Volatile 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ansys
Server Rank: #6
US Rank: #912

Who we are:
Volatile is a semi-hardcore alliance guild on US-Whisperwind. We raid Wednesdays and Thursdays 7pm-10pm CST. Founded in Cataclysm, we provide a fun, laid back raiding environment that focuses on mythic progression. We pride ourselves in providing a stable and positive environment for our raiders. We always get AoTC and work our way through mythic the best we can.

Currently recruiting:

  • Rogue (high priority)
  • Havoc Demon Hunter (high priority)
  • Mage (high priority)
  • Death Knight DPS (high priority)
  • Shadow Priest (high priority)
  • Warrior DPS (high priority)
  • Devastation Evoker (medium priority)
  • Balance Druid (medium priority)
  • Hunter (medium priority)
  • Retribution Paladin (medium priority)
  • Warlock (medium priority)
  • Holy Paladin (medium priority)
  • Priest Healer (medium priority)

Main thing we look for is fit, if your goals are the same as ours and you mesh well with us we’re open to pretty much anyone!

Raid Schedule:
Wednesday, 7-10pm CST
Thursday, 7-10pm CST
Invites start 6:45pm CST

Bigwigs or Deadly Boss Mods
Method Raid Tools
WeakAuras 2

If you are interested in joining us, please fill out an application here:

If you have any questions you can add Shestrouble (shestrouble on discord) or Ansys (ansys on discord)

Firehawk 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brerellyn
Server Rank: #43
US Rank: #1602

Greetings Azerothians! Firehawk is a long-standing WoW community standing strong for nearly 15 years. We’re a highly active guild looking for raiders for all 3 teams: VIRA (CE), Corpse Run (mythic prog) and Twilight Fenix (AotC).

Group of chill, like-minded players who work together to push the content as far as we can; very strong and experienced leadership
Attendance, knowing the fights and coming to raid with a positive attitude is always a standard (must be open to criticism); Lootcouncil, BigWigs/DBM are mandatory
Our goals/expectations: fast/clean reclears, equally gear all members and ensure everyone gets to experience endgame content, and a strong sense of teamwork and community (underperforming players will be asked to step out or switch)


VIRA - (weekend CE team) - Friday/Saturday 5-8pm PST/8-11pm EST.
This team is seeking to prove our skills and achieve Cutting Edge. Looking for raid-ready, dedicated, and capable players. Must provide logs when applicable. Strongly focused on pushing high keys. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Hunter (Any spec)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Fury/Arms)

Corpse Run - (weekday mythic mid-core progression team) - Tuesday/Wednesday 6-9pm PST/9-12pm EST.
Firehawk’s pride and joy, this team has been together for years. Corpse Run focuses on clearing heroic and downing a few mythic bosses along the way. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Mage (Any spec)

  • Monk (Windwalker/Mistweaver)

  • Paladin (Ret/Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Shaman (Ele/Enh)

  • Warlock (Any spec)

  • Warrior (Arms/Fury)

Twilight Fenix - (weekend AotC-only) - Friday/Sunday 6-9 pm PST/9-12 pm EST.
Fun and casual, but still focused, this team is looking for more folks to achieve AotC. Will have dedicated nights for achievement runs and alt runs. LOOKING FOR:

  • Death Knight (Frost/Unholy)

  • Demon Hunter (Havoc)

  • Druid (Balance/Feral/Restoration)

  • Evoker (Dev/Aug/Pres)

  • Monk (Windwalker)

  • Paladin (Holy)

  • Priest (Disc/Holy)

  • Rogue (Any spec)

  • Shaman (Elemental/Enhancement)

So if you’re looking for an inclusive, active community to reach your character/raiding goals, then we are the guild for you! Message me Brerellyn (Brerellin#1558 btag/Brerellyn#6794 discord) for more info about our guild, raid teams, and policies or visit our website on Guilds of Wow.

New Dawn 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Bonesnap
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

< New Dawn > is a newly formed mythic progression raiding guild. Our current leadership has been playing and focused on progression raiding since late Vanilla / Early BC. With decades of experience running guilds, leading raids, and organizing groups under our belt, we are determined to achieve a well-oiled machine of a raiding environment and helping each other improve as a whole.

About Us:

We maintain an adult mindset with good communication and hope to cultivate a drive for personal growth in and out of raid. We are on often as we do M+ for vault every week. Beyond that, we are big on cohesion and team-building, and utilize Discord as the central hub for guild activity.

Our goals as a guild are a focus on pushing into mythic content as early as possible and having weekly M+ activity and goals as well.

Roster Philosophy:

Our aim for our roster, in order to work towards pushing mythic raid content, is to have a team of around 24 raiders. Raiders will rotate out when we’re over numbers; this will allow for guilt-free absences when real life gets in the way of raiding without hindering the guild’s progression. Currently we have a solid group made up of mostly healer and tank players - we have those roles covered already and then some.

We are just looking for a bunch of good solid dps players to progress with. If that sounds like you keep reading.

Raid Environment:

Tues and Wed – 8p to 11p EST (5p-8p PST)

We also encourage members to be online outside of raid time for M+ content etc.

Come to raid prepared - fully gemmed and enchanted, with appropriate potions, flasks and food.

Focus on bettering your character via gearing in and out of raid and reviewing logs where able (we can help with this if need be).

Do keys during the week to unlock vault slots, a bare minimum of one unlocked slot with encouragement for more.

Lower level farm content will be more relaxed but we expect a more focused environment during raid progression attempts.

We prefer each raider know how to play more than one spec of their chosen class (ie. Balance / Resto Druid etc.) but this is not an enforced requirement.

Please have an openness to constructive criticism and respect for your fellow raiders as well as the guild’s leadership.


We are looking for all DPS but these things specifically are encouraged to apply.

Mage (Arcane ?)
Survival Hunter
Aug Evoker
DK w/ Tank OS

Any exceptional players of any role welcome.


Btag: Awfeel#1399
Discord: .awfeel

We look forward to meeting you !

Prestige Worldwide 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Iceyr
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Who We Are

Prestige Worldwide is an alliance PvX heroic-AOTC raiding guild on Proudmoore-US server. We have been established for 12+ years and over that time have achieved AOTC every tier since Warlords of Draenor with some Mythic raiding kills each tier for loot or progress.

We are primarily an 18+ year guild with an average age range between 21-55. We play mostly in the evenings in the EST/PST time zone but usually have someone on most times, whether that be in-game or on discord. We do accept and encourage socials, casuals, collectors and/or achievement hunters to join as well.


What We Do

We run Mythic+ dungeons and Heroic Raid weekly. We plan on clearing Normal at least once before moving into Heroic. See below for our current status.


  • Vault of the Incarnates AOTC - Heroic 8/8 Cleared
  • Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible AOTC - Heroic 9/9 Cleared
  • Amirdrassil, the Dream’s Hope AOTC - Heroic 9/9 Cleared
  • Loot Rules are need before greed. Main spec > off spec.
  • Checkout our Raid Progress on WarcraftLogs (Search Prestige Worldwide on Proudmoore)


  • We run mythic+ any opportunity we get through out the week.
  • Check our Mythic+ progress on Raiderio (Search Prestige Worldwide on Proudmoore)


Guild Event Times

Raid Times

  • Tues/Thurs from 6PM to 9PM PST


Guild Voice

  • Discord is our primary application used for both voice and chat.


Current Recruitment Needs

We are currently recruiting for War Within Raids and for M+ key runners. We will be focusing on Heroic Raid primarily.

Raid/M+ Team Recruitment

  • High Priority DPS Needed: Mage, Warlock, Feral DPS, Boomkin, Rogue, Aug/Evoker, Ele/Enh Shaman, DPS DK
  • All DPS classes will still be considered so please let us know
  • Also looking for those that can do flex positions like main DPS but also Heal/Tank when needed


Guild Leadership Contact Information

Guild Master/Raid Leader/RBG Leader: Stori (Storibook, Storiofmylyf)

  • Battle.Net ID: istoria#1143
  • Discord: Stori#0599

Officer: Ice (Icethanna, Icedru, Iceyr, Icèbane, Iceshott, Icelotha, Iceslam)

  • Battle.Net ID: Ice#1118
  • Discord: Ice#1118

Officer: Waz (Wazulus)

  • Battle.Net ID: Waz#11156
  • Discord: Waz#1396

Officer: Simon (Simonhunt)

  • Battle.Net ID: Simon#15416
  • Discord: mr_simonbr

You can leave a message here, pm me or message one of us listed above on Battle.Net or Discord.

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Last Updated: 3 Hours 48 Minutes ago