Punished is looking for more DPSSep 19th, 2024 1:56 am
Guild Information
Recruiter: Maristomp
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Punished is a small guild based on Dentarg (connected to Tarren Mill) which is looking more members for TWW and beyond. We will remain a community in TWW along side being open as a cross realm guild who accepts all members regardless of faction and realm.

Our main aim is AotC and if the roster allows some mythic progression down the line, but being casual at nature the mythic bit might be harder to achieve, but maybe this season, who knows.

Nerub-ar Palace progression:
8/8 normal
4/8 heroic

We cannot offer much to you if you decide to join us, but maybe something what we offer is something which catches your interest.

  • We do not track attendance - raid when you are available, however for tanks and healers as often as possible is a high preference
  • We do not have any complex loot systems, your basic need > greed is more then enough with some common sense in between
  • We do not require you to join our guild to be eligible to join our raids, we have a community which allows you to sign up for our events, allowing you to remain with your friends on the realm you are or in a fully social guild with fun events

Our raiding times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, chill, fun and occasionally bit progression oriented on harder content. We do not sadly offer much fun activities though, since our main focus is m+ and raiding.

At the moment we are looking for
tanks: off-spec only
healers: druid, evoker (OS for DPS is a must)
ranged: priest (high need), mage (high need), druid, evoker. Any other ranged DPS is also considered
melee: DH, rougue, shaman

If you didn’t find your class listed poke us regardless, this above is just a wish list and we usually manage with the specs/classes we have somehow. We do believe in that play what you like and love gives the best results!

If you can play OS (even if it is a decent alt) even better, since we are flexible with raid when you can an at times we could lack a specific role or have way too much. Most of the present raiders can play some other spec if truly needed.

If you feel that Punished could be a new place to settle in then add me on discord (am highly elusive in game :wink: ): mari.s

*We also offer new people to join us for our raids to check us out to determine are we the group for you or not - no strings attached.

Guild Information
Recruiter: Aiddalolz
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #


Welcome to Simulacrum!

Guild was formed in May 2020 by a bunch of IRL friends with SL in our mind. We were to many to apply for a guild, and we don’t have time to play as we had when we were younger, so we agreed to build a guild, a group, with the same mindset as we have. We managed to raid a bit of HC at the end of BFA, and went into Mythic in SL and DF.

Core of the guild is made of long standing players (which played in almost all expansions, raiding at high and hardcore level). Most of our players are 30+ so IRL comes first, but we still enjoy this game and we want to progress in it.

We are looking for players with the same mindset, which understand that 6h of raiding/week is not much, and they have to give everything during raids in order to progress further step by step. Coming to raids fully prepared (food/flasks/a fight video seen), doing m+ to increase the ilevel/stats/getting the best item that they can get before the raid is one the feats we are looking for.
In the same time we are looking for ACTIVE players. If you log only 2 nights/week to raid, you are not a fit for us. Logging more often, doing m+ with the guild members, raids, achievement runs or just having fun as a group (discussing or joking on discord) is what we ask from our members.

As most of the guilds, we are aiming to finish every patch as high as we can related to progress. The main goal of the guild is CE and mythic raiding, but when we get it doesn’t matter. If we kill the last boss of the patch in the last day before the next patch, for us its enough.
Right now we are looking for players to fill in the roster for a stable 20-22man group. We don’t want to bench any player, and we will always raid with everyone that signs up, but if some fights will require a specific set-up, we will need for those players to understand and step down, for the sake of the progress.

We have no specific requirements with regards to experience, we are looking for players who wish to improve, will put in the effort to do so and can listen to instructions and act upon them in a raid environment. Discussing the tactic, coming with ideas, or simply if you saw something that we didn’t noticed before is highly appreciated. This is a team effort after all.

Regarding gear, we would like that the new recruits to be ready for the current raiding level. We can invite everyone that is willing to join, and we will give them time to get to the required level/gear, but they will get a trial spot only after they are ready.

Raiding hours (we use Calendar for events):
Monday: 20:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00

Current progress:
S1 - 8/8hc

Current searching for:

DPS - rogue/devoker/hunter/dk/ret/warr
HEALER - 1 (sham/priest/monk)


aidda#2112 (bnet)
Aidda#5460 (discord - yes with BIG A)

Second Wind
Guild Information
Recruiter: Furialina
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Second Wind is built around being more than just a guild to house a raid team, we focus on the social aspect to the game as well. Over the years our community has grown to contain people interested in almost all aspects of the game so no matter what level you play at and what content you’re interested in you will likely find someone to enjoy that content with. Outside of raiding we have members interested in M+, achi/mount/pet farming, social/alt raids, levelling, and generally just playing the game. So even if you’re not looking for a mythic raid experience don’t be afraid to get in touch and see if we have people that share your interests.

Although our raid teams will progress at different rates there is no main team. Each team has similar expectations in terms of preparation and performance. Unlike many guilds with multiple teams we do it for the increased community and we do not cannibalise one team to serve the needs of another nor do we dump people on a “lesser” team if their class is not flavour of the month. Each team is their own entity with their own leaders and their own goals.

We don’t raid long hours so world rank is not something we strive for, our target is simply to achieve the goals of the team with time left to have a bit of fun between tiers. We have no interest in competing with guilds that raid longer hours.

We are a large guild, constantly flirting with the 1000 members cap. It’s not uncommon to see 100+ members online in the evening or during the weekends. So if you want to be part of a larger community, look no further.

Current Progress
Red Team - 1/8 Mythic 7/8 Heroic
Green Team - 5/8 Heroic (8/8 Normal)
Blue Team - 7/8 Heroic (8/8 Normal)
Purple Team - 4/8 Heroic (8/8 Normal)

Red Team - Wed/Thur/Mon. 20:30 - 23:00 server time.
Goal: Cutting Edge

Red team recruitment for TWW:

Green Team - Weds/Thur 20:15 - 23:00 server time.
Goal: Cutting Edge
Extra nights: Monday is an optional night and is used as a progression night at the start of the season but is generally used for farm and 2nd mains/alt during the reset of the season.
Green Team recruitment for TWW:

Blue Team - Wed/Tue. 20:30-23:00 server time.
Goal: Cutting Edge
Extra nights are used as additional progress at the start of every tier.
Blue Team recruitment for TWW:
(+) 1 x holy paladin.

Purple Team - Wed 20:00-23:00 & Sun 19:30-23:00 server time.
Goal: Mid to end tier Mythic Progression. For TWW, Season 1 our goal is to achieve 6/8M
No extra night requirements for Purple team, we stick to the raid days/times above.

Purple Team is currently for TWW:
(+) 1x Healer - disc priest or preservation evoker preferred but other good candidates will be considered as well
(+) 1x Havoc demon hunter

What we expect from you

  • Enjoy yourself. We can’t stress this enough, it’s a game. You’re playing it to have fun, as are we.
  • Be on time. Raid invites are up to 15 minutes before start time with the expectation of starting combat at start time, not summoning stragglers.
  • Be prepared.
  • Be able to communicate. We use Discord for comms. A working microphone is not mandatory but being able to hear calls is. All raid comms are in English.
  • Be able to take (and give) feedback in a constructive way.
  • Keep up. If you fall behind on gear don’t just expect others to boost you through unless you show willing to put in effort as well.

What you can expect from us

  • A nice environment. Toxicity is not tolerated.
  • Continuous improvement. Feedback is appreciated and we act on it where appropriate.
  • Guidance when needed. Even if we can’t help directly there is a chance we will know someone who can.
  • A sense of community. Raiding is only a small part of the game, there is a lot to do outside of raids as well.
  • Transparency. Leadership will always strive to make our decisions, and the reasons for them, clear to everyone.
  • A voice. Some decisions that affect the direction of the guild are given to the members to decide by vote.

If you feel like Second Wind could be the place for you then feel free to drop into our discord (https://discord.gg/twcPgdU ) and open a recruitment support ticket to speak to the team.

Naughty By Nature
Guild Information
Recruiter: Odryh
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hello everyone, I am looking for players who might be interested in running m+ with a good atmosphere and chilling environment.

The main goal is to run keys with a good mood, cool and friendly attitude and even form possible friendships, and progress together as well, with a possible good laugh occasionally.

I dont mind to run keys from 2 (as a way of say it) till 10 (i usually dont go past 10, as the loot won’t change after it and i see no point in going past it, also i dont want to push keys till the maximum possible anymore, as I’ve done before, and I personality don’t find it much amusing, just 7’s are fine, 10 if people want, no problem.

This is not a team, I am looking for friendly and NON-LEAVERS also nontoxic people, to play together with, and who knows, maybe even build a discord server for it if many apply and form a nice community, of course, if we find people, that we absolute synchronize with it, and wish to keep playing a lot, why not, right? Friendships are born when you least expect it :blush:

TL: DR = Toxic or elitist players, dont need to apply here, and won’t be tolerated, those can go and apply on the pushing keys groups, I seek a friendly run and stress free, and not just about the top DPS, yes … yes, making damage is cool, makes you look good, big ego, and bla bla bla, and then what? Dungeon done, bye bye, see you later? Or one wipe and leaving? Well, no thanks. Playing the mechanics right is what matters the most, rest is a bonus. Also remember, even the best of the best can literally mess it up sometimes and cause a wipe, timer will be lost most likely, and the key can be “failed” within time, but in the end of the day, it’s a game, and the key can be repeated, or another key as well.

(I play tank, but other tanks can apply too, as I said, if many people apply, we can build more groups and even a small community)

If you are interested in giving it a shot, please add me on discord

Discord: lordodryh

Saturday Only Raid Guild 4/8 (H)Oct 13th, 2024 1:15 pm
Árathi Five O
Guild Information
Recruiter: Clairemary
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Our AFO (Arathi Five O) Saturday only Raid Team is opening up recruitment again for a few new members 4/8 (H). (10.5 hours total raiding so far) Need DPS, and possibly DPS that have offspec healing in case 2 of our regular healers cant make a raid. Preferably not DK’s or Pallies as we have a fair few. Must be at least 600 item level. Apply here. https://guildsofwow.com/arathi-five-o/recruitment

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