EU-Tarren Mill
Sleeping Knights 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Afoju
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

-Sleeping Knights- Newley formed by a solid core group of players. We are focused on a welcoming and friendly environment of like-minded people who play WoW while being on the forefront of raid progression. We are assembling now for Raids and Mythic+. Raid times will be Wed-Sun 19:30-22:00 ST. Any level of experience player is welcomed.

EU-Tarren Mill
Shall I Pull More 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Vinozz
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Hi all.

We are a group of boys and girls who are raiding HC. 9/9

We are very chilled. Obviously the most hardcore thing is bring pots and don’t be too drunk that you stand in fire! ( I can be guilty of this)

If you are new to raiding we will help guide you through. In all honesty I’m an officer and probably the joke of most raids :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyone from anywhere is welcome!

We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays. 8pm GMT (as most of us have children to choke out to sleep before raid).

We also help everyone with Mythic +. Alts are welcome. We just need a few more to help the core group then we are rock n roll :).

My Battlenet is vinow#2805

or message Stryka in game.

See you soon lovers.

EU-Twisting Nether
Raid Progress 0/9 N
Guild Information
Recruiter: Sepicfail
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Raid Progress (Horde- EU - TwistingNether) is now recruiting for our core raid team going into Season 4! We plan to be a semi-hardcore guild, and we are going into Season 4 looking to step it up a notch.

We are all former semi hardcore players in Mythic+. We are looking for high performing Players to join our raiding team, and ask that all applicants to have some mythic experience to share. We plan to raid Wednesdays and Sundays at 20:00pm - 23:00pm. When we aren’t raiding, we are doing LOTS of m+ keys.

If you’re someone who wants to push keys and work on raid content in a chill environment and who is willing to put in the time and work to learn and leave your ego at the door, this is the right place for you.

If interested in applying, whisper any officer or GM to chat! You can also reach us on with our BattleTags: (Sepicfail#2725)

Looking forward to hearing from you!!!

You can also reach us at Discord!
Discord: ( Sepic#0102 )

EU-Tarren Mill
Better Call Thrall 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Assertion
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

Better Call Thrall is a relaxed and casual, (18+) social raiding guild with an ethos of “Fun before progress”.
After achieving AotC in season’s 2 and 3, we are looking for more likeminded people to join us for raids and regular M+ runs.

Due to a lot of our members being older and having work and families, the guild is mostly active in the evenings. So don’t be alarmed if you see very few people online during the day.

Cross realm applicants are also welcome, with no need to transfer servers with the coming guild changes in TWW. All raids and most M+ runs are set up via discord, so you’ll never miss out!

Raid Days (GMT/BST):
Thursday & Monday: 20:30-23:30.
Sometimes we do end up raiding later than 23:30, we normally stop when people want to, latest is usually 00:30. (but you are free to drop out earlier if needed).

All classes, with a priority on healers.

For more information contact me on BNet:

How I Met Your Warchief 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jakeytotem
Server Rank: #
EU Rank: #

We are How I Met Your Warchief, a casual guild with a focus on creating a fun and inclusive community for our members. Currently we are looking to fill out our roster going into The War Within. We currently have a roster full of experienced and skilled players (many previously doing Mythic) who wanted a more relaxed and casual approach to raiding where we can hang out and enjoy killing some bosses. Our primary goal as a team is to clear the Heroic raid in a timely fashion as we have done in all past tiers going back to Legion. We have an active Discord community and many members who enjoy running M+, PvP and playing other games outside of raid nights.

Our Raid Nights are:

  • Wednesday 20:30 -11:30 Server Time
  • Sunday 20:30 -11:30 Server Time
  • No Loot council all gear will be rolled for (Need/Greed)

What we expect from our players:

  • To Be respectful of others and enjoy a lighthearted and friendly atmosphere.
  • Let us know when you are attending and when you are not using the discord signups
  • Be prepared for the raid with appropriate consumables for your spec
  • Know your class and spec and give your best

We are recruiting for:

  • Any DPS Classes (priority on ranged specs)
  • Tanks will also be considered.

Feel free to drop me a message on Discord: Jaketspud or Battlenet: Jaketpotato#2503

Thank you for reading our guild ad, we look forward to hearing from you!

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