Saturday Only Raid Guild 4/8 (H)Oct 13th, 2024 1:15 pm
Árathi Five O
Guild Information
Recruiter: Clairemary
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Our AFO (Arathi Five O) Saturday only Raid Team is opening up recruitment again for a few new members 4/8 (H). (10.5 hours total raiding so far) Need DPS, and possibly DPS that have offspec healing in case 2 of our regular healers cant make a raid. Preferably not DK’s or Pallies as we have a fair few. Must be at least 600 item level. Apply here.

Guild Information
Recruiter: Aiddalolz
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #


Welcome to Simulacrum!

Guild was formed in May 2020 by a bunch of IRL friends with SL in our mind. We were to many to apply for a guild, and we don’t have time to play as we had when we were younger, so we agreed to build a guild, a group, with the same mindset as we have. We managed to raid a bit of HC at the end of BFA, and went into Mythic in SL and DF.

Core of the guild is made of long standing players (which played in almost all expansions, raiding at high and hardcore level). Most of our players are 30+ so IRL comes first, but we still enjoy this game and we want to progress in it.

We are looking for players with the same mindset, which understand that 6h of raiding/week is not much, and they have to give everything during raids in order to progress further step by step. Coming to raids fully prepared (food/flasks/a fight video seen), doing m+ to increase the ilevel/stats/getting the best item that they can get before the raid is one the feats we are looking for.
In the same time we are looking for ACTIVE players. If you log only 2 nights/week to raid, you are not a fit for us. Logging more often, doing m+ with the guild members, raids, achievement runs or just having fun as a group (discussing or joking on discord) is what we ask from our members.

As most of the guilds, we are aiming to finish every patch as high as we can related to progress. The main goal of the guild is CE and mythic raiding, but when we get it doesn’t matter. If we kill the last boss of the patch in the last day before the next patch, for us its enough.
Right now we are looking for players to fill in the roster for a stable 20-22man group. We don’t want to bench any player, and we will always raid with everyone that signs up, but if some fights will require a specific set-up, we will need for those players to understand and step down, for the sake of the progress.

We have no specific requirements with regards to experience, we are looking for players who wish to improve, will put in the effort to do so and can listen to instructions and act upon them in a raid environment. Discussing the tactic, coming with ideas, or simply if you saw something that we didn’t noticed before is highly appreciated. This is a team effort after all.

Regarding gear, we would like that the new recruits to be ready for the current raiding level. We can invite everyone that is willing to join, and we will give them time to get to the required level/gear, but they will get a trial spot only after they are ready.

Raiding hours (we use Calendar for events):
Monday: 20:00 - 23:00
Wednesday: 20:00 - 23:00

Current progress:
S1 - 8/8hc

Current searching for:

DPS - rogue/devoker/hunter/dk/ret/warr
HEALER - 1 (sham/priest/monk)


aidda#2112 (bnet)
Aidda#5460 (discord - yes with BIG A)

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