Lowlifes 9/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Jimmie
ICC: 9/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1716  [US]

Looking for a WotLK Alliance Semi-HC guild?

We’re 50/50. Full Heroic Content. Loot Council.

In NEED of Enhance, Survival, Mage, Boomy, and will consider any class/spec if you’re a good player.

What’s our expectations? We want team oriented players that understand the importance of progressing as a raid. We have removed bad attitudes and selfish players from our raid. With only 4 weeks left until ICC, our focus is to fill our last 4-6 open slots with committed players. Our commitment to you is to help you catch up to our 5600gs average raid team.

Respond to my thread and i’ll send you my discord. we can chat with the GL and bring you on board.

have a great weekend <3


Grave Diggers 9/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Drillbit
ICC: 9/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1578  [US]

Grave Diggers is Recruiting!
Grobbulus’ premier morning raiding guild since day one!
50/50 25M TOGC

About us:
We are an early morning raid team comprised mostly of graveyard shift workers, and people from around the world. Our goal is to provide a home for people who need that niche raid schedule and enjoy all content.

Loot list using Thatsmybis Loot distribution is based strictly off performance/attendance and handed out evenly by the raid team as a group.

Weekday Team - Wednesday/Thursday 7AM-11AM
Weekend PuG runs - Saturday/Sunday 7AM-11AM
We also run random pug raids during the week, same start time. Be sure to join our discord if youre interested in other Weekday run times

Recruitment needs:
The Weekday Team is adding a couple of strong driven players for heroic mode progression. We also run exclusive pugs throughout the week and looking for consistent faces for them. Classes listed below.

Being able to make our early raid times is valuable to us, dont hesitate to reach out of your class isnt listed below.

Weekday Team
:paladin~1: Holy Paladin (High Prio)
:deathknight: Unholy/Frost DK (High prio)
:warlock: Warlock (High prio)
:druid: Resto/Boomkin

•Relief players who are looking for 1 day raiding or general filling/casual play

Weekend Team (Soft reserve PuG run)

If youre interested in our Alt friendly soft reserve pug runs on Saturday morning join our discord and sign up weekly.

Discord link code → PNrZgsv
Or message directly on discord Username Drillbit.

<this is fine> Ally BenedictionAug 13th, 2023 5:26 pm
this is fine 9/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Zuggrnaut
ICC: 9/12
Guild Speed Rank: #107  [US]

50/50 top 20 speed clear on the server
Raid times are tues and thursday 10st to 1st.
We are recruiting warlocks, unholy dk, and prot paladin at this time.

Betrayed 8/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Glavus
ICC: 8/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1015  [US]

APEX [Alliance]

APEX is a midcore Alliance guild looking for friendly and competent players for WoW Classic: Season of Discovery (SOD)! Our leadership has experience across WoW expansions in speed clearing, top 100 world competitive progression, hardcore and more! We’re looking for a bit more relaxed experience in SOD. Our goals will be twofold: (1) to raid and clear content efficiently and (2) to promote and maintain a healthy and friendly community.

Guild Info:
Server: PvE TBD
Style: Midcore
Raid Time: Multiple every lockout, raids start 9-10 EST
Loot System: MS > OS for P1, likely LC when gear scarcity increases

• Know the fights, bring consumes, have properly upgraded gear
• Be on time (barring emergencies of course, just communicate if something happens so we can fill)
• One PvE focused profession
• Be open to feedback
• Maintain positive attitude, maturity and have fun (it’s a game)!

• Raiders who align with these expectations

Discord: tKxBh5Tv4u

Bad Beef 8/12 (ICC)
Guild Information
Recruiter: Aq
ICC: 8/12
Guild Speed Rank: #1049  [US]

Imagine recruiting for SoD oceanic PvP server. Looking at forming 2x10 man raids with random pop up alt raids over the week.

Primarily looking for : Hpals, druids, healer priest and range dps. Raid spots are not fixated so we are open to all classes and specs. There’s also potential we will host a 3rd 10man. We are also welcoming socials, and anyone who wants to raid but can’t follow a schedule.

Faction : Alliance
Raid nights : Thursday / Sunday 7-10pm AEDT
Loot system : Group loot sub 60 MS>OS, will then move onto a different loot system.
Style : Relaxed but get stuff done.

About us : We were a guild (Imagine) formed during SoM, our tenure was quite short but successful before the downfall of swamp and blizzard opening the servers to Jom. A lot of us stuck around in hopes we would be able to play together again during another season. Most notable but meme worthy achievements were 1st OCE / 4th US speed MC clear on som, and all server firsts prior xfers opening/guild disbanding due to roster boss. With the new 10man raid format this has made us all particularly excited as managing 40 to turn up to raid nights on a dead server is a nightmare.

Any questions ; don’t hesitate to send me a message on discord or battle net.

Loe#12929 - bnet
Discord : salistia

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