EU-Tarren Mill
Improvise Adapt Wipe 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Thiran
Server Rank: #197
EU Rank: #2566

Improvise Adapt Wipe is looking for players! We are a group of veterans with a core that has been raiding together the entirety of Dragonflight and are now looking for fresh blood to fill our ranks!

Our goals are set on Mythic Raiding without pushing for CE unless obtainable. We are looking to build for long term goals and commitments and wish to achieve CE at some point while trying to be as relaxed about it as we can. We offer guidance to everyone who needs it and have a welcoming attitude to new people in our community. Right now we are looking for players to commit long term to our raid team to be able to build out our core and always guarantee a pug-free 20+ man group for progress oriented raiding come TWW. If you are looking for a guild that acts as a stepping stone to better guilds, we kindly ask you to look elsewhere.

We Raid Wed & Sun 20:00-23:00 CET, but will be Raiding Wed, Thurs and Sunday 20:00-23:00 CET for the first 2 weeks upon raid release in TWW to try and make a bit of a more serious push for progression as early as possible! We ask you to be knowledgeable about your spec and upcoming bosses as well as being able to attend most raids and make sure you gear up outside of raids as well. We expect everyone to come fully prepared (phials, food, enchants, gems etc) and also expect everyone to stick to that baseline regardless of what difficulty is being done any given raid night.

Currently we are looking to fill the following spots:
Healers: Anything and everything
DPS: Everything with an eye on at least one, preferably two augmentation evokers as well as a dedicated Mage & Shaman.

If this sounds like something you are interested in, do not shy away from contacting us, we only bite on request.

A small bit of our history here:
We formed this Guild at the end of DF Season 2 due to a falling out with our old GM, almost the entire team that didn’t completely quit went with us. We Cleared Heroic Amirdrassil with a rather scuffed composition in 3 weeks and cleared 3/9 Mythic bosses within our first week in Mythic although this happened very late due to recruitment issues at the time. The same issue kept compounding due to people losing patience with our comp so we did not progress any further then ~61% on council of dreams (we spent less then an hour total on the fight).

For Season 4 almost nobody was really interested in repeating the DF raids so we only hosted a few Pug runs the first few weeks. Now we are all in on our recruitment efforts and wish to finally realize the potential our team always had!


  • This Post
  • Inagame: Thiran, Théò, Keydadk, Wurley
  • Discord: Thiran#3876, Prometheus#7063, Keyda, WurleyShirley#5953
Twilight Devastation 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Gracielle
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Welcome to Twilight Devastation. We are a freshly created guild but with a group of established friends who’s main aim was to create a guild with a solid raid team and involved present leadership.

Recruiting now ready for The War Within.

We are recruiting social players, returning players and super casual players. When we are not raiding you will usually find us hanging out in discord or taking part of various activities and we would love more people to come and join the fun

Plans for the future: M+ grouping, progression and alt raiding, organised pvp, guild events.

We are also recruiting exclusively DPS ONLY for the heroic raiding team.

Raid days are: Wednesday and Sunday

Raid times: 19:30-22:30 ST

There is approximately 20 of us ready to start raiding once the time comes and this number is growing daily.

If you feel like you would like to be part of a small growing guild, do end game content and feel like you are listened to, this could be the guild for you. At the moment we are considering all applications individually.

Please add Hanloumary, Fanta6569, Fab0396 on discord to chat about recruitment.

Dunder Mifflin Paper Co 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Mirimil
Server Rank: #28
EU Rank: #2367

Heya! So, straight to the point. I’m a Swedish player looking for a Swedish guild.
My current class is Evoker Augmentation and I want to go Healer Preservation in War Within.
By Semi-HardCore, it is a guild who plays for fun, but are serious when comes to raiding. Have a few laughs, don’t care if wipe, help each other out when needed, do m+ together or maybe something else during downtime.
I am primarly looking for a guild that speaks Swedish, but if lack of finding on here on Stormscale i am willing to take a gander at other guilds.
I’ve played for a very long time (Almost 18+ years now) So i am no stranger when comes to WoW. I have Discord and working microphone, shows up in time and let’s people know when I might be late or other things like check up on raid strategy , best gear enchants items etc.

I have N O interest in Mythic Raiding. So, know that if you do Mythic raiding I will not attend that. I focus only on Normal and Heroic. Mythic + Dungeons I can do, but never Mythic Raids.

If you looking to recruit me leave a reply here or hit me up ingame or on Discord.
Discord : Kirby Pink#7454
Ingame Stormscale-Mirimil

Hesperus 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Wiznix
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hesperus (EU Runetotem) is a small international guild with a true family feel. Most of us are no longer in our 20s and have jobs, a partner or something similar, and kids. We all love to log on after a long day of real life and get into raiding / M+ keys while being in a mature, friendly and social environment. Our focus is progressing towards AotC on a steady pace, while not making the raids a stressful experience. Our discord server is filled with good jokes and laughs, but during raids we expect focus while in a boss fight. Our goal is to remain as small and family like as possible, while ensuring to have enough people for our raids every Thursday and monday (20:45–23:00 ST). Therefore we are looking to expand our team but not opening our house for everyone.

What we are looking for in new members:

  • You are a mature teamplayer, able to take feedback and communicate respectfully
  • Before a raid you read up / watch tactics and come prepared
  • You inform if you are able to raid via the events calender and log on in time
  • While being an alto-holic like so many of us are, you keep your main up during the tier
  • When a wipe happens, you do not turn into a keyboard smashing, screaming being…but instead get back to your body in-game and prepare for the next pull

What we have to offer for new members:

  • A mature, friendly and active small guild filled with people willing to help each other
  • Well-organised raids with raidleaders that don’t mind explaining something and remain calm whatever happens
  • A wide variation of M+ runs of all levels most evenings
  • Good jokes and laughs on discord
  • Not naming anyone, but we do have one person playing this game with a mechanical hand

Even though we are looking for the players that fit in our team more then specific classes, we do have a wish list:

  • Any DPS with offspec tank / heal is very welcome
  • Shaman (all specs)
  • Monk (WW)
  • Warlock (all specs as long as you are willing to bring us portals)
  • Evokers

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re class is not listed but you do believe you will fit in this wonderful guild.

Not interested in raiding, but feel like Hesperus could be your new home to enjoy the next expansion(s)? Feel free to contact us for a short chat.

Join us on discord and contact one of the officers:

Looking forward meeting you!

Gordz - Turan#2958
Mose/Tryn - Tryn#2698
Wiznix - Wisnix#21673

Nox 1/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ohshid
Server Rank: #222
EU Rank: #3279

:exclamation: Practical information about the guild: :exclamation:
:eu: Guild name: Nox
:dracthyr_comfy_red: Faction: Horde
:globe_with_meridians: Realm: Draenor (EU)
:compass: Realm Type: Normal - PVE
:trophy: Current progress: 9/9H - 1/9 M
:calendar: Raid days - Wednesday & Sunday
:clock8: Raiding hours - 20:00-23:00 CET

Currently this season we clear HC on Wednesday evening.
And spend Sundays progressing Mythic

:exclamation: Currently Recruiting: :exclamation:


  • Evoker
  • Shaman


  • Monk


  • Paladin
  • Priest

:exclamation: About the guild: :exclamation:
Nox is a welcoming and mature raiding guild that consists of experienced players with relationships going all the way back to Vanilla.

We are a mature community who enjoy World of warcraft in most aspects of the game.
We raid Wednesdays and Sundays, and have a very laid back atmosphere during the raid, in-between boss pulls there will be no shortage of dad jokes and a general joking mood, we do though expect people to be able to perform at their best capability’s and be serious during boss encounters.
Most of us are mature people with kids and have a full understanding about real life and its obligations. and therefor do not expect 100% attendance.

There is no shortage of M+ groups, from alt runs in-between +1 and +8, and more serious groups going above +10.
There will be people online most of the day to socialize with and do M+. During non raid days there is alt raids, Achievement runs for glory of the?, and to enjoy rest of what WoW has to offer.

We wish for our guildys to find their place to call home amongst our ranks, while enjoying all what World of Warcraft has to offer. We boast ourselves with a friendly and social environment, with lots of people on discord to socialize with.
We value friendly players who are polite and perform at a skillful level during raids and the more challenging parts of the game.

If the community is more what you are after, and not so much the raiding aspect of the game, we are always welcoming socials.
Socials can expect a welcoming atmosphere where there will be people to do content with, on many different difficulties. Occasionally there will be raids where social are more than welcome to tag along and see the insides of the raid, and learn the ropes.

We hope to see you in Nox!.

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