US-Area 52
Glorious Purpose 5/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Madheffer
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Guild & Server:Glorious Purpose Area 52
Raid Times/Days: Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11PM EST
Current Progression: 5/9 H Amir
Recruitment Contacts: @Drak

Requirements: BIG on teamwork mentality; Prior raiding experience with logs pref | Knowledge of your primary class, consistent attendance to raid times, chill vibing w/ good communication/transparency. AOTC Exp, open to mythic progression
Needs: HIGH PRIORITY for Heals and DPS. Looking for 2 heals (Priest, Monk, ANY), 6 DPS (ANY). We are also accepting more DPS than listed for Heroic/Mythic team roster.

Its Just Pixels 7/9 M
Guild Information
Recruiter: Amyr
Server Rank: #62
US Rank: #709

Weds/Mon 7:30-10:30pm server time.

We are an all adult 2 day a week guild formed at the end of Shadowlands from various other guilds and a large core who have played together for many years.
The goal in IJP is to achieve Cutting Edge each tier whilst maintaining a fun and relaxed environment. There is plenty to do outside of raid, with regular key groups running and other games as well. There is no mandatory outside of raid events.
We like to banter and mess around, we don’t take ourselves too seriously but we do expect you to play your best during raid times.


  • We expect our raiders to put in effort to get gear outside of raid. No one needs to grind keys all day, every day but we do expect you to do at least some each week for vault.
  • Know your class and be prepared for new patches when things are changing.
  • Show up to raid 10 minutes early for invites.

All applications are taken on our Discord, but you can also add me for a chat

Priority on WW Monk, DPS Warrior & Ranged DPS. Any DPS considered.

Legalize Peacebloom 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Ariessa
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

We’re a guild whose core members have been AOTC every tier since legion. We consist of players of all types, but focus on mid-range endgame play. We sometimes dip our toes in a little mythic raiding, but our focus is AOTC and Mythic +(KSM/KSH). We have a strong Mythic+ community(Partnered with CasFri) So if that’s your thing we’ve got you covered.

We also do older achievement runs, and general banter is always welcomed. We only ask that you be respectful of the people around you. We’re a guild of older adults (mostly 30+) and enjoy a good laugh, but when it’s time to raid, it’s time to raid. If you want more info than below, you can check out our website/logs/rio, or contact me directly via discord for more info.

Raid Info

Our Raid team Lemme Smash raids two nights a week. (Friday and Saturday 8-1030PM EST Invites start 15min prior)
Current Needs: Looking for 3-4 more to round out the team for TWW, ideally 1 healer and 2-3 DPS. Biggest needs are Warlock, Rogue, DK, DH, Monk, and Aug. (Will take other classes as well, just what we’re short on)

We look for the following traits in inviting members to join our guild/raids:

Dependable. Please be on time and ready to go, preferably 10 minutes before the raid time. Raid consumables (Phials/Potions/Food) are provided by the guild, as are repairs.

Communication. Perhaps the most important aspect. Players will be expected to sign up for raids(Raidhelper via discord) and notify officers(Via disc attendance channel) if they cannot attend. Additionally, players are encouraged to ask questions in regards to mechanics, classes, and gear.

Respect. You will be expected to always treat your fellow members with class and respect. We all make mistakes and we all learn at different paces. Having a positive, helpful attitude is a requirement for joining us. Mean-spirited behavior will not be tolerated.

Desire to learn mechanics and a willingness to help others.

Active Engagement with the Guild. Running content, helping other members, being social with others, contributing to the guild resources, etc.

Adequate gear, performance, and a clear/focused attitude. (don’t juggle chainsaws while raiding!)

How To Reach Us:

If you want more info contact us on discord @arriesa or evileye#1710 on bnet.

US-Area 52
Guild Information
Recruiter: Irizzisa
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

Join Parasomnia - Area52

About Us:
Guild Name: Parasomnia
Focus: Raiding, Progression, Community
Raid Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
Time: 8:30 PM - 11:30 PM PST
Server: Area-52

What We Offer:
:shield: Focused Progression: We strive for excellence in raiding while maintaining a positive and inclusive environment.
:star2: Community: Join a close-knit group of like-minded players who share your passion for Raiding.
:chart_with_upwards_trend: Structured Raids: Experienced leadership ensures smooth, efficient, and fun raiding experiences.
:globe_with_meridians: Active Discord: Engage with guild members, get updates, and coordinate strategies.

What We’re Looking For:

  • Dev Evoker
  • Enhance Shaman
  • Balance/ Feral Druid
  • Paladin
  • Demon Hunter
  • Rogue
  • Death Knight


  • Mistweaver Monk
  • Pres Evoker


  • Closed

We are looking for strong and committed raiders looking to push in Season 4 and into The War Within. If you have any recent or relative logs feel free to reach out and lets chat!

How to Join:
If you have any questions feel free to message Irizz#1719 on Bnet. Otherwise, go ahead and post an app linked below:

Look forward to hearing from you soon!

Peons 9/9 H
Guild Information
Recruiter: Floweret
Server Rank: #
US Rank: #

About Peons:
Established since the days of Molten Core, Peons boasts a seasoned core of raiders dedicated to achieving Ahead of the Curve (AotC) and the meta achievements for each raid. We are commitmented to ensuring that each new expansion or season sees us swiftly clearing normal raids before diving into heroic content. Additionally, we prioritize dedicating 1-2 weeks to securing the meta achievement after AotC, fostering a positive and social raiding experience for all members.

At Peons, we hold our raiders to a high standard of class and spec proficiency. We expect members to arrive prepared with enchants, gems, potions, and other essentials, although raid food/flasks are typically provided. While familiarity with boss mechanics is recommended, it’s essential to us that you approach each fight with readiness and a willingness to learn. Furthermore, we encourage our raiders to actively engage in Mythic+ dungeons for enhanced rewards and contribute to our raiding progression.

Raid Times:
Our raids are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-10pm CST. Additionally, our Peons fosters regular Mythic+ groups throughout the week.

Recruitment Needs:
Currently, we are seeking talented individuals to bolster our ranks:

Shadow Priest
Windwalker Monk
DPS Warrior
Retribution Paladin
Aug Evoker
Interested? Reach out to us:

Discord: Flower5955 Taedas#1174

Join Peons today! We appreciate your interest!

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