Tempest 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Frunz
Server Rank: #22
EU Rank: #815

Tempest is a 2-day raiding guild formed at the end of BFA with the goal of achieveing cutting edge every raid tier. We aim to maintain a fun and relaxed raiding environment where everyone can feel comfortable and have a good time whilst progressing efficiently and at a good pace.

Our raid nights are: Tuesday & Thursday - 20:00-23:00 (server time).

Our progress in DF: S1 8/8M, S2 9/9M, S3 8/9M.

The guild is Alliance on Ravencrest EU (but we welcome raiders from all factions and servers).

We offer:

  • A place in a team of 25 like-minded players. We do not recruit for the bench, everyone is treated equally.

  • A progress oriented atmosphere where we also want to have a good time.

  • A guild with a solid and stable core that has endured many ups and downs but has always stayed together.

  • A community of nice people from all over Europe with an active Discord.

We expect from you to:

  • Always be punctual.

  • Be able to maintain close to 100% attendance.

  • Stay up to date with your class and prepared for every boss encounter.

  • Be a team player that puts the guilds best interest ahead of your own.

  • Be nice and respectful with everyone.

We are looking for:

DPS and Healers

Applicants must have recent mythic experience, ideally CE, with logs to back it up.

More than raiding:

Above all else, we pride ourselves on being a friendly and inclusive community. We don’t allow discrimination of any kind and are focussed on finding like-minded individuals that embrace our values.

Mythic raiding is the emphasis of the guild, however we also welcome individuals who are more interested in the other areas of the game, along with people that are searching for a varied gaming community to call home. We play other games as a group like Final Fantasy 14, Valheim, Enshrouded, Left 4 Dead (or basically anything with zombies in :smile:), LoL, PoE, a bunch of survival/shooters and smaller funny group games like garctic phone etc etc etc!

Use this link to apply:

Or reach out on Discord if you have any questions:


Dirty Zuk and the Boyz 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Silverskips
Server Rank: #33
EU Rank: #851

We are just a bunch of gamers that love to spend time together doing various things in World of Warcraft. The main focus of our guild is mythic raiding, and we are currently preparing to reach our first CE as a guild, after a very close call in Amirdrassil, reaching Fyrakk Mythic, but didn’t have enough time to close the deal.
After getting so close, we are determined and enthusiastic to step our game up!

What we offer:

  • experienced leadership
  • well-organized 2-day raiding content (mythic, heroic)
  • strong core of mature individuals
  • inclusive environment and banter
  • zero tolerance to toxicity, racism or any other form of misbehaviour
  • active guild Discord


  • Hpala (high demand)
  • Disc/holy priest (high demand)
  • Any healer
  • Mage
  • DH
  • Any exceptional player

Raid times (server time)

  • Wednesday - 20:00-23:00
  • Monday - 20:00-23:00

What we expect:

  • mature attitude
  • be able to take critique
  • no toxicity (not even towards random players in-game)
  • follow instructions

Find our page on Guilds of WoW. (/dirty-zuk-and-the-boyz)
officers on discord

Overzealous 8/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Dragooney
Server Rank: #32
EU Rank: #954

We’re a guild run by players who wish to still achieve Cutting Edge (CE) but also give value to a more laid-back atmosphere. Our primary goal remains achieving CE status before the tier ends (ideally with time to farm as well), but we aim to do so within a friendly environment.

Our vision is to have a stable and resilient team for the long term. We’re committed to maintaining a roster of dedicated players who share our passion for raiding and having a great time in-game and outside of it.

All those who wish to join us and can commit 2 days a week for raids and have some fun, you are more than welcome. :slight_smile:

Current mythic progress:

  • S1: 7/8
  • S2: 9/9 CE
  • S3: 8/9
  • S4: 7/8 / 9/9 / 7/9


  • Days: Thur & Sun
  • Times: 19:45 to 23:00
  • Break around 21:30
  • Attendance: at least 90%

:star: Recruiting: :star:

  • Demon hunter

Even if your class is not listed, you can still get in contact with us

But if you think you would fit well with our community, feel free to reach out as well.

:point_right: Apply here: :point_left:
or add any of our officers for a chat.


  • Have your char raid ready (geared and enchanted)
  • Know the fights in current raids
  • Be prepared to provide logs of your character


We accept socials willing to join a raiding team at a later point, but wish to get to know the guild’s community beforehand.

For more guild info you can use the links below:

If you’re interested in joining our guild, you can whisper any of the following:

  • Dragooney: Bnet: Silverwing#2337
  • Jeniawarlord: Bnet: jenia#1681
  • Numzen: Bnet: Numsaa#2167
Azeroths Shadows 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Dreadnoughts
Server Rank: #85
EU Rank: #1119

Originally formed on Runetotem server 2012.
After our Italian friends got a server of their own it left Runetotem dead so we moved over to Draenor which became our new home.
Also open for social and casual players , we have a pretty active discord.

We are aiming to get CE around wr 900-1200 for season 1.


  • We are looking for people that want to raid. We raid 3 nights a week to get progress but also because we enjoy raiding.
  • You turn up for raids, if you have something irl you communicate this in advance.
  • You come prepared knowing fights and class/spec you play.
  • It’s ok to make mistakes but you learn from them and adapt.
  • We work with a bench and rotate players where needed.
  • We hand out loot RAIDER > TRIAL and DPS > HEALER > TANK.

Most importantly you have a nice personality, we do not tolerate elitism, drama or toxicity.

wednesday/thursday/sunday 20:00-23:00 server time
Invites go out at 19:45 and we have 2 short breaks every hour.

First 4 weeks we add an extra raid day on monday.


  • a steady raid environment with officers that have been raiding mythic for over 10 years
  • a 1 week trial where you will get a fair chance, in doubt we extend one week
  • an organized environment where tactics, assignments and roster is given before hand as much as possible
  • food and cauldrons for everyone
  • guild repairs for everyone

(GM & RL) battlenet Dreadnoughts#2650 / discord Pascal4402
(Officer) discord marko165160

Axiom 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Dazbolt
Server Rank: #30
EU Rank: #1137


Axiom (22/26M S4) is looking for 1 Healer, 1 Mdps & 1 Rdps for our Mythic Raid Team. We are raiding on Mon & Wed 19:30 - 22:30 server time. /w me if you have any questions.

We play on EU-Ravencrest and are finalising the roster to push Cutting Edge in Season 1 of TWW.

Can contact me on - Dayze#21208 or in game at Dazbolt. You can also reach out to any officer in the guild.

We’re a fun but mature semi-hardcore group of players, looking to kill bosses and have a laugh.

Hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

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