18+ Recruiting for S4 + TWW!May 6th, 2024 12:02 pm
Man I Love Frogs
Guild Information
Recruiter: Hazis
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Man I Love Frogs is looking for more like minded people for Mythic Raiding! We strive to push higher each season with a more fun/laid back raid experience. Located on Muradin, we’re looking for new and veteran players alike! If you’re not up for raiding that’s fine too, we’d still love you have you join our ranks and chat it up with us on discord.

We offer Mythic Plus groups on Mondays to help our members get geared up for raid.

For Mythic we’re focused on finding DPS and Healers to fill our roster. We’d love a shot a CE but wont break eachother’s backs trying to get it. Each boss downed on Mythic is a win for us and we have fun in the process of doing it.

Raid Times (Tues - Thursday 8-11PM CST)

9/9H 6/9M S3 ATDH
9/9H S4 VOTI
9/9H 3/9M S4 ATSC

If you want a Guild to call home with a fun atmosphere we want you! Whether you love frogs, talking about transformers, or running M+ like the energizer bunny, there’s room.

Discord - dreadwarden
Bnet - Moonblade#11458

Morning Mayhem 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kaladune
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Good Morning, Afternoon, and Evening my friends

If you are like me and find your raiding time or playing time do not fall within the “normal” playing time; then Morning Mayhem may be the guild for you. I am an ICU nurse and I work nights. After a night of saving lives, I like to come home log on and kill some bosses with some friends. I had a hard time trying to find a guild that worked best for the times I could raid. Then one day I found a guild recruitment post in trade chat (yes I know trade chat, hmmm). It was a post for Morning Mayhem, an AOTC heroic guild looking for players that enjoyed raiding at the heroic level. I whispered the officer and so began a wonderful journey with the guild I am currently in. Morning Mayhem is an Alliance morning and afternoon. We get AOTC every tier and help each other get KSM and KSH (if they want).

Morning Mayhem has two raiding teams.

SB raiding times: (9/9N 9/9H)
Wednesday 0930 am to noon EST
Thursday 0930 am to noon EST
We are good on tanks and heals.
Looking for any good players that want to find a home and have a great time being there.
Raid Lead JDROCK#11404, Discord JDROCK#2753

Insane Minions (Afternoon raiding team) (9/9N, 9/9H)
Wednesday 1400-1600
Thursday 1400-1600
They are looking for some good DPS and healers
Raid Lead is Whistler. Discord for Whistler is Chiccaa and B-net is Chiccaa#2673

Thank you for your consideration. We do supply Cauldrons and Feasts, but do ask for a gold donation (200) at the beginning of each raiding day. We also have several people that gets group together and run keys.

US-Bleeding Hollow
OMG Becky 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Chipmunkmayo
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Guild: OMG Becky- Horde US-Bleeding Hollow
VoI- 8/8N 8/8H
Aberrus- 9/9N 9/9H
Amirdrassil- 9/9N 9/9H
Raid Times: Tues/Wed 11pm-1am EST

We are a casual AOTC guild that tends to be active after 10pm EST, when our RL obligations are fulfilled. We are casual in the sense that we want to see content but are not looking to world first or cutting edge every raid that comes out. Looking for a couple solid dps to come die with us this season in fated raids, Wow Remix: Mists of Pandaria and beyond into The War Within.

We do run a plethora of keys when we are not raiding. So if you are interested in KSM/KSH, that is something that is achievable here.

DPS- Any- could really use some melee

Discord: Kungfubanana#7678 (Me)
Discord: Icristhus#6754
Btag: Kungfubanana#1420
Btag: Icristhus#1625

Self Awareness 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Desetra
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

:star2: Join Our Epic Adventure! :star2:

Guild Name: (A) Self Awareness

Server: Proudmoore-US

Raid Schedule:

Tuesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
Wednesday: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST

About our raid: As a guild we accomplish AOTC every Season but we WANT to do Mythic but just need the people. We have a Consistency of 13 to 16 players each week, so we are only short about 4 to 6 players.

What We Offer

Midcore with a Friendly Atmosphere: We believe in having fun while slaying Dragons
Dedicated Raid Nights: Our Tuesday and Wednesday raids are focused, efficient, and full of camaraderie.
Experienced Leadership: Our Officers are super chill and willing to help anyone who wants to learn!

Recruitment Needs:

Healers: Restoration Shamans, Holy Pally, Resto Druid, or Preservation Evoker

DPS: Mage, Death Knight, Devastion Evoker, Boomkin Druid, Rogue, Windwalk Monk, Shadow Priest, Warrior,

Tanks: Warriors, Druid, Death Knight, Monk (we have Two Demon Hunter Tanks already)

Positive Attitude: We value teamwork and respect.
Discord: Mandatory voice chat during raids and used as a primary form of communication.
How to Apply: Message me on Discord: Graceffa

Let’s conquer Azeroth together!

Currently Online 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ashkrall
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Currently Online

US - Sargeras - Alliance
US - Illidan - Horde

Since 2014, Currently Online has taken pride in providing a fun, drama-free home for thousands of members. Representing both factions, CO has a spot for every person no matter their allegiance. Whether you’re only interested in WoW, or you’d like to enjoy our other clans like Diablo, FFXIV, or Runescape, you’ll find a home here at CO.

For Raiders

  • 4 Active Heroic Teams, each raiding 1-2 days a week.

We have normal teams on both factions to help newer raiders learn how to raid, and more experienced raiders learn new classes, gear alts, and experience raiding in a very laid back environment.

Our Heroic teams run PUG raids from time to time and we have weekly normal PUG raids, so if you don’t want to commit to a team there’s still plenty of opportunities that fit your schedule.

Check out all of our WoW teams here: https://currentlyonline.org/wow-teams

For Mythic+ Enthusiasts

Our raiders are regularly pushing keys up to and past +20s. If you don’t have a regular group you’re running with you can respond to any of the pings people post asking for DPS, Heals, or a Tank and make new friends and find a new push group.

We have high key pushers active on both sides, including those of you struggling to find keys on Alliance (like I used to!).

For Social Players

Discord is our hub of activity – we chat throughout the workday and into the late night about WoW, life, and everything. We regularly have people looking for groups for leveling, timewalking, Mythic+, and out-of-game events like Among Us and game nights.

We know that sometimes WoW gets tiring or boring, which is why we’re also a thriving community across a bunch of games including:

  • Minecraft
  • Diablo
  • Final Fantasy XIV
  • OSRS
  • The latest flavor of the month game (Among Us, Genshin Impact, etc)

We have holiday parties, monthly events, and often will just shoot the breeze on voice chat while doing entirely unrelated things.

Come Join Us Today

Come join our Discord!

If you have any questions, hop into our Discord and ping a @Warcraft Recruiter , and they’ll reach out to you as soon as they can.

We don’t require an application or interview process, so if you’re ready to join just hop into our Discord, grab the @WoW role to unlock the WoW channels, and ask for an in-game invite.

Even if you’re not on our WoW server you’re welcome to be part of our community, join our teams, and become Currently Online.

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