Player Stats
Item Level: 523 [Equipped: 523]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [3/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 2744
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 20455
Frizz (Night Elf Priest) 3/9 (M)

Group of longtime friends looking for a new guild to progress mythic raiding with again. We were casual in Dragonflight but are wanting to get back into the grind. Currently looking for a guild in the 3/9M range that wants to push further in TWW and are missing a few components to take it to the next step!

Availability: Sunday-Thursday 9:30PM-12:00AM EST

Experience: All are 3/9M, three have CE experience

Frizz: Disc/Rsham (Willing to swap class/Flex DPS)
Tsarenity: MW Monk
FTD: Unholy DK
Ranger: DPS Evoker
Rowdy: Hunter

Contact: Frizzy#11776 or Discord frizzy94

Player Stats
Item Level: 524 [Equipped: 523]
Progress: [0/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 3015
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 18575
Xqwzt (Human Priest) 0/9 (M)

Hey everyone, mythic raider experience healer here with 3k io on 3 different healers in many multiple seasons. (disc/r sham/MW)

Looking for a guild for TWW - I will be switching to Rogue as my main, and then having a healer as my second character.

Ideally a casual serious guild that gets stuff done without all the yelling and screaming is ideal for me. Fully cleared many multiple mythic raid tiers every raid up to legion, but havent raided as much since my guild disbanded since then.

Also bonus points for people who love to push keys!

Please comment here with some guild info and ill add y’all! <3

Spriest LF M Raid/M+ TeamJul 13th, 2024 2:41 pm
Player Stats
Item Level: 526 [Equipped: 526]
Progress: [8/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 3184
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 24640
Emagonasooth (Dwarf Priest) 0/9 (M)

Long time player looking for a mythic plus team and possibly a mythic raid team. Have been playing since the last half of WotLK and have experience playing a wide range of specs as well as raid leading from each role. Have a strong understanding of most specs and strong attendance. Available most week nights, and all weekend normally. Versatile and can play most specs although the focus will most likely be my shadow priest and WW/Brew monk.

  • Looking for at least a guild with a heavy focus pushing keys(higher then KSH level keys)

  • Availability: Most of the time Mon-Thurs ~7pm-~12pm EST, and All day Fri/Sat/Sun.

  • Not interested in raiding more then 2 days/6 hours a week. Also don’t mind being a bench/filler player.

  • Experienced player looking to have a good time pushing higher content with the same group of like minded individuals each week.

If you think we might be a good fit or have any questions (Can link logs or various alts if needed upon request) feel free to add me on discord: Emagonadye or add me on Btag: Judgemental#1525

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Last Updated: 22 Hours 52 Minutes ago