Gordian Knot 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jenquai
Server Rank: #89
EU Rank: #1145

Guild name: Gordian Knot
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: VotI 6/8M | Aberrus 8/9M | ATDH 6/9M
Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Sunday
Raid days - Secondary runs: Thursday
Raid times: 20.00-23.15 CET
(Full application details on website)

:information_source: RECRUITING FOR RAIDING :information_source:

High Demand:

  • Death Knight: Unholy & Frost
  • Evoker: All specs
  • Monk: Windwalker
  • Paladin: Holy
  • Shaman: Enhancement
  • Warrior: Fury & Arms

Medium Demand:

  • Demon Hunter: Havoc

Also, in order to be able to join our main team straight away, you need to meet the requirements for our current progress, which are around 520+ item level equipped.

We are always open to discuss the possibility of a merge and have been able to incorporate successfully in the past smaller teams and guilds to our roster. Most of us are versatile people and would be willing to accommodate for some restructure in the team and specs, provided of course that you work with us in the same spirit of cooperation.

Any social and friendly person who wants to join us for kicks and giggles is welcome. Just poke any of our officers online and you will get an invite for a social spot (no raiding spot).

:information_source: ABOUT US :information_source:

Gordian Knot is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that consists of experienced raiders with some of them having raiding experience as far back as Vanilla.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do and we expect raiders to maintain a 80% attendance per month. Our wish is for this guild to provide a place for our members to call home and enjoy all aspects of this game in a fun and relaxed environment.

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons doing alt-runs, achievement runs etc.
We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get +15 keys done for the weekly chests. We do this in spirit to help everyone in the guild getting their highest possible gear reward from their weekly cache (socials included).

There are a few things we hold in high value but above else we value friendliness and politeness towards guildies and other players and skillfulness when it comes to the more serious parts of the game.

:information_source: CURRENTLY :information_source:

We raid 2 nights a week, Wednesdays and Sundays, from 20:15 till 23:15 server time. Our raid invites always start 15 minutes prior to each raid.
Although we are a 20-man guild, we usually run an extra group in order to get more people to experience the joys of raiding, help new raiders learn the Knot’s way to down bosses and gearing up. Usually, these runs happen on Thursdays, and also we’re on RBGs killing alliance scums every Friday or Saturday or on other in game activities if not on RBGs!

Our current guild progress is VOTI 6/8M | ATSC 8/9M | ATDH 6/9M, and we’re focusing on getting further progress in Dragonflight. Our aim is to always progress as much as possible but also to have a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the same time!

If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at , or join our discord, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

  • Leleko - Leleko#2235
  • Narweena - Sephyra#2517
  • Tia - Tialha#2798

  • Leleko - Leleko
  • Narweena - Narweena
  • Tia - Tia_12

PS. We’re always open to group applications!
We are also open and welcome social applications.

Impaired 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brukerr
Server Rank: #21
EU Rank: #798

If you are toxic please move on to another guild.

Welcome to Impaired.

Impaired is a fun-loving and goal-oriented group of players that love to do high-end PvE content every tier with a heavy emphasis on social interaction (socials are also welcome).

We use Discord as our main platform for all things guild and community-related.

Impaired as a guild is not exclusively tied to Azeroth. We enjoy having a good laugh with each other and play different games outside of WoW and spend time daily on Discord discussing everyday life.

The guild was formed in early-2020, Shadowlands patch 9.0 and found success immediately pushing into Mythic raiding. We cleared 7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria, 8/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination and 6/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones, 7/8 Vaults with a 1.5% wipe on Raz - ouch.

We were founded by a core group of people that have played together over the last 17 years and throughout our time running the guild we have created an extremely inclusive, fun and socially rewarding guild to be part of.

Our goal in Dragonflight is to achieve Cutting Edge, as such we expect that people applying to us share the same goal. This means expecting a level of commitment and ability that is conducive to achieving that. If you don’t think you are capable of pushing yourself through the hardest content the game has to offer, we might not be the right guild for you.

We acknowledge the time and effort of our guildies and expect everyone on an individual level to respect fellow guild members.

What this means: - When you sign up for a raid, you arrive on time, come prepared with detailed knowledge of the encounters and have the expected consumables with gear enchanted. We understand people have lives outside of Azeroth and with that comes unexpected situations that may cause you to either be delayed or miss the raid entirely. Communication is key.

Looking for:
Monk - WW
Warlock - Demo/Affliction (Not Destro).

Even if your class isn’t listed as open for recruitment, please get in contact as we are always open to recruiting players with the same values as ourselves.

Raid days are Wednesdays & Thursdays, 9pm till 12am game time.

Feel free to contact any of our Officers listed below to chat more, we’d love to answer any questions you might have.

Nuaik via Discord Nuaik#0010
Alpha via Discord Alphaa#4410
Cirraya via Discord Cirraya#5155
Discord - Majestic bat#7984

Omnishambles 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Cyrios
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Omnishambles is an 12-year-old guild looking for more raiders to bolster our Heroic raiding roster!

About us:
Omnishambles is an Alliance guild on the server Sylvanas EU that focuses on clearing heroic raid content and have been getting Ahead of the Curve consistently throughout every expansion and aim to do so for many more to come.

We praise ourselves for creating and being a light-hearted, mature, and social environment while also killing bosses and looting epics.
Our raiding roster consists of a wide range of players going from ex-Mythic raiders to M+ pushers and mount/pet collectors, everyone is welcome and accepted.

Together with the above and multiple IRL guild meets we create an online home for anyone who wishes to engage.

Our raid days are Thursday and Monday from 21:00 - 23:30 server time.

Recruitment status for The War Within:
We currently are actively looking for the following:

  • Mage
  • Warlock
  • Shadow, Holy & Disc Priest
  • Hunter
  • Elemental Shaman
  • Disc/Holy Priest
  • Resto Shaman
  • Balance & Resto Druid
  • Devastation & Preservation
  • Demon Hunter
  • Holy Paladin

Of course, anyone who plays any of the other classes is always considered!
We are not looking for top-notch, highest ilvl possible players (though they are welcome), we do ask that you have a moderate understanding of your class, and the bosses and that you keep up with gear, enchants, and consumables.

If this interests you and you would like to chat, drop me a message on Discord: cyrios_ or our raid leader Dazz9999.

Hope to see you soon!

Legendary Order 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Schalimar
Server Rank: #175
EU Rank: #2326

Hello adventurer,

< Legendary Order > is a small but friendly guild on EU-Draenor. We offer a place where everyone is welcome. Returning player, Veterans, new player and everyone who is looking for a family like guild.

:crossed_swords: Our raiddays are: Thursday and Sunday 20:00 -23:00 Servertime ( EU-Draenor )

:white_small_square: Our Goal each season = Curved + Farmstatus and addionally test our limits in Mythic Raiding without pushing hard.

Dragonflight Season 4

Vault 8/8 Normal | 8/8 Heroic | 2/9 Mythic
Abberus 9/9 Normal | 9/9 HC | 3/9 Mythic
Amidrassil 9/9 Normal | 9/9 HC | 3/9 Mythic

!! Recruitment open for The War Within: !!

Tank | Healer closed incl. offtank and offhealer closed.
Ranged DPS - closed on Warlock and Hunter - Rest open
Meele - closed on Paladin - Rest open

:white_small_square: Exceptional players are always welcome, just contact us!

What we have to offer:

:white_small_square: outside of our raids, we actively run Mythic Plus dungeons, all Keylevel across the board, up until 26s.
:white_small_square: A family like community side of this guild. We’re respecting everyone and remembering that we are playing a game.
:white_small_square: Real life always comes first!
:white_small_square: Discord as communication tool for all member
:white_small_square: a very chill raid enviornment

Contact Information:

:white_small_square: Discord: Schali
:white_small_square: Discord: Skiar
:white_small_square: Discord: Vibbeh

:clipboard: You can also just app ingame to < Legendary Order >

EU-Argent Dawn
RPG 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Samoyed
Server Rank: #51
EU Rank: #3308

:crossed_swords: RPG :shield:

:world_map: EU-Argent Dawn
:thinking: Raiding, M+, Community Events

About Us

is a friendly, laid-back raiding guild on Argent Dawn EU that provides a place to clear Ahead of the Curve at a relaxed pace and enjoy everything else Azeroth has to offer along the way. We pride ourselves on a friendly, diverse and collaborative environment, and we’re looking for people like YOU to join us on the journey!

What We Offer

RPG offers a suite of monthly, weekly, and daily activities for players to engage with. Find our current offerings below - ranging from typical events to some more unusual ones.


:trophy: Achievement Runs
:video_game: Mini Games


:nail_care: Transmog Competitions
:dagger: Raid Nights
:clinking_glasses: Social Nights


:running_man: Mythic+ Runs

Activity Schedule:

Interested but not sure if your life matches with our plans? See our schedule for weekly activities below.


:calendar: Thursday
:clock7: 19:30 GMT - 21:30 GMT (19:15 Invites)


:calendar: Wednesday & Sunday
:clock7: 19:30 GMT - 21:30 GMT (19:15 Invites)


We’re looking for friendly, active, and committed people willing to engage with any of the activities that we host.

Get In Touch

:phone: FeralKitteh#2837 or Ayabuck#2349 on
:iphone: Contact us directly on Discord @ ‘CharcoalKitteh’
:desktop_computer: Apply on Guilds of WoW!

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