No longer recruiting

Instructions Unclear are a bunch of quirky players huddled together in this mid-core guild. Many of us are ‘working adults’ (whatever that means) and we still make the time to commit to two raiding nights a week. Many of us raid more on alts (or both for the insane few.) Although we give each other crap from time to time, many of us have been playing together since classic (or before.) The newer players blend in with the rest of the group as we all make each other laugh (with whimsical dad-jokes and raunchy irreverent humor all mixed in.) We do our best to pull together to help each other, and we hope new members feel the same.
Who are you?
- You know your class and role, and enjoy both.
- You can hold your own with your role during raid, and aren’t afraid to learn new techniques to help push content.
- Serious enough to respect parses, but fun enough to laugh at the sweat lords.
- Someone mature enough to cope with sitting out occasionally. We handle the rotations with plenty of notice, and do them as fair as possible (with veteran raiders also taking their turn.)
- Our preference is commitment to at least 80% attendance. We understand life happens and everyone has to adult sometimes.
- 2 week period with the possibility of loot during trial.
- We will be observing if you vibe with us during the trail, and we suggest you do the same.
- If you decide to just hang with us, that’s cool too. We have a few social members.
- Tuesday and Thursday 6:30 - 9:30 PST (server)
- Pop up raids listed in discord and can pretty much happen when ever
Loot System (The IMPORTANT details, we know.)
- Addons: MRT
- Loot Council with some mandatory add-ons (RCLC)
- Items awarded not only with ThatsMyBiS lists each player maintains, but also public priority lists, need of the raid, and attendance.
- LC members are 3 officers, and 2 random raiders that rotate each month.
- We strive to be fair and for everyone to be involved.
- Prio lists are discussed a few weeks before new raid content.
Desired classes include:
Highest Priority: Pally Tank (Flex either Holy or Ret)
Medium Priority: Hunter
Low Priority:
Considerations: All exceptional players
Recruiter to contact directly with questions: Lilysella Join our discord and see if our crazy matches yours: discord.gg/UDTkuEgj

[A] | Pagle - PvE | Work In Progress | Christian Guild Recruiting
Work In Progress (WIP) is a family-friendly Christian-oriented guild on the Pagle server (Alliance).
The guild is profanity-free and all discussion is to be kept PG, so it’s a safe place to play with your whole family. You don’t need to be Christian or religious to join, we don’t preach. No one is expected to be perfect.
We are currently raiding Ulduar 25m 2 nights per week. We accept any and all that want to raid with us. Most raids start at 7:30pm server and we have a hard stop at 10:30pm server (EST). We have some members interested in PVP. Whatever your interests, come try us out! Looking forward to seeing you in-game!

All three of Daybreak’s teams are 50/50 5/5 heroic ToGC.
Daybreak is an East Coast, Alliance raiding guild on Benediction PVP server. We are a collection of players committed to taking on the challenge of Classic WoW PvE progression. We are casual in the time commitment of number of days we raid, but we expect Members to maintain a focus and preparedness to effectively and efficiently complete PvE content.
Daybreak was created initially for daytime alliance raiding. As our community has grown over the past two iterations of Classic, we now have both structured daytime and evening raid teams.
Daybreak enjoyed a strong Classic Vanilla experience, running two 40-man teams from Molten Core to Naxxramas, and we completed all PvE content within Classic Vanilla. In Burning Crusade we ran three 25-man teams from Gruul/Mag to Sunwell, and we completed all pre-nerf content in TBC.
Wrath of the Lich King Classic Recruitment Needs
Wed/Thur 10a-1p team needs:
-Paladin (any spec)
-Shaman (any spec)
-Druid (feral)
-Exceptional applicants
Tue/Thur 8p-11:30p team needs:
-Caster DPS with healing OS
-Exceptional applicants
Sat/Sun 10a-2p team needs:
-Unholy Death Knight
-Exceptional applicants
Values for a positive guild & community: we are a guild and community that seeks to…
• build one another up, not tear down
• help and serve one another, not play for your own isolated gain
• grow as a team to progress through content, not act as a collection of individuals
• act in a mature manner, but humor is encouraged
Visit our discord to read our Guild Charter outlining our Organizational Structure and Loot System. Our application is listed on the Discord as well.
Discord → discord.gg/w49P7mSDxs
Thank you,
Daybreak Officer Team

< Coffee and Karazhan > [H] Mankrik
Morning Raiding Guild
2/12 H ICC 25m | 7/12 H ICC 10m | 25M Wed & Thur 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST | 10M Mon & Fri 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Currently recruiting:
Feral DPS
Don’t be discouraged if we’re not looking for your class. Please inquire about our Wrath raid team(s) and we might still have room!
About C&K:
- C & K has been around for well over 2 years now. We created the guild because of the need for it. A lot of us are Second/Third shift workers, or mornings are just better for us. We love the game but can’t run like the normal 9-5 crowd. Plus, name a better combo than Coffee and Raiding!
Raiding Times:
- 25M Wednesday & Thursday 8:30AM - 11:30AM
- 10M Monday & Friday 8:30AM - 11:30AM
75% or better attendance
Proper consumables and enchants are expected for every boss fight
Raiders should research fights, know their roles, and review their logs individually to improve
Be willing to take constructive criticism
What You Can Expect From Us:
An Officer core that works hard to provide a stable raid team, with a positive atmosphere and fun oriented raid environment.
A maybe not perfect raid team, but one that doesn’t point fingers and works together to accomplish our goals and is always improving!
Loot System:
Bahgz #2682 on Discord or Bahgz #1711 on BNET
Hadriande #0461