Punished is looking for more DPSSep 19th, 2024 1:56 am
Guild Information
Recruiter: Maristomp
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Punished is a small guild based on Dentarg (connected to Tarren Mill) which is looking more members for TWW and beyond. We will remain a community in TWW along side being open as a cross realm guild who accepts all members regardless of faction and realm.

Our main aim is AotC and if the roster allows some mythic progression down the line, but being casual at nature the mythic bit might be harder to achieve, but maybe this season, who knows.

Nerub-ar Palace progression:
8/8 normal
4/8 heroic

We cannot offer much to you if you decide to join us, but maybe something what we offer is something which catches your interest.

  • We do not track attendance - raid when you are available, however for tanks and healers as often as possible is a high preference
  • We do not have any complex loot systems, your basic need > greed is more then enough with some common sense in between
  • We do not require you to join our guild to be eligible to join our raids, we have a community which allows you to sign up for our events, allowing you to remain with your friends on the realm you are or in a fully social guild with fun events

Our raiding times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time.

We’re casual, chill, fun and occasionally bit progression oriented on harder content. We do not sadly offer much fun activities though, since our main focus is m+ and raiding.

At the moment we are looking for
tanks: off-spec only
healers: druid, evoker (OS for DPS is a must)
ranged: priest (high need), mage (high need), druid, evoker. Any other ranged DPS is also considered
melee: DH, rougue, shaman

If you didn’t find your class listed poke us regardless, this above is just a wish list and we usually manage with the specs/classes we have somehow. We do believe in that play what you like and love gives the best results!

If you can play OS (even if it is a decent alt) even better, since we are flexible with raid when you can an at times we could lack a specific role or have way too much. Most of the present raiders can play some other spec if truly needed.

If you feel that Punished could be a new place to settle in then add me on discord (am highly elusive in game :wink: ): mari.s

*We also offer new people to join us for our raids to check us out to determine are we the group for you or not - no strings attached.

Guild Information
Recruiter: Pandemic
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Animosity is one of those guilds that if you fit in, you will never leave. We are a cheery, cheeky bunch with a wicked sense of humour. We know when to laugh and when we need to focus on the task at hand. Our members are from all over the world with a wide range of ages however the guild is strictly 18+.

If you want to progress Heroic level raiding and venturing into Mythic in a fun and enjoyable guild, Animosity is the place for you.

Wednesday / Thursday / Sunday - 20:30 to 23:00 game time.

Looking for:

Holy Paladin
Resto Druid

Balance Druid

Contact one of the officers for a chat:


Arshkandi [Aien #2567]
Wervada [Wervada #2850]
Pandemic [Envisage #1387]



Gordian Knot
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jenquai
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Guild name: Gordian Knot
Faction: Horde
Realm: Draenor (EU)
Realm Type: Normal - PVE
Current progress: VotI 7/8M | Aberrus 8/9M | ATDH 7/9M
Raid days - Main runs: Wednesday, Sunday
Raid days - Secondary runs: Thursday
Raid times: 20.00-23.15 CET
Website: https://gordian-knot.eu
Comms: https://gordian-knot.eu/discord
(Full application details on website)

:information_source: RECRUITING FOR RAIDING :information_source:

High Demand:

  • Demon Hunter: Havoc

Medium Demand:

  • None

Also, in order to be able to join our main team straight away, you need to meet the requirements for our current progress, which are around 570+ item level equipped.

We are always open to discuss the possibility of a merge and have been able to incorporate successfully in the past smaller teams and guilds to our roster. Most of us are versatile people and would be willing to accommodate for some restructure in the team and specs, provided of course that you work with us in the same spirit of cooperation.

Any social and friendly person who wants to join us for kicks and giggles is welcome. Just poke any of our officers online and you will get an invite for a social spot (no raiding spot).

:information_source: ABOUT US :information_source:

Gordian Knot is a semi-hardcore raiding guild that consists of experienced raiders with some of them having raiding experience as far back as Vanilla.

We are a friendly group who enjoys World of Warcraft and loves raiding. We have fun and joke around but when bosses need to go down then all is serious! We wish for all our members to enjoy the game as much as we do and we expect raiders to maintain a 80% attendance per month. Our wish is for this guild to provide a place for our members to call home and enjoy all aspects of this game in a fun and relaxed environment.

We also enjoy a variety of other activities such as running a lot of Mythic+ dungeons doing alt-runs, achievement runs etc.
We generally aim to push Mythic+ to get +15 keys done for the weekly chests. We do this in spirit to help everyone in the guild getting their highest possible gear reward from their weekly cache (socials included).

There are a few things we hold in high value but above else we value friendliness and politeness towards guildies and other players and skillfulness when it comes to the more serious parts of the game.

:information_source: CURRENTLY :information_source:

We raid 2 nights a week, Wednesdays and Sundays, from 20:15 till 23:15 server time. Our raid invites always start 15 minutes prior to each raid.
Although we are a 20-man guild, we usually run an extra group in order to get more people to experience the joys of raiding, help new raiders learn the Knot’s way to down bosses and gearing up. Usually, these runs happen on Thursdays, and also we’re on RBGs killing alliance scums every Friday or Saturday or on other in game activities if not on RBGs!

Our current guild progress is VOTI 7/8M | ATSC 8/9M | ATDH 7/9M, and we’re focusing on getting further progress in Dragonflight. Our aim is to always progress as much as possible but also to have a relaxed and fun atmosphere at the same time!

If you’re interested in joining Gordian Knot, please fill in our application form, located at https://gordian-knot.eu/apply/ , or join our discord https://discord.gg/NyuK2QJY5k, alternatively please whisper one of our officers:

  • Narweena - Sephyra#2517
  • Tia - Tialha#2798
  • Messenii - Georgina#2806
  • Kholyo - KQ111#2177
  • Faelmist - Faelmist#2821
  • Snoot - Demonic#2375
  • Xgor - Igorr#2909

  • Narweena - narweena
  • Tia - tia_12
  • Messenii - messenii
  • Kholyo - .kholyo
  • Faelmist - faelmist
  • Snoot - snoot1840
  • Xgor - misterone

PS. We’re always open to group applications!
We are also open and welcome social applications.

The Whimsicals
Guild Information
Recruiter: Fedepanda
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

:european_castle: The Whimsicals Recruitment - Draenor [EU]

  • Progression: 4/8 HC

:mag_right: Who We Are

The Whimsicals is a mature, HC/Mythic raiding guild looking for dedicated players to join our roster for The War Within and beyond. We offer a friendly environment with a perfect balance of casual banter and serious progression.

We’re a semi-HC guild with a strong core team for HC already, looking to add to our team and potentially step onto the mythic scene. :dragon:

The guild started back in WoD with a tight-nit group of IRL friends from Denmark who have been raiding together on and off since. We’re back for TWW looking to form a strong team with great personalities.

Through the years members have left and rejoined every expansion thus conserving the core group with added members from all around EU. :earth_africa:

We are a somewhat serious group of players but the core essence is to have fun and progress through systematic problem solving, without blaming people for potential mistakes.

Many members are now in their 30’s (golden age rip) with families or work which they have to prioritize :older_man:. It is therefore also a community that respects peoples time and other commitments.

We are looking for skilled players to join our roster, regardless of role/class. Minimum requirement is AOTC from the past 2 expansions.

:spiral_calendar: Raid Schedule

Days: Thursday & Sunday

  • Time: 20:00-23:00 Server Time

:mag: What We’re Looking For

  • Roles Needed:
    HEALERS: Druid, Priest, Monk, Shaman
  • Strong parsers with the ability to multitask
  • Reliable attendance and commitment to raid times
  • Positive attitude and willingness to learn and improve

:telephone_receiver: Contact Information

  • Battle.net: Sharpens#2670
  • Discord: _Sharpens

:rocket: Ready to Join?

If you’re looking for a guild that combines friendly banter with serious progression, The Whimsicals is the place for you! We’re currently building our Mythic roster for The War Within and beyond. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or submit your application today on Wowaudit,com and search for The Whimsicals on Draenor :fire:


Cheers! :beers:

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Last Updated: 1 Hour 42 Minutes ago