EU-Tarren Mill
Exsilium 6/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Soms
Server Rank: #132
EU Rank: #1360

Hello there,

We are an established guild looking to recruit a friendly Holy Paladin and a Rogue for chilled mythic raiding in TWW.

Raid schedule: Thursdays & Sundays 19:50 to 23:00 (server time). We will be having a voluntary extra raid day on Wednesday for 2 weeks at the start of the tier.

About Us: Our philosophy as a guild is to kill as many bosses as we can together and have fun doing it. Most of us have been playing Warcraft for many years but we do also have some youngsters that aren’t fossils yet to keep us up to date with the latest “memes”.

What we are looking for: Friendliness, maturity and the enthusiasm to kill bosses as part of a team. You do not need mythic experience but you must be willing to put the effort in as needed to make the step up. Staying on your own realm is no problem as guilds will be cross realm.

Interested? Please read our more detailed post over on Warcraftlogs to see if we are the right fit for each other.

If you want to apply or have any questions please send a message on Discord to spikeys_life

We look forward to hearing from you,

The Exiles

EU | HC & M+ | TWW Recruitment | Jul 24th, 2024 7:05 am
Lark 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Form
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Lark is, like everyone else, recruiting new members for The War Within…

:information_source: About Us:

We’re a small guild looking for members to join our raid roster and join for M+ at their own pace. Most of us have been playing WoW since TBC; we have our war stories and know how to relax as a group. Wipes happen to the sound of medieval covers of absolute bangers.

We have returning players joining us, who are reminiscing about the days of yore and coming to grips with the current playstyle.

As a mix from the UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia, we primarily use English in Discord, though we are occasionally entertained by Moonspeak and Potato Manglers. Om du är svensk borde du förmodligen inte ansöka om du inte är en eländig git :upside_down_face:

We all respect the lives we have outside of the game, and foster an inclusive environment to make the most of game time.

:radio_button: Server: Emeriss - EU

We’re part of the connected realms, so currently that includes:

Bloodscalp / Emeriss / Agamaggan / Twilight’s Hammer / Crushridge / Hakkar

Though as everyone knows, cross realm guilds are now in action. Toot toot!

:pause_button: Our Schedule

During progress we raid twice a week, after this we open an alt raid on Sundays.

Thursdays | 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time
Sundays | 19:00 - 21:30 Server Time

Tuesdays - Fluff Raid for transmogs and achievements, rotating destinations by demand

Other week days, M+ are ad hoc and hop in and out as you like.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Players

We’re looking for mature players who want to explore The War Within without sweating heavily or suffering a Vitamin D deficiency in the pursuit of temporary glory. They don’t need to touch grass; grass fears their steps and the lawnmower each week.

We are an inclusive guild, which means respecting the player behind the screen is a person. We can’t help with wish-fulfilment, unless its a transmog, achievement, or addon…

That said, one of our tanks plays the Bejewelled addon on the side and some of us are trying to peak the fashion of a male Kul Tiran shaman in a bikini called Darnell. We’ll get there, I know it.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Roles

We’re looking for the following roles:

We’re open to more healers and we’re non-specific at this time - we’re HC, not sweating.

We currently have warlock(s), rogues, and shaman - so if you’re a smelly melee or Another Ranged, then please kick us.

We have one main tank spot open.

During progress, we ask that you commit to one character and stick with it just for roster ease.

Want to apply?
Discord: thenameisform
Battlenet: formbyname#2652

Promised 4/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Auurah
Server Rank: #174
EU Rank: #2274

Promised is a Mythic raid guild, that raids just 1 day a week (Sunday 19:30 - 22:30). We also have an optional night on Thursday to do lower difficulty clears (socials, alts etc welcome)

We have been previously raiding Mythic 1 day a week since Nighthold, so we have a good core foundation.

We are on the look out for some good reliable people that simply don’t have the time to commit to these 2-3 day raid guilds. We recognise we will never be able to compete with the pace of progression that guilds raiding 2/3+ days a week do, but we ensure we get the most out of our 1 night! We raid with focus. Our time schedule may be casual - but we treat our Sunday raid with as much focus as anyone else.

Priority recruiting from:

  • Havoc DH
  • DPS Warrior
  • Shadow Priest
  • Boomkin
  • Rogue

Contact me ingame @ Calum#22388 for a chat if you are interested, or apply via our Discord -

Note - we are not raiding in Season 4. All recruitment is to prepare for TWW.

Chaos Crew 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zathiel
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:boom: Hello, greetings and welcome! :boom:

< Chaos Crew > is looking for new members for raiding, M+, hanging out and having fun!
Our motto: No flaming, no blaming, just chilling and gaming! :partying_face:
We’re looking to revive the guild and get back into raiding and doing mythic+ runs, so if you’re looking for a chill and laid back community, where progression should be fun, hit us up!
We also have members interested in PvP if that is your jam, and if you just want to come be part of a social group, you’re welcome as well.

So far we have no raiding days :x: because as I’ve mentioned before, we’re reviving the guild. This also means you get every opportunity to help shape it and have the role you wish to have.

  • We plan to raid 2 - 3 times a week. (Like we used to do)

We need Tanks, DPS, Healers and Officers! So if you want to join a guild that you can help shape to your liking:
Hit me up: :speech_balloon:
Ingame: Zathiel-Darksorrow
Bnet: Vryxell#2693
Discord: Vryxell

Discord is a must if you wish to join the guild, as we prefer to make friends and not just be strangers on the internet. Come have fun with us and bring your friends along

Darksorrow is part of the cluster: Bladefist, Frostwhisper, Zenedar, Darksorrow, Genjuros, Neptulon (Though this is soon irrelevant)

Q & A

Q. What is the amount of players for the guild overall and for the raid team are you aiming to have max?
A. We need a full raid team as minimum, but we also don’t want to get too big, so a maximum of 100 individual active players (not counting alt characters).

Q. How do you plan on handling loot in regards to a current season and when a new tier is released?
A. We usually went with if the one who gets it can use it, they keep it, otherwise we roll for it, and winner decides if they wanna keep it or give it to someone else.

Q. Out of the people you have atm what classes/specs do you have?
A. Nothing worth noting, honestly. We do have a DH who can either tank or dps. We also have two hunters, where one of them also has a rogue, and we have a monk/DK.

Q. Is the plan for the guild to be AOTC or CE focused with regards to raids?
A. If possible we’d like to be AOTC, but the main goal will always be to have fun. Progression is important, and should be a priority, but it should never be more important than having fun. It’s a game.

Q. For mythic+ is there interest/plans on pushing/ improving in that?
A. Pushing keys is always fun and something we enjoy. Would be awesome to set up some M+ teams. So yes, the goal is to push keys!

Q. What system do you have for people who end up being jerks/toxic/drama focused?
A. A maximum of 3 warnings are given, depending on severity of whatever happened. I already have 2 kids and a fulltime job, I don’t wanna deal with BS drama in my guild.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask either here or contact me directly! I can’t wait to hear from you!

Tyranical 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Kiosan
Server Rank: #200
EU Rank: #2845

Who are we?

Tyranical Guild is a multi-national guild comprised of members of all ages ranges and skillsets. We have a mix of brand new/returning players and long time vets and are completely beginner friendly; we won’t judge you based on your iLvL or Raid/Dungeon experience.

What do we do?

Primarily we are an AoTC Guild focusing on Heroic Raiding and Mythic+. We made excellent progress in S3 achieving curve fairly early on and are continuing that pace into S4. Once we have curved all 3 Raids in S4 we will begin Alt raiding and pushing into Mythic though we are not a Mythic Raiding guild, this will only ever be an afterthought if we happen to run out of things to do.

Primarily our goal atm is to AOTC the current season and increase our attendee’s as we progress into TWW.

Current Hc Progress:

  • VoTI - 8/9
  • AtSC - 9/9
  • AtDH - 8/8

When do we Raid?

Our current raid schedule is:

  • Thursday - 20:00 - 22:00 Server Time
  • Sunday - 19:00 - 22:00 Server Time

What do we need?

Ideally we are looking for Raiders who can consistently attend 2 raid nights per week. We’d rather recruit the person before the iLVL though basic M+ gear will be needed.

Classes we are currently looking for:

  • Melee DPS - Specifically - Rogue, DK, Warrior, Enh Sham - but any class considered as long as can consistently attend.
  • Ranged DPS - Any Classes considered as long as can consistently attend.


If you wish to join or have any questions feel free to get it in touch:

  • Xiyona / Dracarýs - /w (GM)
  • Kiosan / Kíó - /w (Me)
  • markus#22786 - BattleNet (Our fearless GM!)
  • Didymus#1034 - Discord (Me)

You can also search for us in game via Guild Recruitment “Tyranical”

We also have multiple social spots open, so if don’t want to raid but still want some M+ with Guildies by all means reach out!

Happy Hunting and may the Vault be forever in your favor!

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