Player Stats
Item Level: 487 [Equipped: 486]
Progress: [1/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [9/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 0
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 16810
Madmaorri (70 Evoker) 9/9 (M)

Valhalla NZ is the only NZ friendly raiding guild in the current top 50 guilds of OCE.

We are currently 60% prog on Mythic fyrakk and looking for interested players to finish out the season and push into War Within.

We have a chill but focuses environment with a lot of good banter. Learn quickly and always be looking for ways to improve.

We raid Wednesday, Sunday, Monday until CE, then we drop down to a 2 night or even 1 night per week. Then chill and play other games together.

If you play at a high level, can make our raid times consistently and striving to push in game - we would love to chat to you.

Interested applicants please contact me on either bnet or disc with logs.
disc: madmaori
bnet: madmaori#11762

2 CE Raiders LF GuildJun 25th, 2024 7:18 pm
Player Stats
Item Level: 528 [Equipped: 528]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [7/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 2666
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 27960
Pezek (Human Warrior) 7/9 (M)

I am the former GM of a CE raiding guild. Myself and one of my officers are looking for a new home to raid in for TWW as we are no longer continuing to raid in our current guild moving forward.

We have multiple CE’s under our belt and looking for a guild that will obtain CE each tier moving forward.

What we’re looking for:

Raid Days: Mon-Thurs (2-3 days)
Raid Times: 8pm-11:30pm EST

adding extra days/time during prog is ok

The classes we consist of are:

Player 1: DK DPS/Warrior DPS/Warlock
Player 2: Resto Shaman/Pres Evoker/Holy Priest

I will provide logs and raider io pages upon request.

Please post your information here and I will reach out to you.

Thank you

Player Stats
Item Level: 487 [Equipped: 487]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [7/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 0
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 17070
Snackz (Dwarf Shaman) 7/9 (M)

Enh/Ele looking for raid team for next XPAC. Guild called it quits
during ATDH at smol prog, joing another guild to get 7/9M and prog on Tindral then lost love for the Xpac since one of the people that quit was a great friend of mine and the only reason i was there. Took the fated season as a break before going back at it.

Multiple CE, SF and top top 50-150 Exp logs to support the past but would like to get back into the hardcore ish scene with the right group

Pref 2 days but will go 3 days for a guild that wants to push

Schedule M-F 5PST-9PST pref.

Talk soon

Snackz#6819 Discord
Snackz#1210 Bnet

528 ret LFG 6-10:30pm ESTJul 17th, 2024 6:08 am
Player Stats
Item Level: 528 [Equipped: 528]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [6/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 2596
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 26330
Moosesanity (Human Paladin) 6/9 (M)


I am looking for a raiding guild going into TWW but am also interesting in raiding until then as well

I have raided end game since 2005 only missing the 2nd season of dragonflight. I am interested in semi hardcore mythic raiding (at least attempting CE each tier)

I am open to guilds that raid weekdays between 6pm and 10:30pm EST only 2-3 days per week.

Player Stats
Item Level: 525 [Equipped: 525]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [6/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 2989
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 21270
Sassycaster (Pandaren Shaman) 6/9 (M)

I’m stepping back from my CE guild, looking for AOTC/Mythic. Mainly just looking for Fun! Disc movie nights are my fav, love running keys! I’m also looking for a reliable key group, I’m tired of pugging lol. Nothing crazy, I aim for 3k, but it’d be fun to see how high we can push! Peeveepee is the devil :P. I only dabble in DPS. I’ve been playing since the middle of BC.
Sassycaster - Mal’ganis if you need to look up stats.
Availability - ONLY Tues/Thurs 9pm EST -or- weekends!
Battle tag - Isidar#1979

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