Ascendance 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Cailyth
Server Rank: #23
US Rank: #421

Ascendance is a long time mythic guild always on the lookout for the exceptional gamer! We value those who are knowledgeable of their class and enjoy being part of a team.

Raid Times: Tuesday and Thursday: 8pm-11pm PST (10p-1a CST/11p -2a EST)

Raid Requirements:

  • Recent mythic experience
  • Competitive logs
  • Keen for the game
  • A good attitude
  • Reliability

Ascendance is a day-one launch guild. We are focused on CE, but our goal is simple: Kill pixels and have fun doing it. We keep our roster tight to minimize sitting, work on progression and be successful AND have fun. We want solid raiders who will commit to raid – keeping that tight roster means attendance is one of our toughest requirements.

Past Progression:
9/9M Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope
7/9M Aberrus, The Shadowed Crucible
5/8M Vault of the Incarnates
5/11M Sepulcher of the First Ones
8/10M Sanctum of Domination
8/10M Castle Nathria
10/11M Ny’alotha

We still enjoy the game. At this stage in Ascendance’s life, we are a group of people that have done the hardcore raiding and want to have fun still using the skills we have honed over the years while balancing real life. We quickly get AoTC then move to Mythic. We work hard at maximizing our abilities within the time we have. To help make that happen we provide solid leadership and a supportive team.

Who should consider joining Ascendance?
Those mindful of performance and desire to improve. We do not recruit for the bench, and personality is as important as skill/experience. We are a team and need to shift well together. Enthusiasm and good attitude is required!

If not interested in mythic raiding, we are happy to accept players and friends who wish to be a part of the guild on a casual basis.

Ascendance is a place for raiders that want to keep it light (6-8 hours/week) but still progress. We are not going to make people jump through hoops, but we absolutely expect you to put a little extra time into your character to help the raid. That may mean reading up on your class or review guides to even out your rotation getting weekly keys done (we have many who enjoy pushing M+). Basically, we want someone who knows how to carry their weight and be willing to work together and move forward as a team.

If interested, please reach out to our Recruitment Officer: Cailyth (Bnet: Cailyth#1999 | Discord: caily_monster).

Cheers and hope to hear from you soon!

Insert More Coins 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Daranora
Server Rank: #69
US Rank: #453

[CE][H][Illidan] Currently Recruiting for The War Within> ## Insert More Coins Established Mythic Guild Seeks Dedicated Raiders ##

Insert More Coins, a focused semi-hardcore raiding guild is expanding its roster for current and future Mythic content. With a strong track record and clear objectives, we invite applications from individuals who excel in high-level raid environments and share our commitment to excellence.

We prioritize a friendly, professional raid setting where teamwork and performance go hand in hand. Our community values include respect, diversity, and an inclusive atmosphere that refrains from drama in favor of collaborative success.

Dragon Flight Recent Progress:

  • Vault of the Incarnates: 7/8, with Raszageth near defeat
  • Aberrus, The Shadow Crucible: Complete with Cutting Edge status
  • Amirdrassil, The Dream’s Hope: 9/9 Complete with Cutting Edge status
  • Season 4 Mythic: Awakening the Dragonfilght Raids (Completed all Raids on Mythic difficulty)

Past Achievements:

  • Castle Nathria: 2/10 Season 1, 9/10 Season 4
  • Sanctum of Domination 5/10
  • Sepulcher of the First Ones 6/11

Raiding Schedule Going into TWW:

  • Tuesday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM CST (Optional)
  • Wednesday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM CST
  • Thursday: 7:30 - 10:30 PM CST

Our mission is to gain the Cutting Edge achievement each raid season, executing a focused schedule that aligns with our members’ availability and commitments outside the game.

We Are Recruiting candidates who demonstrate:

  • Proven Mythic raid experience
  • Mastery of class mechanics
  • Constructive approach to feedback
  • Effective team communication

Class Roles Openings: All skilled candidates are encouraged to apply irrespective of class roles.

  • Tank
  • DPS

Join Us: To pursue Mythic raiding with Insert More Coins, submit your application via our guild website.

**Apply at our guild website:

For inquiries or further details, reach out to us at:
Battle.Net: Edokun55#1577 or Acey#11728
Discord: Daranora, heyitsmeacey, or

Strategize, conquer, and thrive with Insert More Coins—a guild where ambition and camaraderie unite. We await your contribution to our collective raiding success.

TC 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Spurlock
Server Rank: #80
US Rank: #519

About the Guild
TC was founded in May 2005 and has been a top guild from inception, obtaining most cutting edges. We have a lot of long standing core members so you can expect a guild with seasoned leadership, a relaxed and fun raid environment full of skillful individuals.

Raiding 4 hrs a week, we are looking for top performing raiders who are efficient with their time, learn quickly and most importantly fit with our guild culture.

Currently looking for:

  • Healer: Resto Shaman, Holy/Disc Priest, Preservation Evoker
  • DPS: Shadow Priest, Death Knight, Devastation Evoker, Ele Shaman, Demon Hunter, Warrior

However, even though we are not actively recruiting your class/spec, we are always open to exceptional applicants.

Raiding Schedule (Server Time: CST)

  • Wed: 21:00 - 23:00
  • Thu: 21:00 - 23:00

What do we offer?

  • A friendly, welcoming, and inclusive community that strives to create a comfortable and enjoyable game experience while performing at a top level focused on CE.
  • Experienced leadership that provides guidance and resources when needed.
  • Consistent and committed raid team.

Contacts and Application
If you’re interested, please put in your application here:

Officer - Spurlock Discord Spurlock#6414
Officer - Aelnaina Discord Aelnaina#3829

Infusion 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Decix
Server Rank: #1
US Rank: #532

< Infusion > of Azjol-Nerub was founded in April of 2007. The guild started out pushing to be best on realm, which we accomplished. Then the next goal was top US 100. Now we’re older and have more responsibilities outside the game, but still want to be successful. Our goal every tier is Cutting Edge. When we do not meet this goal we don’t disband instead we reflect and figure out where we can improve going forward to meet our expectations.

Recent Progression:
8/8M Vault of the Incarnates
9/9M Aberrus
8/9M Amirdrassil

When we were young:
Tier 13 25 man US 154th
Tier 14 25 man US 82nd
Tier 15 25 man US 115th (Lei Shen without locks and MW Monks )

The core of the guild has been playing together for years, people have their career jobs, families etc. So while the guild’s mentality is a bit more casual (“Dad Guild”), the competitive nature of mythic raiding is still there. We push until the end of a tier if that’s what it takes. (3% Mythic Gul’dan wipe the last night before Tomb came out, CE Jaina last night it was available) We may evaluate the time we have left and make a decision as a guild to not push. (2 weeks left for Argus, G’huun etc) but during that time we’ll do all the farm we can for the next content push. Cutting edge is the goal, but having fun along the way and making a community or family for people matters just as much.

We maintain a relaxed environment while keeping a serious attitude for progression. We fully understand that WoW is a game; you won’t perform your best if you’re not having fun and that’s our basis of raid every night. We also want to drive home the ideology that all of us are carving out these 9 hours a week in our busy lives. Come prepared and don’t waste your own time, along with 20+ others time.

We do not over-recruit. We have Discord interviews with all recruits and only accept those who we feel will fit best in our small family. While we keep the roster small, we make sure everyone understands the nature of mythic raiding. We take the best comp into a fight and mold it around what works best for us. If that includes sitting half of our melee, that’s what we’ll do. We only recruit who and what we’re after, we don’t take chances.

We require all recruits to be in guild, that requires Alliance and on our realm until Blizzard can figure recompiling old code. This is due to us valuing how someone fits in, and community/family feel at a high level.

Raid hours are Tues-Thurs 9-12 EST (6-9 PST).
(We historically add two Mondays that are optional on new tier releases. We use these Mondays to do normal/clean up what we can)

Current Dragonflight progression:
8/8M Vault
9/9M Aberrus
7/9 Amirdrassil

Recruiting Needs in no particular order (Last Updated 7/2/24):
Any exceptional DPS looking for a long-term home that isn’t a Warrior or Hunter. :grinning:

The best way to contact us is real ID at Decix#1306 or discord Decix.

Severity Gaming 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Delacoure
Server Rank: #88
US Rank: #573

We are the Retail WoW branch of Severity Gaming, a Gaming Community founded in 2010.

Below you can find details on:

  • Our weekly Sales Offerings
  • Recruitment for our One-Day Mythic Raid Team
  • Recruitment for our One-Day Heroic/AOTC Raid Team

Contact Info

  • Discord:
  • Nastaskia (GM): Delacour#1483 (, sgdelacour (Discord)
  • Bearcat (RL): Bearlilliee#1230 (, (Discord)
  • Billok (O): Billay#11240 (, billay (Discord)

Weekly Sales: Heroic Raid and Mythic+

Heroic Raid

We offer 1x 100% Unsaved Heroic Raid Clear every Monday at 9p EST. Services for this run include: Full Clear, Individual Bosses, Last Boss Only (AOTC), Armor Class Funnel, Tier Funnel, Item Reservations, and Bundles/Combinations of anything above. Anything not reserved prior is Lootshare/Open-Roll.


Advertisers/Brokers in Services Chat will take the same cut (if not more) that they pay the players actually Boosting a M+ Keystone. Skip the “Broker Cut” and book with us directly for the discount. We’ll organize a Guild Push Group and work with you to find a time to run (up to M+12).

Recruitment: One-Day Mythic Raid Team

This is our high-intensity progression focused Raid Team. We only raid for 3 hours and expect our members to use their time outside of raid to go well above their weekly upkeep expectations. We expect all members to their own research and be able to demonstrate that knowledge during progression. We keep a lean bench, and underperformers will be swapped out frequently. “One-Tricks” are discouraged unless extremely talented.

This group runs every Sunday* from:

  • EST: 9p-12m
  • CST: 8p-11p
  • MST: 7p-10p
  • PST: 6p-9p

*During the first and last three weeks of a Season we add the following “Overtime” to our schedule.

  • +1 hr earlier start time on Sunday
  • +1 day/week - Monday - Normal Raid Times (above)


The War Within

  • Nerub’ar Palace: 0/7N, 0/7H, 0/7M - Opens 9/10/24


  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope: 9/9N, 9/9H, 7/9M - #7 US One-Day Team
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9N, 9/9H, 8/9M - #6 US One-Day Team
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8N, 8/8H, 6/8M - #6 US One-Day Team


  • Sepulcher of the First Ones: 11/11N, 11/11H, 6/11M - #9 US One-Day Team
  • Sanctum of Domination: 10/10N, 10/10H, 5/10M - #3 US One-Day Team
  • Castle Nathria: 10/10N, 10/10H, 2/10M


Players of the following classes/specs/roles with similar current-raid experience and a competitive ilvl may apply here: (Powered by WoWAudit - Login Required)

Class/Spec/Role Need
Death Knight (DPS) High
Demon Hunter (DPS) High
Hunter High
Mage High
Monk (DPS,Healer) High
Paladin (DPS) High
Rogue High
Shaman (DPS) High
Warrior (DPS) High
Healers (Non-Priest) High

Recruitment: One-Day Heroic/AOTC Raid Team

This is our low-intensity Casual/ALT Raid Team that is comprised of our Community Members and Mythic Raid Team ALTs. It gets AOTC early in the season and continues farming throughout.

This group runs every Saturday from:

  • EST: 9:30p-12m
  • CST: 8:30p-11p
  • MST: 7:30p-10p
  • PST: 6:30p-9p


The War Within

  • Nerub’ar Palace: 0/7N, 0/7H - Opens 9/10/24


  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope: 9/9N, 9/9H
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible: 9/9N, 9/9H
  • Vault of the Incarnates: 8/8N, 8/8H


Reach out directly to Nastaskia (GM): Delacour#1483 (, sgdelacour (Discord)

We’re more than happy to speak to our past players, please reach out!

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