Guild Information
Recruiter: Tramshackle
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Welcome to The #1 Frostmourne OCE 1 Night a week raiding guild

Formed and led by ex-cutting edge players, looking to casually raid, to clear Heroic, get AOTC and look at doing the first 4 mythic bosses.

Current schedule: Sunday: 7:00-10:00 PM

Classes we are recruiting:
Warlock - All Specs
Any exceptional ranged DPS
Any exceptional healers

Please message Thomasmo#3651 on discord for more info!

Guild Information
Recruiter: Mordhaux
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Relax is a semi-hardcore AOTC oriented guild looking for members with raid progression and key pushing as their goals. Chill atmosphere where we play hard with the ultimate goal of having fun. Wed/Thurs nights 9:30-11:30PM EST. PM for more info.

Recruiting priority:
2 heals (priest, shaman)

Battle net:
GM- Mordhaux#1405
Officer - Anarchy#12555

Guild Information
Recruiter: Coldsoul
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Boop is Searching for any and all social and casual toons! We are focused on developing and maintaining a supportive and tight-knit community and are always looking to expand our family.

Whether you’re a returning player looking for a relaxed environment to find your footing, a casual player looking to get away from the demands of high tier raiding and the stresses of life; or just a place to hide your alts, everyone is welcome!

our guild is currently looking for players for all forms of content! we are looking to form a consistent raid team for The War Within! and people looking to do any range of keys from low to high levels. Our raids aim for AOTC every raid season, but take a more casual and stress free approach where you can come hang out and enjoy the raid! :smiley: our raid days are Friday 7pm server time and Sunday 6pm server time (if you’re in QLD its an hour earlier during daylight savings)
we also have a couple members that dabble in PVP random BGs and areas mostly!

our discord server is a mixture of pet pic sharing and general banter, with all the WoW talk in-between!

Again, our focus is on a chill and supportive guild, no drama, good laughs, and keep on booping!

You can add and contact me on Bnet @Coldsoul#11517, or better yet, @ me on discord @coldsoul :v: :vulcan_salute: :watermelon:

US-Area 52
Guild Information
Recruiter: Derostab
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

[NA] Qualified - 8/8H Looking to start mythic progression soon! Need to fill out our roster!

We are a guild formed from the many friends we have made throughout all of wows previous expansions. Some of us have CE raid experience and some are just getting started with mythic tier raiding. Looking for a relaxed but progress focused guild to call home? Well you’ve found it!

Raid Schedule:
Raid Tue/Thur 7:30-10:30pm Central Time

We are currently recruiting the following specs: All players who posses a medium to high proficiency and understanding of their class! DPS/Tank/Healer all are welcome!

Discord: LordFrost6941

US-Area 52
Mind Smooth
Guild Information
Recruiter: Olysian
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

We are an active guild that is currently recruiting DPS for Mythic raiding, and are shooting for CE. We are a group of individuals who share love for all aspects of the game and enjoy a competitive and fun yet professional atmosphere when raiding. Outside of raiding we also have an active PVP and M+ community and play others games together. Weekend Normal/Heroic raids. We are currently recruiting mostly DPS but are accepting anyone, so please feel free to reach out! We expect our players to show up to every raid, know fights, and perform your role efficiently. All exceptional and/or teachable players are encouraged to apply! All Casuals Welcome!!

Raid Schedule: Tuesday / Wednesday 8pm – 11pm EST Raid Positions available: DPS / offspec classes
*High priority on ROGUE
We are also looking for a hybrid that would be willing to heal on fights that require us additional healers!
All are welcome to apply though


Recruitment- Discord -Olysian


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Last Updated: 113 Days 11 Hours 22 Minutes ago