8:00-10:30 PM EST
Off Night: (Usually Friday or Sat as needed for 10M - Not required)


Paladin - Ret - TOP PRIORITY (Will Consider a geared H Pally as well)

Death Knight: UH

Druid - Boomkin

Hunter - MM/Surv

Mage - Fire

Priest - Shadow

Rogue - Combat

Shaman - Full

Warlock - Any

Warrior - Fury

If any of this sounds appealing, please reach out. I prefer to have a 1 on 1 via discord. During that conversation I’ll explain our loot system, our overall philosophy, and the general rules.

Please be ready to discuss your raid experience from any version of this game (Retail included) and also provide some logs (If available).

Thank you,

Island Boys 5/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Choopx
ICC: 5/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1228  [US]

< Island Boys > is a semi-hardcore guild whose core has been together since Classic Era. 50/50 10m TOC HC and 4/5 HC 25m TOGC (Anub HC 5%). We have a relaxed environment but expect attentive, prepared, and goal oriented players.

We operate with a 28 man core group. We’re currently recruiting for depth and higher performance. We run two 10 man groups each week and our main 25 man. We are a fair loot council group that uses RCLootCouncil and for added transparency.

Gem/Enchant/Flask/Potion as expected. Pre-pots are expected. Links to guides we use are provided in appropriate Discord channels and familiarity is expected.

Be an expert at your position. Research your class and play the best performing spec for the tier and for our comp. Use parses to your advantage and class discords for research. Lean on leadership for advice when needed.

Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday 7:30pm-11pm EST. Must be on for invites at 7pm.

Classes of Interest:
Healer: Disc Priest, Holy Paladin, Resto Druid
DPS: Rogue, Hunter

Direct Message an officer if interested Choop#7564
In game name - Choopx

To Be Faire 5/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Terramend
ICC: 5/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1832  [US]

We are currently 5/5, 49/50 ToGC H with two 10M teams who are 5/5, 50/50. We were 54/54 in Ulduar.

Current Recruitment Needs:

OT (no feral)
Combat Rogue
Aff warlock (x2)

We are always looking for exceptional players, so don’t hesitate to reach out even if we are not actively recruiting your class.
Our guild is comprised of a core group of players who have played together since Classic with stellar raid leading. We accept players who are positive and are willing to work towards overall guild success for the rest of P3 and through ICC.

*90% attendance rate
*Knowledge of multiple specs for your class
*Individual Preparation for all boss and trash fights with knowledge of mechanics
*Being open to positive critique of your play
*Familiarity with WCL and working to improve your gameplay

Do NOT apply if you aren’t obsessed with your class, or are not 100% confident in your maturity as a human being (at least while fighting bosses). We are interested in folks who are a immune as humanly possible to individual failure while avoiding prima donnas, flakes, lootmongers, trolls and drama kings/queens.

Raid Times
Tuesdays/Thursdays: 6:30 -10:00 We won’t ask you to stay late or come early. Raiding outside of these hours will not be required.

We use TMB with a transparent Loot Priority System. This benefits our raid the most and is most equitable.

Contact us on Discord:
Cheroba / Cherobb
Terra / Terramort
Ph4d3 / Malbeth

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