Esprit 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ketupaat
Server Rank: #12
US Rank: #78

ESPRIT G1 [9/9M] is recruiting!

Esprit’s G1 group is currently seeking exceptional players.
We are currently looking for the following classes below to add to our ranks for The War Within expansion!

1x Aug
1x DH
Any exceptional DPS

Our typical raiding schedule is:
Wednesdays, Thursdays, Monday
830pm to midnight +8GMT.

Esprit has been an established guild since Vanilla and has always maintained a casual and friendly environment.

We value dedication, skill, and camaraderie, and we believe in challenging ourselves to achieve greater success.

If you are an experienced raider who is passionate about tackling the toughest Mythic raid encounters and achieving Cutting Edge achievements, we invite you to apply to join our team.

Our guild provides a supportive and encouraging atmosphere, with experienced leadership and knowledgeable raiders to help you reach your full potential.

To apply, please contact our raid leader at:
Bnet - Pewpewpew#1884
Discord - Obama#0514.

US-Bleeding Hollow
Did it for Whitney 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Tivadar
Server Rank: #7
US Rank: #181

Did it For Whitney is comprised of a core group of players who have been raiding together since WoD. That core participated in multiple top 100 raid clears, and applies that experience to support the current raid effort.

In Shadowlands the guild became casual for the first tier. We quickly came to learn we did not enjoy raiding with that mindset. As a result we’ve been rebuilding since then with the intent to take Dragonflight more seriously. We have been making steady progress.

From our raiders we expect full enchants and t3 consumables (except augment runes) to be raid ready. Raiders are also expected to have max ilvl vault options every week. Typically to start a tier we want you to fill out your PvE vault options, and that expectation dwindles as the tier goes on.

The comms are chill, but we expect performance. We are targeting improved ranks from what we achieved in SL, aiming for top 100 again. If this sounds like what you’re looking for then we want to talk to you!

We have been steadily improving tier after tier. We ended S3 DF at US 180 and for season 4 averaged US 123 (aggregate of the 3 raids)

Raid Times:
Tuesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Wednesday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST
Thursday - 9:00 - 12:00 EST

Current roster in need of dps, pref. Enhance/Warlock/Druid. No quality player will be overlooked. If you are interested in joining please inquire on BNET: MayorJuevos#1615, Discord: Tiv#0243

9/9M 3day Late Night PST LF DPSJun 18th, 2019 3:08 pm
Nexus Sx 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kirbyau
Server Rank: #20
US Rank: #226

<Nexus Sx> - Tichondrius is a longstanding CUTTING EDGE mythic raiding guild looking to expand its core raid team!

Want to see and hear what our raid environment is like? Check out our stream here:


We’re a diverse and tight-knit group that likes to have a good time and play at a high level. We consider ourselves hardcore since we raid three nights a week (four, if you consider optional heroic night).

We need players who are personable, reliable and ready to do their homework before fights and focus up during progression. Raid spots will be made available immediately to players who perform.

Meshing with the group is as important as performance. Bad attitudes, poor attendance, and overall bad vibes will not be tolerated. We expect guildies to run mythic+ and content with each other outside of raid hours. We have a very active discord as well.

Raid times

Core Mythic progression: Tues/Weds/Thurs 9PM - 12AM PDT
Off-night Heroic: Mon 9PM - 12AM PDT
Guild-wide M+ Chain Runs: Sun 8PM - 12AM PDT

Who we’re looking for

We are looking for folks to come in and make an impact immediately. Expect to know the fights for not only your own class, but know the entire fight as a whole. Little hand holding, self responsibility

At this time, we are only considering players who have recent Cutting Edge experience

Specific Classes/Specs Needed:


  • Demon Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Druid
  • Aug Evoker
  • All talented DPS welcome to apply

At this time, we are only looking for players with recent CE experience/achievements

While we may prioritize recruitment of certain classes above others, we are open to all capable and dedicated DPS players at this time.


7/9M Amirdrassil
9/9M Aberrus

11/11M SOTFO
10/10M SoD
10/10M CN

12/12M Nyalotha
8/8M EP
2/2H CoS
9/9M BoDA
8/8M Uldir

11/11M Antorus
9/9M ToS
10/10M NH
3/3M TOV
7/7M EN

If you’re interested in joining us, please add us on BTag:


US-Wyrmrest Accord
Life 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Infimyst
Server Rank: #1
US Rank: #237

:dizzy: Glances:

  • Small and tightknit guild that raids 9 Hours per week. (T/W/Th 7pm-10pm PST)
  • No mandatory benching or class swaps.
  • Primary focus on stress and anxiety free environment.
  • Optional / Make up raid on Monday.

:open_book: History:

Formerly known as Affinity, our community has been raiding on Wyrmrest since Sept 2013.
Our only focus when making the guild was having a relaxed atmosphere to clear flex Normal raids with.
We slowly became better and better while retaining our original atmosphere.
Now we’re a unique guild that clears Mythic with a pristine environment.
This leads to a very low turnover rate. Core Raider spots rarely become available.

:leaves: You should apply to <Life> if:

  • You’re looking for a long term home to make long term friends in.
  • You’re more interested in the social aspect of the game rather than the rewards.
  • You’re looking for a guild that treats members fairly. Regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.
  • You treat everyone, in-game and out, with respect.

:star2: You should apply for a core slot if: (22 Slots)

  • You’ve killed at least three bosses on mythic and all bosses on heroic.
  • You’re familiar with ‘simming’ and have a basic understanding of log analyzation.
  • You can confidently make raids on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7pm - 10pm Pacific.
  • You have a team mentality. Ex: Taking a lower parse for doing mechanics - Understanding not getting loot when other people need it more. etc.
  • You’re able to also make Mondays for the first two weeks of the tier and play an alt at a heroic level for the same time.

:sparkles: You should apply for a raider slot if: (8 slots)

  • You mainly want to do Heroic with possibility to backup for Mythic. (Raiders clear Heroic with the Core team but being in for mythic is not guaranteed.)
  • Missing out on Mythic is not an issue for you.
  • Being lower on loot priority to core members doesn’t bother you.

:x: You should not apply to <Life> if:

  • Terms like ‘LGBTQ+’ and ‘Pronouns’ scare you.
  • You’re mainly looking for Keystones. <Life> occasionally does M+ but we are a raiding guild first.
  • You’re looking for a guild that is active through the entire season. <Life> usually finishes progressing our characters early into the season.

Previous Progression:

Siege of Orgrimmar - 6/13M
Highmaul - 2/8M
Blackrock Foundry - 3/10M
:star: Hellfire Citadel - US 543
:star: Emerald Nightmare - US 355
:star: Trial of Valor - US 401
Nighthold - 9/10M
Tomb of Sargeras - 7/9M
:star: Antorus - US 91
:star: Uldir - US 353
:star: Dazar’alor - US 269
Crucible - 0/2M
Eternal Palace - 6/8M
:star: Ny’alotha - US 327
:star: Nathria - US 239
:star: Sanctum - US 220
:star: Sepulcher - US 266
:star: Vault - US 268
:star: Aberrus - US 217
:star: Amirdrassil - US 242

Wowprogress: wowprogress .com/guild/us/wyrmrest-accord/Life
WarcraftLogs: warcraftlogs. com/guild/calendar/112937
(remove extra space in link)

For any questions that aren’t answered on this form or on our application, please contact our recruitment officers on Discord: .charon. or joobacca

US-Bleeding Hollow
The Early Shift 9/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zhamie
Server Rank: #11
US Rank: #276

[H] - The Early Shift - Bleeding Hollow [26/26M Awakened - CE All of Dragonflight/Shadowlands/BFA/Legion] 2 Day Mythic Raiding Guild is now recruiting skilled players.

US - Bleeding Hollow/Horde

About TES:

  • The Early Shift is a raiding guild that was formed right before Legion. Our goal is to become one of the best 2day guilds in the US! The leadership of TES has been around since Vanilla, and has a vast amount of high end leadership experience.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • Strong/passionate/driven leadership that doesn’t give up.
  • A sense of community and direction.
  • Communication.

What we expect from our trials:

  • Prepared with relevant consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge for raid.
  • Effort to integrate yourself with guild’s community.
  • 100% attendance during 2 week trial.
  • The drive to improve personal play.

The Early Shift - [26/26M Awakened - CE All of Dragonflight/Shadowlands/BFA/Legion]
6 hr/wk Raid Schedule:

  • Tuesday: 12:00PM(Noon)-3:00PM EST
  • Thursday: 12:00PM(Noon)-3:00PM EST

What we’re looking for:

We are ALWAYS looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best. With that being said, we have a few classes in HIGH demand:

  • Tank (Any Class)
  • Demon Hunter (Any Spec)
  • Evoker (Any Spec)
  • Warlock
  • Mage
  • Balance Druid


  • Outside of scheduled raid times, the guild is very active in mythic + with several members that are pushing for higher IO scores. We also will set up occasional heroic/mythic runs to gear alts or run achievements.
  • For additional guild information, please join our guild discord and read through the guild info tab -

How to apply:

  • If you’re interested in submitting an application, please use this link below.
  • If you have any further inquiries/questions please reach out to me via BattleTag: Guild Master (Zhamy) - Zhamie#11740

We appreciate your time and interest. Best of luck with your search!

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