Player Stats
Item Level: 525 [Equipped: 524]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 3009
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 28690
Pompoms (Vulpera Shaman) 0/9 (M)

hey there
I am currently looking for a group doing m+.

I am a multiclass healer - sham monk druid (all others exist aswell)
Last season i completed 24+ keys - I would like to achieve the same thing this season.

In real life I have a job, which is why I can’t be online 24/7. But in the evenings and on weekends it actually always works. I am 34 if that matters.

Feel free to add me - k1von3#21568

Player Stats
Item Level: 494 [Equipped: 494]
Progress: [9/9 N]   [9/9 H]   [0/9 M]
Mythic+ Raider.IO Score: 1027
WCL Top 1000 Ranks: [0 N]   [0 H]   [0 M]
Average Percentile:
Achievement Points: 21095
Lunisi (Draenei Shaman) 0/9 (M)

Hi, My name is Laurens from Belgium and 29 Years old, i will be returning to the game somewhere this week as i took a break for the last season of Dragonflight , for the new xpac i will be looking for a new guild to call home due my old one merging with another to go for Mythic raiding at times i simply cannot comit due to adult responsibilities and work early in the mornings. As so i will be looking for a guild that has a friendly atmosphere ready to have fun in the game in any way possible. From M+ to BG’s, old achievements raids whatever is available ingame really.

My current choices for mains in TWW will be either Warlock or Paladin ( still undecided )
Raid availability will be pretty much any day from 19-22:30ST Monday → Wednesday / Thursday → Saturday 19-Midnight ST

I’ve only ever raided on HC , never dabbed into Mythic really.

Since Cross Realm guilds and everything are coming aswell i dont think Realm will matter but just incase currently im residing on Twisting Nether
Feel free to PM me on discord: ShiftyLunatic or Bnet: Laurens#2475

Cheers for the read and have fun!

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Last Updated: 6 Hours 6 Minutes ago