US-Area 52
Murloc Madness 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Aszuna
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

About Us

<Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic-only weekend raiding guild on Area 52 that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. Founded by a small, tight-knit group of friends, we have been successful in achieving our goals since 2016. We are happy to add new members, but are selective in terms of culture fit. Class raid composition is not important to us, we want guild members to play what is fun for them!

Raid Schedule

Friday 10pm-1am EST
Saturday 10pm-1am EST


Amirdrassil: 9/9H (AOTC)
Aberrus: 9/9H (AOTC)
Vault: 8/8H (AOTC)

Shadowlands: All AOTC
Legion: All AOTC

Recruitment Needs

Seeking like-minded DPS of any class! The ability and willingness to flex to tank/healer is a great bonus!

:red_circle: HIGH :yellow_circle: MEDIUM :green_circle: LOW

ALL Classes       

:warning: NOTE: All applicants considered regardless of class/role.


All raiders are expected to follow The BP’s

     Be Prepared - Research encounters, bring your own consumables, be online on time
     Be Productive - Be effective in your role, execute the team strategy
     Be Positive - Don’t be a jerk, be a team player, promote a positive, drama-free environment

Apply Today!

Join the Madness by applying at:

Contact Info

Officer: Aszuna (Discord: aszuna)

US-Wyrmrest Accord
Life 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Infimyst
Server Rank: #1
US Rank: #237

:dizzy: Glances:

  • Small and tightknit guild that raids 9 Hours per week. (T/W/Th 7pm-10pm PST)
  • No mandatory benching or class swaps.
  • Primary focus on stress and anxiety free environment.
  • Optional / Make up raid on Monday.

:open_book: History:

Formerly known as Affinity, our community has been raiding on Wyrmrest since Sept 2013.
Our only focus when making the guild was having a relaxed atmosphere to clear flex Normal raids with.
We slowly became better and better while retaining our original atmosphere.
Now we’re a unique guild that clears Mythic with a pristine environment.
This leads to a very low turnover rate. Core Raider spots rarely become available.

:leaves: You should apply to <Life> if:

  • You’re looking for a long term home to make long term friends in.
  • You’re more interested in the social aspect of the game rather than the rewards.
  • You’re looking for a guild that treats members fairly. Regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • You treat everyone, in-game and out, with respect.

:star2: You should apply for a core slot if: (22 Slots)

  • You’ve killed at least three bosses on mythic and all bosses on heroic.
  • You’re familiar with ‘simming’ and have a basic understanding of log analyzation.
  • You can confidently make raids on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7pm - 10pm Pacific.
  • You have a team mentality. Ex: Taking a lower parse for doing mechanics - Understanding not getting loot when other people need it more. etc.
  • You’re able to also make Mondays for the first two weeks of the tier and play an alt at a heroic level for the same time.

:sparkles: You should apply for a raider slot if: (8 slots)

  • You mainly want to do Heroic with possibility to backup for Mythic. (Raiders clear Heroic with the Core team but being in for mythic is not guaranteed.)
  • Missing out on Mythic is not an issue for you.
  • Being lower on loot priority to core members doesn’t bother you.

:x: You should not apply to <Life> if:

  • Terms like ‘LGBTQ+’ and ‘Pronouns’ scare you.
  • You’re mainly looking for Keystones. <Life> occasionally does M+ but we are a raiding guild first.
  • You’re looking for a guild that is active through the entire season. <Life> usually finishes progressing our characters early into the season.

Previous Progression:

Siege of Orgrimmar - 6/13M
Highmaul - 2/8M
Blackrock Foundry - 3/10M
:star: Hellfire Citadel - US 543
:star: Emerald Nightmare - US 355
:star: Trial of Valor - US 401
Nighthold - 9/10M
Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M
:star: Antorus - US 91
:star: Uldir - US 353
:star: Dazar’alor - US 269
Crucible - 0/2M
Eternal Palace - 6/8M
:star: Ny’alotha - US 327
:star: Nathria - US 239
:star: Sanctum - US 220
:star: Sepulcher - US 266
:star: Vault - US 268
:star: Aberrus - US 217
:star: Amirdrassil - US 242

Wowprogress: wowprogress .com/guild/us/wyrmrest-accord/Life
WarcraftLogs: warcraftlogs. com/guild/calendar/112937
(remove extra space in link)

For any questions that aren’t answered on this form or on our application, please contact our recruitment officers on Discord: .charon. or joobacca

Dark Skies 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tewa
Server Rank: #4
US Rank: #280

Celebrating 10 years of Cutting Edge raiding!

Any Healers (but esp. Priest/Paladin)
Shadow Priest
DPS Warrior
Boomkin or Feral Druid

Might also be interested in: Rogue, Warlock, DPS Death Knight, Havoc DH

9:30 PM - 1 AM, Pacific Time, on Tue / Wed / Thurs.

In Dark Skies we balance solid Mythic raiding progression with everyone’s needs for career and family. But more than that, we’re a community that is a family unto itself, where everyone becomes true friends and get to know each other. We recruit based on both performance AND personality, to create a fun, friendly, relaxed environment where we also kick butt.

We’re a mature group mostly consisting of professionals & parents with young children. So we raid late, after the kids are in bed. Our members range from age 21 to 52, with most in the 30+ range. Our group includes professors, game designers, software developers, college students, and many others.

We value each other as friends, not just as people we raid with. We hang out on discord a lot, including non-raid days, and enjoy helping each other with achievements, farming old mounts, or just shooting the breeze.

Most of all, we’re about people. Because raiding isn’t really about classes, or gear, or specs.

Raiding is about people!


  1. Personality is the most important thing. We want mature, easy-going people who like to have fun.
  2. That being said, we are a Mythic raiding guild, so everybody needs to perform at that level. We’re very happy to work together to bring up our numbers, help with add-ons and macros, etc. We’re happy to take good raiders we like, as long as they’re willing to become great raiders. (We will NOT take raiders we don’t like! We don’t care how great they are.)
  3. All ages are welcome, but we are mostly an older group.
  4. Respect for diversity is a must. People come from different backgrounds, and we all need to respect that.
  5. Please be respectful of others’ time! We all have busy lives and time is at a premium.
  6. Must have Mythic logs / progression history. (From previous xpac is fine.)

SoO 14/14 Heroic (so Mythic before it was called Mythic)
4/7 Mythic Highmaul
7/10 Mythic BRF
13/13 Mythic HFC (U.S. 232nd)
7/7 Mythic Emerald Nightmare (U.S. 336th)
3/3 Mythic ToV
10/10 Mythic Nighthold (U.S. 240th)
8/9 Mythic Tomb of Sargeras (KJ @ 5%) (U.S. 273)
11/11 Mythic Antorus (U.S. 294)
8/8 Mythic Uldir (U.S. 313)
9/9 Mythic Battle of Dazar’alor (U.S. 420)
8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace - U.S. 230
12/12 Mythic Nya’lotha - U.S. 321
10/10 Mythic Castle Nathria - U.S. 337
10/10 Mythic Sanctum - U.S. 393
11/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones - U.S. 351
8/8 Mythic Vault of the Incarnates - U.S. 483
9/9 Mythic Aberrus - U.S. 381
9/9 M Amirdrssil - U.S. 282

We play on the Hyjal server - The Jewel of the West!

If this sounds like a good fit for you, we’d be happy to talk to you. Add us on battletag please!
Tewa#1373 (btag) or .tewa (discord)
Drattz#1954 (btag)

9/9M 3day Late Night PST LF DPSJun 18th, 2019 3:08 pm
Nexus Sx 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kirbyau
Server Rank: #20
US Rank: #226

<Nexus Sx> - Tichondrius is a longstanding CUTTING EDGE mythic raiding guild looking to expand its core raid team!

Want to see and hear what our raid environment is like? Check out our stream here:


We’re a diverse and tight-knit group that likes to have a good time and play at a high level. We consider ourselves hardcore since we raid three nights a week (four, if you consider optional heroic night).

We need players who are personable, reliable and ready to do their homework before fights and focus up during progression. Raid spots will be made available immediately to players who perform.

Meshing with the group is as important as performance. Bad attitudes, poor attendance, and overall bad vibes will not be tolerated. We expect guildies to run mythic+ and content with each other outside of raid hours. We have a very active discord as well.

Raid times

Core Mythic progression: Tues/Weds/Thurs 9PM - 12AM PDT
Off-night Heroic: Mon 9PM - 12AM PDT
Guild-wide M+ Chain Runs: Sun 8PM - 12AM PDT

Who we’re looking for

We are looking for folks to come in and make an impact immediately. Expect to know the fights for not only your own class, but know the entire fight as a whole. Little hand holding, self responsibility

At this time, we are only considering players who have recent Cutting Edge experience

Specific Classes/Specs Needed:


  • Demon Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Druid
  • Aug Evoker
  • All talented DPS welcome to apply

At this time, we are only looking for players with recent CE experience/achievements

While we may prioritize recruitment of certain classes above others, we are open to all capable and dedicated DPS players at this time.


7/9M Amirdrassil
9/9M Aberrus

11/11M SOTFO
10/10M SoD
10/10M CN

12/12M Nyalotha
8/8M EP
2/2H CoS
9/9M BoDA
8/8M Uldir

11/11M Antorus
9/9M ToS
10/10M NH
3/3M TOV
7/7M EN

If you’re interested in joining us, please add us on BTag:


Ethos 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rohkk
Server Rank: #48
US Rank: #626

About us :

< Ethos > we are a Mythic raiding guild looking for a few more members to round out our roster for TWW. Raided season 1-3 in DF, but took a break for season 4 with the recycled content. Now that TWW is around the corner we are looking to fill out a few roster spots that we lost (some players wanted to continue raiding in season 4 so they parted ways)

Why you should join

We are a group of degenerates that all love to have a good time, and enjoy playful banter/memeing as much as the next guild, however, we strongly want to avoid overly toxic behavior (constant complaining, negative attitude, harassing other guildmates, elitist, etc.). I encourage anyone looking for a semi-casual Mythic raid experience, to reach out and see if it is a good fit for you. Raiders of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply and trial and we will help our raiders in any way we can (reviewing logs to find areas to improve, helping with gearing or rotation questions etc.)


CE is the ultimate goal, even if we fall short sometimes. We do raid on a shorter schedule (2 days 3 hours a day) so we expect our raiders to come prepared and make the most of our shorter raid times. We don’t expect everyone to be a 10-time top 100 World first raider, but researching your class, knowing rotations, and the boss fights are necessary to progress through the raid tiers.

Raid Times :

Tues/Thurs 5pm - 8pm Server (8pm - 11pm est)


We are recruiting the following classes:

Tank: FULL
Healer: ANY
Melee: DH/Warrior/Shaman
Range: ANY (except lock)

NOTE The above needs are what we are currently lacking in the raid team to create a perfectly balanced group. However, we are firm believers in bringing the player, not the class. If your class/role is full but you think we would be a good fit please reach out anyway, there are always raiders that can swap classes or roles to better accommodate the raid and make room if necessary.

If you have any questions please contact one of the officers listed below and we will be happy to help in any way we can.

NOTE: Discord is by far the best way to get in contact with me, I dont get notifications from this post and we only check it very briefly to bump it!

In Game: Rohkk or Bobthetomato
Discord: Bob the tomato#0964 (preffered!)
Bnet: Bobthetomato#1875
In Game: Moosforbeer
In Game: Zeik
Discord: Occidi (Zeík)#8251

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