Refresh 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Rixark
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Raid day: Tuesday, 8-11 EST (server)

Recruitment needs:

Evoker (Any spec)
Warrior DPS
Warlock DPS
Druid DPS or Healer
Paladin Healer
Demon Hunter DPS

Being able to flex comfortably into a healer or tank position is also incredibly valuable - please let me know if you can fill that niche!

About us:

Refresh is a 1-night, AOTC guild on Dalaran - US. Originally just a small guild for busy friends, our guild has blossomed into a friendly community of mutually busy adults looking for an outlet to enjoy their hobby on a limited schedule. Despite our casual nature, we always achieve our goals with time to spare, and we have a great time doing it!

We were able to clear all 3 raids in Dragonflight with plenty of time to spare between raid patches, and look to do the same going into The War Within!

We play with 3 core philosophies in mind:

1.) Be respectful of each others time (Show up to raid night on time, come prepared)
2.) Be friendly and bring no drama - nobody has time for that.
3.) Have fun

Obviously our relaxed, casual nature allows for some flexibility if you need time off or have familial duties to attend to, but we always expect an 80% attendance rate, a general understanding of your spec and role within raid, and leave any big egos at the door. We are the very definition of tight-knit, and your ability to mesh, or at the very least not clash with our team is more important than any logs you can provide.

If this all jives with you, then you will not find a better group of busy adults to come slay some pixel dragons with!

If you’re interested, please reach out to me on Discord:


We look forward to hearing from you!

Boba Emporium 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Felaunix
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Hi all! We’re Boba Emporium, primarily on Stormrage - but branching out now that 11.0 is out!
We’re a cross-faction, cross-realm guild originating on Stormrage.
We have three teams recruiting a variety of players for differing levels of content, which are posted below. Additionally we are a community-first guild, so if you’re looking for a home just to hang out, a place to really learn, or looking to keep improving - we’re the guild for you! We’re somewhere in the mix of casual and semi-hardcore depending on the group you’re with, and have players and leadership from all walks of content. Our community is pretty heavily split between East and West Coast. While we’re a little quiet right now due to the end of Dragonflight, the guild is typically active from the middle afternoon to the later evening with folks doing keys, our raids, or achievement and transmog farms.

  1. Boba Team Zero - Tuesday & Thursday: 10:00PM-12:00AM Eastern Time | 7:00PM-9:00PM Pacific Time. AotC oriented and looking to do a few Mythic bosses each season. Currently recruiting: DPS and one healer. Class needs: Evoker, Rogue, Monk All are welcome to apply.
  2. Technicolor - Tuesday & Thursday: 8:30PM-11:00PM Eastern Time | 5:30PM-8:00PM Pacific Time. AotC oriented and looking to do a few Mythic bosses each season. Currently recruiting: DPS. Class needs: Demon Hunter, Warrior, Rogue. All are welcome to apply.
  3. Team Sweat - Saturday & Sunday: 7:00PM-9:00PM Eastern Time | 4:00PM-6:00PM Pacific Time. Heroic weekend team. Newest team - need all!

Please feel free to btag me Aunix#1808, comment here, or find me on Discord (aunix).

We look forward to hearing from you!

Firehawk 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brerellyn
Server Rank: #43
US Rank: #1601

Greetings Azerothians! Firehawk is a long-standing WoW community standing strong for nearly 15 years. We’re a highly active guild looking for raiders for all 3 teams: VIRA (CE), Corpse Run (mythic prog) and Twilight Fenix (AotC).

Group of chill, like-minded players who work together to push the content as far as we can; very strong and experienced leadership
Attendance, knowing the fights and coming to raid with a positive attitude is always a standard (must be open to criticism); Lootcouncil, BigWigs/DBM are mandatory
Our goals/expectations: fast/clean reclears, equally gear all members and ensure everyone gets to experience endgame content, and a strong sense of teamwork and community (underperforming players will be asked to step out or switch)


VIRA - (weekend CE team) - Friday/Saturday 5-8pm PST/8-11pm EST.
This team is seeking to prove our skills and achieve Cutting Edge. Looking for raid-ready, dedicated, and capable players. Must provide logs when applicable. Strongly focused on pushing high keys. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Hunter (Any spec)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Corpse Run - (weekday mythic mid-core progression team) - Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9pm PST/9-12pm EST.
Firehawk’s pride and joy, this team has been together for years. Corpse Run focuses on clearing heroic and downing a few mythic bosses along the way. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Mage (Any spec)

  • Monk (Windwalker/Mistweaver)

  • Paladin (Ret/Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Shaman (Ele/Enh)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Arms/Fury)

Twilight Fenix - (weekend AotC-only) - Friday/Sunday 6-9 pm PST/9-12 pm EST.
Fun and casual, but still focused, this team is looking for more folks to achieve AotC. Will have dedicated nights for achievement runs and alt runs. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Druid (Balance/Feral/Restoration)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Paladin (Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement)

So if you’re looking for an inclusive, active community to reach your character/raiding goals, then we are the guild for you! Message me Brerellyn (Brerellin#1558 btag/Brerellyn#6794 discord) for more info about our guild, raid teams, and policies or visit our website on Guilds of Wow.

Chain Reaction 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ettyn
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Chain Reaction (cross-faction) on Lightbringer raids T/Th 7-9:30 pm pacific–focused on Ahead of the Curve heroic raiding. We’re looking to bring in raiders for War Within Season 1 and beyond. 1. Specifically seeking healers and dps, mage, warrior, and DH high need, open to hearing from all classes/specs/roles.

We are a mid-sized guild, established in 2009. We have consistently achieved Ahead of the Curve since Cataclysm. We also enjoy pushing Mythic + (many raiders earn KSM/KSH/beyond), a little PvP, old runs for Achievements/transmog, etc.

We have people around just about every night up for something!

If you’re interested, feel free to hit me up on battlenet, RowanBeth#1291. (I don’t check the forums for responses too often, so please do reach out on bnet, or I can also be reached on Discord, rowanbeth.)

Volatile 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ansys
Server Rank: #6
US Rank: #911

Who we are:
Volatile is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on US-Whisperwind. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm CST. Founded in Cataclysm, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on mythic progression. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always get AoTC and work our way through mythic the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

  • Rogue (high priority)
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (high priority)
  • Mage (high priority)
  • Death Knight DPS (high priority)
  • Shadow Priest (high priority)
  • Warrior DPS (high priority)
  • Devastation Evoker (medium priority)
  • Balance Druid (medium priority)
  • Hunter (medium priority)
  • Retribution Paladin (medium priority)
  • Warlock (medium priority)
  • Holy Paladin (medium priority)
  • Priest Healer (medium priority)

Main thing we look for is fit, if your goals are the same as ours and you mesh well with us we’re open to pretty much anyone!

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 7-10pm CST
Thursday, 7-10pm CST
Invites start 6:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out an application here:

If you have any questions you can add Shestrouble (shestrouble on discord) or Ansys (ansys on discord)

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