Heroic Raiding Guild - LFMJul 26th, 2024 5:20 am
Secret Agenda 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Cattnip
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Secret Agenda

Recruiting for The War Within!

Secret Agenda aims to be the safe welcoming home you have been searching for. With experienced players ranging from Vanilla to Dragonflight we aim to be up and raiding in The War Within. So, be you a social player or more serious, we have a place for you.

Raid Times: Thursday and Sunday 8.30pm - 11.00pm AEST (will be open for vote soon!)

Raid Needs: Any Melee or Ranged DPS, preference with a tank off spec. Healers welcome too!

Background: We have 3 at the top.
Catt has AOTC every season since her return at the start of Shadowlands and casually dips into mythic raiding was 5/9M for Amirdrassil as a resto sham.

Volt has successfully gotten AOTC every season and is currently pushing M+ whilst balancing being an amazing parent. Flexes between DPS and Tanking when we need.

Zozo is the newest to the game only joining in Dragonflight after Catt nagged her! She has gotten AOTC for each season she has played plus joined Catt in Amirdrassil to get the 5/9M as a Havoc Demon Hunter and is the breath of fresh air and invigoration we needed. She covers all bases, with DPS, Tank and Healers in her armory.

Expectations: Come for the fun, achievements and company. We are going to push to get AOTC for everyone who wants it, then if we have interest we’ll look into Mythic raiding - at least the first couple bosses for that juicy Vault loot. We don’t need you to play meta but we do want you to be open to discussing you class, and trialling out changes to work for the team.

Other: We have regular M+ nights every Monday, as well as Fishing Friday’s were get have a movie on in discord and farm for what the guild needs or just spend time outside of raid! Online friends are real friends too

Cattnip-Frostmourne - Catnip#11771
Zozoco-Frostmourne - ZoePuppy#1649
Volthaine-Dreadmaul - Volten#6854

Riders of the Infinite 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Gigachaddy
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Hello Everyone,

Riders of the Infinite is a social semi-hardcore guild you can call home! We are aiming to be an Aotc (maybe some Mythic bosses), PvP, and M+ Guild to bring a social atmosphere for all to enjoy!

Now, you may be wondering why join Riders of the Infinite, We offer a friendly atmosphere for all who are looking for an active discord to just relax and make friends with like the good days of WoW and we aim to bring that specific piece of community back into WoW. We do just about everything for all to enjoy.

Crafting, Mythic +, Raid Teams, World Content (including Delves), and PvP is well sorted out for you if you enjoy any of these types of content!

What is our raid times at Riders of the Infinite? We are projecting to be a weekday guild. Currently undergoing building a roster for our raid teams. Times are going to be from 7PM EST-10PM EST. Tuesdays/Thursdays. We are accepting all roles!

Our Story - Just a couple of friends who love to chit chat, sit back and relax and build friendships and do content together as a guild and for the love of the game.

Socials - If you can reach out to Theforecast-Illidan or Weatherman2372 on Discord I will be gladly to talk with you about any further questions!

Thanks for your time!

Self Awareness 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Desetra
Server Rank: #62
US Rank: #2148

Guild Name: (A) Self Awareness

Server: Proudmoore-US

Raid Schedule:

  • Tuesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
  • Wednesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST

About Raiding with Us: As a guild, we achieve AOTC every season and aim to push into Mythic. With a core group of up to 16 players, we’re looking to expand by 4-6 committed raiders. We provide support to raiders through the guild bank and officer assistance to ensure everyone is raid-ready.

What We Offer:

  • Midcore with a Friendly Atmosphere: We believe in having fun while slaying Dragons, striking a balance between fun and focus; we welcome players who value camaraderie and collective success.
  • Dedicated Raid Nights: Our Tuesday and Wednesday raid nights are efficient, focused, and supportive.
  • Experienced Leadership: Our officers are dedicated to helping eager learners grow and excel.
  • Mythic+: While raiding is our primary focus, we actively run M+ groups.
  • PVP: We have a casual PVP group that enjoys achieving elite sets together.

Recruitment Needs:

Healers: (Need a swing healer that can also DPS)

  • Restoration Shamans
  • Holy Paladins
  • Restoration Druids
  • Preservation Evokers
  • Other Healers: Just message us; we’re flexible!


  • Highly Needed Classes: Mage, Warlock, Rogue
  • Other DPS: Message us, we can fit you in!

Tanks: Closed

PVP: Our casual PVP group is all about fun and camaraderie. We regularly achieve elite sets and push ratings together. We’re not hardcore or elitist; we’re just a group of friends enjoying PVP content.

If you’re looking for a guild where you can:

  • Run PVP content with friends
  • Improve your skills without pressure
  • Participate in guild events and activities
  • Enjoy good ol’ fashioned WoW camaraderie

Then we’re the guild for you! We welcome players of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned pros. Our Discord is always active, with members ready to dive into PVP.


  • Positive Attitude: We value teamwork and respect.
  • Discord: Mandatory for voice chat during raids and is our primary form of communication.

How to Apply: Message me on Discord: Graceffa

Let’s conquer Azeroth together!

[NA] RecruitingJul 25th, 2024 9:02 pm
Order of the Azure Flame 3/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Enthalpy
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Make some new friends in The War Within. Order of the Azure Flame is recruiting raiders for TWW progression in a family friendly mature setting. We’re in North America and raiding Friday & Saturday from 9-11PM Eastern. Region wide servers are here. Horde & Alliance both welcome.

Join us for N/H Raids, Mythic+ Keys, Events, Legacy Runs, and all things Warcraft. Enjoy running with people who have raided for so long that drama is just a thing of the past.

We’re currently looking for raid ready healers, though anyone can be an asset. Any class played by a competent player will excel. We use discord for raiding, mythics, strategizing, and socializing.

The players that will fit in here are friendly, able to communicate, respectful of others, and skilled. The greatest secret of MMO’s is that the key to achieving is a good group of friends to help you out.

If the social side sounds fun and you know your role, have experience, show up on time, enchanted, geared, flasked and focused, then we might be the place for you.

Reach out to Enthalpy7033 on Discord.

US-Bleeding Hollow
Kurrupt Gods
Guild Information
Recruiter: Milkyballs
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Welcome, champions of the Horde! We are “Kurrupt Gods,” a newly formed PvP guild on the Bleeding Hollow realm, and we are looking for dedicated players to join our ranks. Our guild started today with just one member, but we have big ambitions and are looking to grow to greatness. Whether you’re a seasoned PvPer or just starting out, we welcome all skill levels and ranks.

Our goal is to dominate the PvP scene and become legends feared by the Alliance and respected by our own. If you’re ready to take on the challenge and make your mark, join us!

Why Join Us?

  • Focused on PvP content and activities
  • Supportive and active community
  • Opportunities for growth and advancement
  • Regular events and organized battlegrounds
  • Active Discord server for communication and coordination


  • Active participation in guild activities
  • Positive and respectful attitude

Ready to become a legend? Drop your character name or battletag below, or whisper/add my battletag: Kurrupt#1938. Let’s conquer the battlefield together!

For the Horde!

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