Player Stats
Item Level: 510 [Equipped: 510]
Progress: [0/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [1/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 1183
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 23105
Ladelva (Troll Druid) 1/9 (M)


the last time I’ve actually raided on WoW was back in Vault where I went 7/8 H, 2/8 M. Life took over and I took an extended break from the game. I moved over to FFXIV where I cleared every savage tier this expansion as well as 4 out of 5 ultimates, the last one being TOP where I should clear by the end of the month. I understand neither game is a 1:1 translation to another, but I’d like to think my ultimate clears are a testament to me being able to stomach progging difficult fights and having the willpower to see them through.

As for what I’m looking for in a guild, I’m historically a RDruid/Moonkin player, but I’m considering any healer or ranged class or spec in TWW. Strong preference for Mage or Warlock, but I’m open to whatever. As I mentioned earlier, I haven’t touched the game in any meaningful way since Vault, so I understand that this is a hard sell, but I’m quickly getting myself back up to speed in S4 to maybe finish up DF with a respectable M+ io or some raid clears under my belt. I have done some very light mythic raiding in S4, having cleared Larodan and progged Smolderon on mythic with a disgustingly low item level, so that shows I can handle mechanics at the very least.

My schedule is flexible outside of weekends. I’m most available Mon-Thurs, any time after 7 PM EST. I’d prefer to raid at most three days of the week. My Discord is thread. (with the dot at the end) if any of this interests you and you’d like to talk more.

Player Stats
Item Level: 521 [Equipped: 521]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [1/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 2808
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 19090
Squizzed (Night Elf Druid) 1/9 (M)

Title says it all, retired hardcore mythic raider looking for a chill Heroic AOTC group.

Raid two days a week T, W, or, TH between 8-11pm EST.

offnights I like to do a lot of high key m+ content.

discord name squizzed

Player Stats
Item Level: 516 [Equipped: 516]
Progress: [0/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 0
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 19875
Uncypher (Night Elf Druid) 0/9 (M)

Willing to relocate and faction change if needed. Prior mythic raiding experience but nothing recent.

I enjoy killing dragons, eating sushi, and long walks on the beach.

Perfect raid times are evenings/nights on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday since i have to wake up at 4am CST Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

Returning CE Player lf HomeJun 22nd, 2024 8:12 pm
Player Stats
Item Level: 474 [Equipped: 473]
Progress: [0/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 0
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 17560
Chaoticpeach (Tauren Druid) 0/9 (M)

Last raid I progressed at CE was Ny’alotha on a resto druid. Also achieved 8/9 as a ret paladin in BoD. Coming back to the game to relive a dream. Hit me up on Discord if you need a reliable raider that follows directions. Chaoticpeach#6315 or in game Chaoticpeach#1547. My raid times are pretty open.

Currently looking at healing Pres/Resto/Holy with a damage off spec.

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Last Updated: 21 Hours 38 Minutes ago