Impaired 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Brukerr
Server Rank: #21
EU Rank: #798

If you are toxic please move on to another guild.

Welcome to Impaired.

Impaired is a fun-loving and goal-oriented group of players that love to do high-end PvE content every tier with a heavy emphasis on social interaction (socials are also welcome).

We use Discord as our main platform for all things guild and community-related.

Impaired as a guild is not exclusively tied to Azeroth. We enjoy having a good laugh with each other and play different games outside of WoW and spend time daily on Discord discussing everyday life.

The guild was formed in early-2020, Shadowlands patch 9.0 and found success immediately pushing into Mythic raiding. We cleared 7/10 Mythic Castle Nathria, 8/10 Mythic Sanctum of Domination and 6/11 Mythic Sepulcher of the First Ones, 7/8 Vaults with a 1.5% wipe on Raz - ouch.

We were founded by a core group of people that have played together over the last 17 years and throughout our time running the guild we have created an extremely inclusive, fun and socially rewarding guild to be part of.

Our goal in Dragonflight is to achieve Cutting Edge, as such we expect that people applying to us share the same goal. This means expecting a level of commitment and ability that is conducive to achieving that. If you don’t think you are capable of pushing yourself through the hardest content the game has to offer, we might not be the right guild for you.

We acknowledge the time and effort of our guildies and expect everyone on an individual level to respect fellow guild members.

What this means: - When you sign up for a raid, you arrive on time, come prepared with detailed knowledge of the encounters and have the expected consumables with gear enchanted. We understand people have lives outside of Azeroth and with that comes unexpected situations that may cause you to either be delayed or miss the raid entirely. Communication is key.

Looking for:
Monk - WW
Warlock - Demo/Affliction (Not Destro).

Even if your class isn’t listed as open for recruitment, please get in contact as we are always open to recruiting players with the same values as ourselves.

Raid days are Wednesdays & Thursdays, 9pm till 12am game time.

Feel free to contact any of our Officers listed below to chat more, we’d love to answer any questions you might have.

Nuaik via Discord Nuaik#0010
Alpha via Discord Alphaa#4410
Cirraya via Discord Cirraya#5155
Discord - Majestic bat#7984

Fury 5/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Keata
Server Rank: #81
EU Rank: #2002

Fury is an active social and raiding guild that was formed on Silvermoon in 2007. We are one of the oldest Alliance guilds in still standing Europe and we have made good raid progress in each expansion to date.

We have two raiding teams for different difficulties (Mythic and Heroic), many mythic+ enthusiasts and an active community. We avoid raging, blaming and loot hunger, after all we play the game to have fun and we maintain that standpoint across both teams.

If you’re sick of being promised fast raid progression only to find your guild disbanding after a short time, then consider a guild where you can find a permanent home.

This current season, we decided to do a team bonding tier, where both teams raid together just for fun and only going for full heroic clears, while also maintaining weekly alt/social runs. We are currently looking for like minded players interested in joining us for the current tier and looking forward to TWW together with us.

We are currently looking for players that are looking for a permanent home for The War Within.

:crossed_swords: Killers Team – focuses on Mythic progression. The team is composed of skilled players who like to make good progress in mythic difficulty whilst keeping a relaxed atmosphere. Our bond and ethic as a raiding team has kept us strong for many expansions. We want to fill a few spots in the team with great, like minded players who want to raid in the same environment.


  • High Prio - 1 healer: Evoker or Disc
  • Medium Prio - DPS: Boomkin, enh shaman
  • Low Prio - DPS: DK, DH, Feral, Evoker, Warlock

Raid Times: Mon & Wed 19:45-23:00 server time.

Current Progression: Curve on all raids - taking a raiding break during fated tier.

:sunglasses: Chillers Team - Focuses on Heroic raid progression in a fun, stress-free atmosphere.


  • High Prio - 2 healers (no evoker)
  • Medium Prio - DPS: Ranged hunter, warlock, Spriest or ele shaman
  • Low Prio - DPS: Feral, enh shaman or rogue

Raid Times: 20:00 - 23:00 server time Tuesday & Thursday

Current Progression: Curve on all raids - taking a raiding break during fated tier.

Our community is important to us and we take care to ensure that the people we bring to it share our values.

:white_check_mark:What we can offer you:

  • Nice people from all over Europe who help each other and play together.

  • Members that like to push mythic plus keys together.

  • Strong, steady and united leadership - no risk of disbanding.

  • A guild that is supportive and welcoming to new people.

:white_check_mark:Useful Links about Fury:

Warcraft Logs:


Raider. IO:

:white_check_mark:For more information or to apply to join Fury:

Please contact our recruiter on Discord: Theoriginalxarial and Bnet: Xarial#2863 and feel free to visit our Discord server:

Thanks for reading!


Legendary Order 3/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Schalimar
Server Rank: #175
EU Rank: #2326

Hello adventurer,

< Legendary Order > is a small but friendly guild on EU-Draenor. We offer a place where everyone is welcome. Returning player, Veterans, new player and everyone who is looking for a family like guild.

:crossed_swords: Our raiddays are: Thursday and Sunday 20:00 -23:00 Servertime ( EU-Draenor )

:white_small_square: Our Goal each season = Curved + Farmstatus and addionally test our limits in Mythic Raiding without pushing hard.

Dragonflight Season 4

Vault 8/8 Normal | 8/8 Heroic | 2/9 Mythic
Abberus 9/9 Normal | 9/9 HC | 3/9 Mythic
Amidrassil 9/9 Normal | 9/9 HC | 3/9 Mythic

!! Recruitment open for The War Within: !!

Tank | Healer closed incl. offtank and offhealer closed.
Ranged DPS - closed on Warlock and Hunter - Rest open
Meele - closed on Paladin - Rest open

:white_small_square: Exceptional players are always welcome, just contact us!

What we have to offer:

:white_small_square: outside of our raids, we actively run Mythic Plus dungeons, all Keylevel across the board, up until 26s.
:white_small_square: A family like community side of this guild. We’re respecting everyone and remembering that we are playing a game.
:white_small_square: Real life always comes first!
:white_small_square: Discord as communication tool for all member
:white_small_square: a very chill raid enviornment

Contact Information:

:white_small_square: Discord: Schali
:white_small_square: Discord: Skiar
:white_small_square: Discord: Vibbeh

:clipboard: You can also just app ingame to < Legendary Order >

EU | HC & M+ | TWW Recruitment | Jul 24th, 2024 7:05 am
Lark 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Form
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Lark is, like everyone else, recruiting new members for The War Within…

:information_source: About Us:

We’re a small guild looking for members to join our raid roster and join for M+ at their own pace. Most of us have been playing WoW since TBC; we have our war stories and know how to relax as a group. Wipes happen to the sound of medieval covers of absolute bangers.

We have returning players joining us, who are reminiscing about the days of yore and coming to grips with the current playstyle.

As a mix from the UK, Netherlands and Scandinavia, we primarily use English in Discord, though we are occasionally entertained by Moonspeak and Potato Manglers. Om du är svensk borde du förmodligen inte ansöka om du inte är en eländig git :upside_down_face:

We all respect the lives we have outside of the game, and foster an inclusive environment to make the most of game time.

:radio_button: Server: Emeriss - EU

We’re part of the connected realms, so currently that includes:

Bloodscalp / Emeriss / Agamaggan / Twilight’s Hammer / Crushridge / Hakkar

Though as everyone knows, cross realm guilds are now in action. Toot toot!

:pause_button: Our Schedule

During progress we raid twice a week, after this we open an alt raid on Sundays.

Thursdays | 20:00 - 22:30 Server Time
Sundays | 19:00 - 21:30 Server Time

Tuesdays - Fluff Raid for transmogs and achievements, rotating destinations by demand

Other week days, M+ are ad hoc and hop in and out as you like.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Players

We’re looking for mature players who want to explore The War Within without sweating heavily or suffering a Vitamin D deficiency in the pursuit of temporary glory. They don’t need to touch grass; grass fears their steps and the lawnmower each week.

We are an inclusive guild, which means respecting the player behind the screen is a person. We can’t help with wish-fulfilment, unless its a transmog, achievement, or addon…

That said, one of our tanks plays the Bejewelled addon on the side and some of us are trying to peak the fashion of a male Kul Tiran shaman in a bikini called Darnell. We’ll get there, I know it.

:arrow_forward: Recruitment: Roles

We’re looking for the following roles:

We’re open to more healers and we’re non-specific at this time - we’re HC, not sweating.

We currently have warlock(s), rogues, and shaman - so if you’re a smelly melee or Another Ranged, then please kick us.

We have one main tank spot open.

During progress, we ask that you commit to one character and stick with it just for roster ease.

Want to apply?
Discord: thenameisform
Battlenet: formbyname#2652

Hesperus 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Wiznix
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hesperus (EU Runetotem) is a small international guild with a true family feel. Most of us are no longer in our 20s and have jobs, a partner or something similar, and kids. We all love to log on after a long day of real life and get into raiding / M+ keys while being in a mature, friendly and social environment. Our focus is progressing towards AotC on a steady pace, while not making the raids a stressful experience. Our discord server is filled with good jokes and laughs, but during raids we expect focus while in a boss fight. Our goal is to remain as small and family like as possible, while ensuring to have enough people for our raids every Thursday and monday (20:45–23:00 ST). Therefore we are looking to expand our team but not opening our house for everyone.

What we are looking for in new members:

  • You are a mature teamplayer, able to take feedback and communicate respectfully
  • Before a raid you read up / watch tactics and come prepared
  • You inform if you are able to raid via the events calender and log on in time
  • While being an alto-holic like so many of us are, you keep your main up during the tier
  • When a wipe happens, you do not turn into a keyboard smashing, screaming being…but instead get back to your body in-game and prepare for the next pull

What we have to offer for new members:

  • A mature, friendly and active small guild filled with people willing to help each other
  • Well-organised raids with raidleaders that don’t mind explaining something and remain calm whatever happens
  • A wide variation of M+ runs of all levels most evenings
  • Good jokes and laughs on discord
  • Not naming anyone, but we do have one person playing this game with a mechanical hand

Even though we are looking for the players that fit in our team more then specific classes, we do have a wish list:

  • Any DPS with offspec tank / heal is very welcome
  • Shaman (all specs)
  • Monk (WW)
  • Warlock (all specs as long as you are willing to bring us portals)
  • Evokers

Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re class is not listed but you do believe you will fit in this wonderful guild.

Not interested in raiding, but feel like Hesperus could be your new home to enjoy the next expansion(s)? Feel free to contact us for a short chat.

Join us on discord and contact one of the officers:

Looking forward meeting you!

Gordz - Turan#2958
Mose/Tryn - Tryn#2698
Wiznix - Wisnix#21673

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