Tempest 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Frunz
Server Rank: #22
EU Rank: #815

Tempest is a 2-day raiding guild formed at the end of BFA with the goal of achieveing cutting edge every raid tier. We aim to maintain a fun and relaxed raiding environment where everyone can feel comfortable and have a good time whilst progressing efficiently and at a good pace.

Our raid nights are: Tuesday & Thursday - 20:00-23:00 (server time).

Our progress in DF: S1 8/8M, S2 9/9M, S3 8/9M.

The guild is Alliance on Ravencrest EU (but we welcome raiders from all factions and servers).

We offer:

  • A place in a team of 25 like-minded players. We do not recruit for the bench, everyone is treated equally.

  • A progress oriented atmosphere where we also want to have a good time.

  • A guild with a solid and stable core that has endured many ups and downs but has always stayed together.

  • A community of nice people from all over Europe with an active Discord.

We expect from you to:

  • Always be punctual.

  • Be able to maintain close to 100% attendance.

  • Stay up to date with your class and prepared for every boss encounter.

  • Be a team player that puts the guilds best interest ahead of your own.

  • Be nice and respectful with everyone.

We are looking for:

DPS and Healers

Applicants must have recent mythic experience, ideally CE, with logs to back it up.

More than raiding:

Above all else, we pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive community. We don’t allow discrimination of any kind and are focussed on finding like-minded individuals that embrace our values.

Mythic raiding is the emphasis of the guild, however we also welcome individuals who are more interested in the other areas of the game, along with people that are searching for a varied gaming community to call home. We play other games as a group like Final Fantasy 14, Valheim, Enshrouded, Left 4 Dead (or basically anything with zombies in :smile:), LoL, PoE, a bunch of survival/shooters and smaller funny group games like garctic phone etc etc etc!

Use this link to apply:

Or reach out on Discord if you have any questions:


Ministry of Silly Wipes 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Westie
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Who are we?
Ministry of Silly wipes is a Social, Casual guild based on the Bloodscalp/Emeriss/Agamaggan/Twilight’s Hammer group of connected realms!

We’re a group of like minded players, who enjoy a bit of banter amongst ourselves whilst we play. We value building friendships, and a sociable, helpful environment first and foremost!

But whilst we’re social at our core, we aim high! And believe that everyone should be given the chance to raid at a Heroic level, or push higher mythic keys if they wish to give it a go! We try to at least get Ahead of the Curve for each tier, and have members pushing various levels of M+ keys =)

We have our own Discord, which is active throughout the day whilst people are at work, which serves as a gaming community also! For those who want people to play other games with as well; such as FF XIV, D&D, League of Legends, even some Classic WoW as well!

What do we have to offer?

  • A well established, welcoming community of players, who are more than happy to lend a hand!

  • Inclusion, flexibility, and understanding that IRL commitments always come first!

  • A focus on fun! Whilst we would like to raid and push higher content when we can, the most important thing is that we want to enjoy playing the game together as a guild!

  • An active Discord, with members that play various other games together too, and community events set periodically (quizzes, watch parties, charity events).

  • LGBTQ+ and Neurodivergent friendly!

  • Players new or experienced, of all skill levels welcome!

What we are looking for

  • That you are at least 18!

  • Respect and empathy for your fellow guildmates! We have members from all walks of life, and whilst banter is encouraged, be mindful that there is a person on the other side of the screen!

  • Although we have members from all over Europe, we ask that you have at least a good understanding of English.

  • Communication! If you’re struggling with something, or have issues in-game, we can only help you if you come to us and ask. I’m afraid we aren’t psychic =)

  • If you sign up for an event, please make sure you attend; and if you cannot, then all we ask is that you let us know beforehand.

  • Understanding that as a Casual guild, we may not always get to our goals quickly, but we pride ourselves in improving and achieveing them together, most of all! We will Silly Wipe our way to victory! :laughing:

  • Willingness to help your fellow guildmates!

  • Positive attitude! And a willingness to learn and accept help if needed! (Heroic Raiding specificially will need you to take some initiative to want to make improvements if you’re struggling. We’re happy to help if you ask us =) )

  • Play what you enjoy; not what you think we “need!”

  • Toxic, elitist players need not apply; If you join us, you’re doing so on the understanding that we ARE casual leaning, and not willing to bend our inclusive, and helpful environment to cater to more hardcore players who can’t accept this fact.

  • We will be asking new recruits going forward to allow for a 1 month trial period.
    This is, more than anything, to ensure you gel well with the guild, as we seem to repeatedly get players who at first say they want casual, but then take issue with that side of us and turn nasty.

Raid days are;

  • Saturdays 20:00 - 22:00 ST
  • Sundays 20:00 - 22:00

>> Currently, our raid team is full for TWW, but we will add people to the bench and cycle them in as people drop out (as sometimes life requires they do) <<

Contact info
If you have any questions, or are interested in joining us, please feel free to add me!
bnet: Westie#2496
Discord: xWestie

EU | HC & M+ | TWW Recruitment | Jul 24th, 2024 7:05 am
Lark 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Form
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Lark is, like everyone else, recruiting new members for The War Within…

:information_source: About Us:

We’re a small guild looking for members to join our raid roster and join for M+ at their own pace. Most of us have been playing WoW since TBC; we have our war stories and know how to relax as a group. Wipes happen to the sound of medieval covers of absolute bangers.

We have returning players joining us, who are reminiscing about the days of yore and coming to grips with the current playstyle.

As a mix from the UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia, we primarily use English in Discord, though we are occasionally entertained by Moonspeak and Potato Manglers. Om du är svensk borde du förmodligen inte ansöka om du inte är en eländig git :upside_down_face:

We all respect the lives we have outside of the game, and foster an inclusive environment to make the most of game time.

:radio_button: Server: Emeriss - EU

We’re part of the connected realms, so currently that includes:

Bloodscalp / Emeriss / Agamaggan / Twilight’s Hammer / Crushridge / Hakkar

Though as everyone knows, cross realm guilds are now in action. Toot toot!

:pause_button: Our Schedule

During progress we raid twice a week, after this we open an alt raid on Sundays.

Thursdays | 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time
Sundays | 19:00 - 21:30 Server Time

Tuesdays - Fluff Raid for transmogs and achievements, rotating destinations by demand

Other week days, M+ are ad hoc and hop in and out as you like.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Players

We’re looking for mature players who want to explore The War Within without sweating heavily or suffering a Vitamin D deficiency in the pursuit of temporary glory. They don’t need to touch grass; grass fears their steps and the lawnmower each week.

We are an inclusive guild, which means respecting the player behind the screen is a person. We can’t help with wish-fulfilment, unless its a transmog, achievement, or addon…

That said, one of our tanks plays the Bejewelled addon on the side and some of us are trying to peak the fashion of a male Kul Tiran shaman in a bikini called Darnell. We’ll get there, I know it.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Roles

We’re looking for the following roles:

We’re open to more healers and we’re non-specific at this time - we’re HC, not sweating.

We currently have warlock(s), rogues, and shaman - so if you’re a smelly melee or Another Ranged, then please kick us.

We have one main tank spot open.

During progress, we ask that you commit to one character and stick with it just for roster ease.

Want to apply?
Discord: thenameisform
Battlenet: formbyname#2652

Dawnshard 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Indarael
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #


Dawnshard is looking for more people for The War Within and beyond. We are a friendly group and want to offer a stress-free and casual friendly environment while still progressing content. We want to run M+ and raid normal and heroic raids once TWW drops. We are currently Alliance but are open to Horde joining us for some cross-faction goodness. For more information, you may reach out to me on Discord @ Merre#8382 or Ormulf#4299 or post here and I will get back ASAP :slight_smile:

Thanks for your time!

Hey Nice Marmot 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Pyrophobe
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

"Love Drama and toxicity? Do you like being screamed at by 16 year olds for being late or missing a raid day? Looking for the best PvE and PvP guild? A guild with the most competent mythic raiders and hardcore PvPers ready and willing to carry and teach you their secrets? Well, we’re not that guild; but if you want a group of laid-back dudes and dudettes who like pizza, beer and smokes then this may be the guild for you!”

Established in 2020 Hey Nice Marmot is an English speaking, adult, chilled, AOTC, cross faction guild based on EU-Draenor. We have built our community away from the usual toxicity, drama, bs and hostility other guilds and group finder have to offer. We have a great, friendly, and interesting bunch of people aged between 20 and bus pass from throughout the UK, EU and further afield with varying amounts of skill and experience. Some members have played since vanilla; some have only found wow more recently and everything in between.
Our overall goal is to build a great community of like-minded people to enjoy the game together and experience the range of content wow has to offer whether that be raiding, m+, leveling, mount/ach/transmog runs and everything else :slight_smile:


The marmots have 2 raid teams; a casual raid team and a more focused core raid team. Since forming in Shadwolands, both teams have achieved curve every tier.

Throughout both teams we aim to keep a chilled out vibe, we don’t care about the meta, the best parses or want an intense raiding environment however we want players who are looking to constantly improve themselves, will put work into their characters, learn from their mistakes, be able to receive and give constructive criticism and generally put the teams and guilds needs before their own. Just turning up on raid night is not sufficient.

Our Core Raid Team runs 2 days a week (WED/THUR 2030-2300ST). As a more focused team we expect a bit more from our players in regards to performance, consistency, attendance and commitment. As such there will be a trial period for this team. Our Core Raid cycle is usually 12 weeks, achieving AOTC in around 6 weeks and then having the raid on farm and possibly dabbling in a couple of mythic bosses depending on interest and numbers.

Currently our Casual Team currently runs 1 day a week (MON 2030-2300ST) This run is for social members or alts who can’t regularly commit or want to experience the raid at a slightly slower pace and an environment with less pressure of the damage and heal checks of the core raid. The goal is to achieve AOTC before the end of the season and we may add an extra day depending on interest/progress.


We love running m+ and pushing each other’s keys. There are toons and players in the guild at all key levels; those starting out on their journey learning what mobs to interrupt/prio and what mobs blow you off the platform, those looking to achieve KSM/KSH every tier and those pushing for score.

Keys are run in the guild daily and we also put on some events and welcome all to build knowledge, experience and have a laugh in a no pressure, chilled environment.


We have a great, diverse community. We also enjoy leveling, world quests, doing mount runs, dungeon, raid meta-achievements and some light pvp. We also have an active discord and play other games too!



THE WAR WITHIN: Season 1 (trial required)









We are always open to like-minded social players of all skill levels.

All of our recruitment is done through our guilds of wow page. There you will also see our guild rules and raiding rules/expectations. Sometimes we do not receive notifications of new applications so just drop a message on this post if you don’t hear anything :slight_smile:


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