Punished is looking for more DPSSep 19th, 2024 1:56 am
Guild Information
Recruiter: Maristomp
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Punished is a small guild based on Dentarg (connected to Tarren Mill) which is looking more members for TWW and beyond. We will remain a community in TWW along side being open as a cross realm guild who accepts all members regardless of faction and realm.

Our main aim is AotC and if the roster allows some mythic progression down the line, but being casual at nature the mythic bit might be harder to achieve, but maybe this season, who knows.

Nerub-ar Palace progression:
8/8 normal
4/8 heroic

We cannot offer much to you if you decide to join us, but maybe something what we offer is something which catches your interest.

  • We do not track attendance - raid when you are available, however for tanks and healers as often as possible is a high preference
  • We do not have any complex loot systems, your basic need > greed is more then enough with some common sense in between
  • We do not require you to join our guild to be eligible to join our raids, we have a community which allows you to sign up for our events, allowing you to remain with your friends on the realm you are or in a fully social guild with fun events

Our raiding times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, chill, fun and occasionally bit progression oriented on harder content. We do not sadly offer much fun activities though, since our main focus is m+ and raiding.

At the moment we are looking for
tanks: off-spec only
healers: druid, evoker (OS for DPS is a must)
ranged: priest (high need), mage (high need), druid, evoker. Any other ranged DPS is also considered
melee: DH, rougue, shaman

If you didn’t find your class listed poke us regardless, this above is just a wish list and we usually manage with the specs/classes we have somehow. We do believe in that play what you like and love gives the best results!

If you can play OS (even if it is a decent alt) even better, since we are flexible with raid when you can an at times we could lack a specific role or have way too much. Most of the present raiders can play some other spec if truly needed.

If you feel that Punished could be a new place to settle in then add me on discord (am highly elusive in game :wink: ): mari.s

*We also offer new people to join us for our raids to check us out to determine are we the group for you or not - no strings attached.

Naughty By Nature
Guild Information
Recruiter: Odryh
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hello everyone, I am looking for players who might be interested in running m+ with a good atmosphere and chilling environment.

The main goal is to run keys with a good mood, cool and friendly attitude and even form possible friendships, and progress together as well, with a possible good laugh occasionally.

I dont mind to run keys from 2 (as a way of say it) till 10 (i usually dont go past 10, as the loot won’t change after it and i see no point in going past it, also i dont want to push keys till the maximum possible anymore, as I’ve done before, and I personality don’t find it much amusing, just 7’s are fine, 10 if people want, no problem.

This is not a team, I am looking for friendly and NON-LEAVERS also nontoxic people, to play together with, and who knows, maybe even build a discord server for it if many apply and form a nice community, of course, if we find people, that we absolute synchronize with it, and wish to keep playing a lot, why not, right? Friendships are born when you least expect it :blush:

TL: DR = Toxic or elitist players, dont need to apply here, and won’t be tolerated, those can go and apply on the pushing keys groups, I seek a friendly run and stress free, and not just about the top DPS, yes … yes, making damage is cool, makes you look good, big ego, and bla bla bla, and then what? Dungeon done, bye bye, see you later? Or one wipe and leaving? Well, no thanks. Playing the mechanics right is what matters the most, rest is a bonus. Also remember, even the best of the best can literally mess it up sometimes and cause a wipe, timer will be lost most likely, and the key can be “failed” within time, but in the end of the day, it’s a game, and the key can be repeated, or another key as well.

(I play tank, but other tanks can apply too, as I said, if many people apply, we can build more groups and even a small community)

If you are interested in giving it a shot, please add me on discord

Discord: lordodryh

EU-Tarren Mill
Astral Echoes
Guild Information
Recruiter: Blossompally
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Guild Name: Astral Echoes
Server: Tarren Mill
Faction: Alliance and Horde


Welcome to Astral Echoes, a new and ambitious 18+ World of Warcraft guild established with the core objective of conquering mythic raiding content while fostering an enjoyable and supportive community environment. We are committed to building a strong foundation during Season 1, setting the stage for long-term success and camaraderie.


Our guild is proudly led by a team of four experienced mythic raiders, each bringing a wealth of knowledge, strategic insight, and passion for high-level gameplay. Their combined expertise ensures that our raids are not only efficient but also a learning experience for all members.


The primary goal of Astral Echoes is to progress through mythic content, pushing the boundaries of our abilities while maintaining a fun and engaging atmosphere. We believe in the importance of balancing serious progression with enjoyment, ensuring that every raid night is both productive and entertaining.

Raiding Schedule:

  • Thursday: 19:00-22:00
  • Friday: 19:00-22:00
  • Monday: 19:00-22:00

This schedule allows us to maximize our progression efforts while giving our members ample time for personal commitments.

Our Vision for Season 1:

Season 1 is dedicated to building the foundation of our guild and raid team. We aim to:

  • Develop a cohesive and skilled raid team.
  • Establish efficient communication and raid strategies.
  • Foster a supportive and friendly guild culture.


We are looking for a few more people to fill out our mythic roster.

Currently 7/8HC.

Fury/Arms warrior
Shadow Priest
Holy Priest
Evoker (Aug or Dev)

What We Offer:

  • A dedicated and experienced raid leader.
  • Structured and strategic raid nights.
  • A supportive and inclusive community.
  • Opportunities for mythic+ runs and other in-game activities.

Join Us:

If you are enthusiastic about mythic raiding, eager to progress, and want to be part of a guild that values both success and fun, Astral Echoes is the place for you.

Contact Information:

(highly preferred) - Discord: penelope_blossom
Bnet: Tiny#21188

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Last Updated: 9 Hours 53 Minutes ago