Lucky Shot 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Nullzero
Server Rank: #28
US Rank: #205


Lucky Shot was formed in late BFA with the mind of clearing the hardest content in a reasonable time all while having a good time.

Raiding Achievements:
T25 Nyalotha - OCE 54th (Disbanded after Carapace OCE 15th, rebuilt and killed Nzoth in 2 months with fresh roster)
T26 Castle Nathria - OCE 25th
T27 Sanctum of Domination - OCE 17th (Hall of fame)
T28 Sepulcher of the First Ones - OCE 18th (Hall of fame)
T29 Vault of the Incarnates - OCE 28th
T30 Abberus - OCE 41th
T31 Amirdrassil - OCE 30th

We are currently seeking players to fill in the last few spots.

Currently recruiting,

Melee DPS (Enhance Shaman, Havoc Demon Hunter, Rogue, Feral Druid, Windwalker Monk, Warrior)
Range DPS (Augmentation Evoker, Mage, Hunter, Warlock, Shadow Priest)
Healer (Holy Paladin, Disc Priest, Resto druid, Mistweaver Monk, Pres Evoker)

All exceptional raiders will be considered regardless of what are looking for.

Current raid times are,
Wednesday, Thursday, Monday 8:30pm to 11:30pm AEST during DST (8pm to 11pm when not DST)
With the additional raid night for the first 4 weeks of a new tier
Sunday 8:30pm to 11:30pm AEST during DST

If you are interested, please add hanul#6440 for questions/chat or feel free to apply at

Thanks and stay safe!

Uncommon 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Darksledge
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Uncommon - Stormrage:

Currently looking to recruit more people (2 DPS and 2 healers) to join our team. We are friendly, relaxed, and looking for like-minded individuals.

About us:

We are a group of (generally) older players who are looking to continue to build our community with people we enjoy playing the game with. Our goal is to enjoy the game while focusing on the people - we believe in quality over quantity. We are inclusive and are built around the idea that we genuinely want to be around one another - not just punching a timeclock a couple of times a week. Some of us have been playing since Vanilla, BC and Wrath. Many of us have families and careers - we get that real life happens from time to time.

We’re currently taking a couple of weeks off until Season 4 starts, but we’re looking to come out of the gates strong.

Recruitment: (Alliance or Horde)

We are currently looking to add 2 healers and 2 DPS for Season 4 raiding and M+. All classes will be considered, with the exception of Hunters…sorry, green friends. Damage dealing classes with a healing off spec (or vice versa) would obviously be a plus.

Our raid nights are Weds 8-10PM and Fridays 8-11PM EST.

8/8H Vault of the Incarnates (AOTC)
9/9H Aberrus (AOTC)
9/9H Amirdrassil (AOTC)

While we are not cutting edge (nor will we ever be, to be frank), we are a group of players that strive to put forth our best to conquer the goals in front of us. We’re not sweaty, but we get things done.

Contact Info:

If interested, please reach out to:

Darksledge – RL (Darksledge#1348)
Ròk – GM (Rok#12214)

The Last Haven
Guild Information
Recruiter: Axilsmite
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Hello fellow Dalaran-ians! :sunglasses:

is looking for more players to join us in season 4!

Who are we? :thinking:
The Last Haven is a casual AotC guild made up of adults with busy lives, and those lives come first, but we all joined this guild to make new friends and tackle Dragonflight’s content together! Our raid nights are fun and filled with jokes, but also serious when they need to be. You’ll find a good chunk of people online on off-nights running M+ as a good few of our members like pushing 20s. Alongside our raid team, we have our achievement hunters, alt-aholics, pvp-ers, dragon racers, etc, etc. We’re a pretty diverse group, but I think the one thing that brings us all together is we all found companionship within the guild. So if you’re looking for a group of friends, you’ll find that here.

What are we looking for? :face_with_monocle:
Our raid team is looking for a few more DPS, a healer, and an off-healer. No preference on class/spec. Just come playing what you love.
If you are not looking to raid though and are still looking for a friendly group of people to join, we are looking for that too!

What kind of content do we do? :open_mouth:
:shield: Raids :shield: - Our raid times are Tuesdays and Thursdays 9PM-11PM EST. Our group’s main focus is normal → heroic with AotC. We’ll usually go back and get the raid achievements and run alt raids once we finish AotC.

:bow_and_arrow: Mythic + :bow_and_arrow: - Many of our players love running M+ keys during non-raid nights! We have members who enjoy more casual keys and those who enjoy pushing high keys.

:speech_balloon: Casual Content :speech_balloon: - Let’s be honest, many of us are busy adults with kids and work and IRL stuff, but we all like to play this game with others. Season 4 and Pandemonium Time Running look to be packed with cool new content. If you’re looking for folks to play alongside while collecting mounts, farming dailies, plunderstorm-ing, or whatever else the game is going to throw at us in the next few months, hit us up!

Communication :mega:
Discord is our main method of communication, so if you are able and willing to join us online we would love that!

If the Last Haven sounds like the type of guild you would be interested in joining, then please feel free to reach out to me! The best way method of contact would be via discord (My discord ID: axilprime). You can also reach out to our other guild leader, Sweetnicks (His discord ID: sweetnick).

Thanks so much for reading my post and see y’all on the Dragon Isles! :dragon:

Echoes of Valor 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kalineth
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Echoes of Valor - Frostmourne are Recruiting

We’re a semi-casual guild that understand’s irl comes first. Many of us have families, jobs and commitments, so we prefer to have a fun and somewhat relaxed feel when raiding. :blush:

We’ve achieved AOTC each season this expansion!

  • Role: Need mostly dps (full on DH/Druid currently)
  • Days: Wednesday and Sunday
  • Time: 8:30pm - 10:30pm server time
  • Difficulty: We start the seasons out on Normal, but once we’re comfortable, we progress and stay on heroic. (We don’t progress to mythic)
  • Requirements: We expect our members to be encouraging and respectful to each other. Raid experience isn’t necessary - just listening and following direction!

Many members run keys nightly, we sometimes do achievement runs, transmog runs, and non-obligatory normals on a Saturday once transitioned to heroic!

Feel free to contact me on Kalineth#1391

Synn 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Pezek
Server Rank: #29
US Rank: #728


Synn, on the Thrall server, is looking to recruit mythic progression-oriented raiders for Season 4 and more importantly, The War Within. While we enjoy having fun, our primary focus is to clear all raid content quickly and efficiently while we compete with other guilds both on our server and our region. We hope to achieve these feats by keeping our recruitment strict and keeping our numbers low, so we’ll be able to gear up quickly and ultimately increase our synergy with one-another.

Guild Info:

Synn has been able to acquire like-minded players with cutting edge raid experience and server/world first raid content in other raid-centric games similar to WoW.

The Synn leadership has experience in running top end guilds and have achieved Cutting Edge in Warlords, Legion, Shadowlands and Dragonflight. We know what it takes to be a successful Cutting Edge raiding guild, and our goals will always increase to ensure we are pushing ourselves to always become better as individuals and as a group.

We have fallen short of CE the last 2 tiers and looking to fix that going into TWW and get CE every tier, and we need the players who are able to perform to do so.

Class Desirability:

While we are going to be looking for specific specs, please be aware that having flexibility within your class holds great value to joining our core. Our philosophy is to be able to play your class, not just a spec.

Demon Hunter - Havoc

Druid - Resto & Boomkin

Hunter - Beast Master/Marksman

Mage - All

Paladin - Ret & Holy

Priest - Disc/Holy

Rogue - All

Shaman - Enhance

Warlock - All

Considering all Ranged DPS at this time as well

General Raid Times:

Please note that during progression times we may extend raid times by 1 hour and add an additional day only if we get 100% of the raid to agree, which will be discussed during a prior day.

Tuesday: 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Thursday: 8:00pm – 11:00pm EST

Attendance Requirements:

In order to compete, we need to run a tight roster. Running a tight roster requires that each member or recruit can make the majority of our raids. If you cannot consistently attend our raids, do not bother reaching out to us.

Applicants must meet or exceed 90% raid attendance by the time that we evaluate you for membership to be eligible for promotion.

Members must meet or exceed 90% raid attendance over the last 30 days.

Closing Information:

We feel that this is a unique opportunity for anyone interested in being a part of a guild of extremely talented individuals, and amazing people, before we fill up on the classes we need and slow down our recruitment.

For anyone interested in joining, please use the link to apply or get in contact with one of the battle tags below:

Application link: (h ttps:// m/us/thrall/synn/main?preview)


Pezek#1832 – Pez

BrklynNinja#1297 – Caleb

Vis#11781 - Vis

Thank you,

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